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Just as soon as I have a grown-up job (in a year or two), I'm commissioning a few little pieces. I'd love to see Honour Brothers (Nibaasiniiwi and Odyssalas carving the half-aquila marks in a conquered Laer city) painted. Edited by bluntblade
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With Koschei's situation straightened out, there's a specific detail I wanted to deal with that affects the whole universe. Genes, specifically Pariah and Psyker genes. To me, it smells of the midi-chlorian debacle and should be tossed ASAP.


As I mentioned before, it's my intent that Jade never cracks the Pariah mystery because it's not attached to biology but to the spirit. More importantly, the human species is destined to become a fully fledged Psyker species like the Eldar and the Ork. Pariahs represent regression of that process. It's why, despite the intervention of the Emperor, they are destined to shrink in numbers as humanity reaches the End Times, paving the way for the situation to deteriorate as Chaos sees more and more opportunities to corrupt and whittle away at humanity's defenses as the species reaches its most vulnerable point.


Giving Jade the ability to create Pariahs through gene-therapy ruins that theme.

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Well the reason the orks amd eldar are warp sentient is necause they were created that way from the old ones. Altering the whole gene thing which was there since edition 1 and which was not a midi clorian excuse would mean change the whole background. So pariah and psykers are some kind of magic. That you can explain the whole thing on a scientific base is in my opinion a strong point of the backgroumd.


The difference between midi chlorians and the genetic evolution in 40k is that lucas came up with the midiclorians to explain a mystic force which he felt had to be explained. In 40 k the genetic evolution and crsfting was a integral part from the beginning. Humans became osykers cause they mutated and vice versa. There was no reason to come up with a "explanation" for a mystic force cause they already had one. Fun thing is, black liberary did a little bit the opposite. When they implenented the bargain of the emperor with the dark gods and their powers involved in the primarch creation process, they mystified their former scientific/ technological approach.


If you fear that jade s ability to "heal" pariahness would destroy the theme you have in mind, then simply don't let him. His Ultimate goal is to heal or create pariajs but he always fails. Why? Leave it in mystery.


And din't forget the rune priests. They say that their powers comes from fenrisian gods. So if you wamt to dive into shamanism and have the spirit as answer, so why not? But maybe others have a more scientific appriach. Which is in the end true leave it to mystery.


The thing is heavily affecting the wardens as well. Cuz they even differ betweem active and inactive genes. And it needs lots of pain to activate an inactive gene. But it gives you more power than the easy way.


Changing the whole setting would mean changing the whole backstory of a legion for really no advantage.


I would follow what thorn said. Leave it unclear. Give more ways ti.solve the riddle but no definite answer.

Edited by MikhalLeNoir
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Yeah, we aren't the ones instituting psykers coming from evolution and pariahs from genes. That's been in the fluff for a very long time.


However, I also agree with Simison in that neither Jade nor anyone else (including simili-Bile) should crack the answer to these genes.

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Considering it took the space-bending science of the Necrons to create and place the Pariah Gene in humanity in the first place, and even then they could only get it to manifest at it's current abysmal rate, it shouldn't be surprising Jade never manages to unlock it's secrets.

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Considering it took the space-bending science of the Necrons to create and place the Pariah Gene in humanity in the first place, and even then they could only get it to manifest at it's current abysmal rate, it shouldn't be surprising Jade never manages to unlock it's secrets.


I accept this argument and retract my proposition.

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So, before I go to bed, I had a silly question.


Does anyone have a theme song or a song that they attribute to their Primarch? 


When I first started writing the Halcyon Wardens and Alex as a Lost Legion, I listened to Centuries by Fallout Boy. It was supposed to be kind of ironic given they become lost (though, spoiler alert, Alex and Wardens survive in secret to 40k), but here it's more fitting given his Warmaster status. 



For Jade, it would either be something fitting of a Chinese epic or a Dynasty Warriors theme song. 


Edited by simison
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I've carried over my essay-writing strategy of writing to music that's largely instrumental or features vocals that are impossible to decipher. So this might get a little pretentious.


I was thinking this for the Scions:


I've used the Fury Road OST heavily in my Shepherds writing so far, but I've also used this a fair bit:


And if Lotara survives the Insurrection, her bowing-out speech will tweak the "I don't want to face the void" line.


And this pretty much inspired me to suggest Legio Gojira:



There's also a song called :cussstorm by Strapping Young Lad that, if you overlook a line about not wanting to fight, might be the song in Raktra Akarro's head.

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I have three. For the Iron Bears as a whole I always hear "When the Levee breaks" Bonham's kick on that always sounded like huge artillery pieces the second for the legion would be "A Wolf Amongst Ravens" by After the Burial


But for Daer'dd's song it'd have to be "Mars, Bringer of War" by Holst

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I'm surprised one of you Heroic Legions hasn't thought of this one:

Edited by Slipstreams
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Well, I could post a couple of songs.


But most of the time while working on my Knight Households, I'm listening to either


Celldweller - End of an Empire (album)


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BTgZbTMBRpE&list=PLmJWByHj5HWvP7a-MyW_w57kS5fa3zUw  (for general writing)




Warlords of Draenor Soundtrack - A Siege of Worlds  for House Valcorian


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ab4B0_xw4o&list=PLqCHJ3vtnzhasaYGCy912uOyCG1Kex4a3 (for imagine them fighting against Orks, Chaos or my DIY faction, the Gorians (remember the ogre theme I once had in mind? :wink:))


Mists of Pandaria Soundtrack - Monk Mistwalker for House Toho


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q9VVCdDq03w (though Toho is samurai / Japanese and MoP Chinese themed, the Asian flair fits nevertheless)

Edited by Kelborn
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For me, I listen to lot's of different ones.

Halcyon Wardens(Pyrrhicles&co. in my case)

Amon Amarth: Free Will Sacrifice-

Man o war: Die with honor-


Iron Bears

Judas Priest: One shot at glory-


Grave Stalkers

Deathstars: Death is wasted on the dead-

Lordi: Blood Red Sandman-


Crimson Lions

Amon Amarth: The Hero- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SM9QhvbTOMU&feature=youtube_gdata_player

Amon Amarth: Valhall Awaits me- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EkXCcMh5f0&feature=youtube_gdata_player



Amon Amarth: Any


Anything in the void

Amon Amarth: Embrace of the Endless Ocean-

Amon Amarth: Under the north star-

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Void Eagles in general :

Alestorm: 1741



The Morning Stars and the Sons of Nothingness:

(Mashyan being based on the commander of the fleet this song is about)

Note for later: Gate 42-style battle needed for the Morningstars.


For the Warbringers, I almost exclusively listen to Pavel Plamenev's Cannon Fodder, mostly because of the video, which exemplifies the Legion's ways of waging war (note: I need bardiches as a legion-specific weapon).


Edited by Skalpynock
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Huh, it's never done that for me before...


Okay, anyway, I figure this one fits the Crimson Lions well, or at least their Blood Wolf predessesors:


This one just screams Berzerkers of Uran, the name alone is soooo Raktra:



I feel this one fits Gwalchavad and the Wardens:


Hectarion VS Raktra?:


The Siege of Terra:


The Final Battle between Icarion, Alexandros & the Emperor?:


And you all know this was coming, Legio Gojira:

Edited by SanguiniusReborn
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If anyone writes BB-8 being put down as Abominable Intelligence, we can't be friends.


Did we resolve the armour marks question in the end? I'm thinking Mk IV and Terminator could just be more widespread with more variants among Legions, and maybe MKs V (not a stopgap in this 'verse) and VI existing in small numbers.

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