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Those are pilled up and used as defense walls. Problem was thst raktra broke through.^^ but i mentioned it to the artist. But it could be very difficult to implement it
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Yeah but although everything goes mad they need to hold the eternity gate at all costs. And the pic shows just a glimpse. We don't know what happens before or after.
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So, aside from some stories for the Lightning Bearers, do we have anything else that needs writing for Alpha? I was going to crack on with the Dragon's Flight, but then I realised that arguably our most important Legion have been largely absent from the fluff.
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Ok. Just saw as part of some information on Inferno from the Warhammer Fest weekend that the numbers for Thousand Sons/Space Wolves had been mentioned. Supposedly at the fall of Prospero there were around 50k Thousand Sons and 80k Space Wolves.


Now I know that personally I was expecting that number to be smaller, hence my own legion's size. But just thought I'd ask if anyone is considering revising their numbers in the wake of this info? Or if you guys think I should increase the numbers for the Grave Stalkers? (I probably won't go to 50k, but 15-20 would probably be ok, and still the smallest by a significant margin.)

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I've already revamped the Lion's numbers from 130k to 180k(some estimates putting them at 230k although that"s unlikely) to take account for the fact that they're gonna need to sustain heavy losses in the Blood Crusade and fight at Terra and also garrisson the Dominion.


I'd have no problem with you boosting GS numbers

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Heres the thing. The 50k Estimate is just that, an Estimate since the Raven Guard were factually the smallest Legion at 81k Post Gate 42. So make of that what you will.


So yeah, a number boost might be in order.

Edited by Slipstreams
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If your Legion already has ~120k+ Marines, you dont really need to add.


If you've got, say, under 50k, you can boost to ~80k with no issues, imo.

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So, how much should we add?


I've said a straight 20%-30% increase is fair before. Honestly, the more 'empire-building' legions should probably be a bit bigger than that given how they have more recruiting worlds, but that should be a good base to work off. 

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