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If anyone writes BB-8 being put down as Abominable Intelligence, we can't be friends.

Did we resolve the armour marks question in the end? I'm thinking Mk IV and Terminator could just be more widespread with more variants among Legions, and maybe MKs V (not a stopgap in this 'verse) and VI existing in small numbers.


Mk vi is called the jackal variant and the halycons, jackals and harbingers use them in great numbers.



Huh, it's never done that for me before...


Okay, anyway, I figure this one fits the Crimson Lions well, or at least their Blood Wolf predessesors:


This one just screams Berzerkers of Uran, the name alone is soooo Raktra:



I feel this one fits Gwalchavad and the Wardens:


Hectarion VS Raktra?:


The Siege of Terra:


The Final Battle between Icarion, Alexandros & the Emperor?:


And you all know this was coming, Legio Gojira:


Cool song for the wardens ^^

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My 'serker music is often:

Although the original track that I took the name for their Legion rules from iiiis:


Also I am so glad that I now have a :cuss ton of new music to check out from here :v

Edited by Raktra
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Alright, putting this one out there for thoughts/comments/general use.


Am creating a narrative character who has a missile launcher on his TDA alongside his TL Caliver and wanted to give him a bit more than just Frag and Krak Missiles.


Thought about a Stun/Concussion Missile:

  • Range: 48" S:X Ap:5 Heavy 2, Small Blast, Concussive Impact*, Blind.
  • *The unit hit by a weapon with this special rule must take a Leadership Test at -2 or be affected by the Concussive Special Rule regardless of whether or not they suffered an unsaved wound. Additionally, weapons with this special rule always wounds on a 5+ unless its profile grants a better roll.

So there you go. More or Less a Stun Missile for use with your Legions either as a specialist missile option or whatever you'd want to make of it. Mostly made it as a threat for MC's or scary/tough combat beasts.

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Alright, putting this one out there for thoughts/comments/general use.


Am creating a narrative character who has a missile launcher on his TDA alongside his TL Caliver and wanted to give him a bit more than just Frag and Krak Missiles.


Thought about a Stun/Concussion Missile:

  • Range: 48" S:X Ap:5 Heavy 2, Small Blast, Concussive Impact*, Blind.
  • *The unit hit by a weapon with this special rule must take a Leadership Test at -2 or be affected by the Concussive Special Rule regardless of whether or not they suffered an unsaved wound. Additionally, weapons with this special rule always wounds on a 5+ unless its profile grants a better roll.

So there you go. More or Less a Stun Missile for use with your Legions either as a specialist missile option or whatever you'd want to make of it. Mostly made it as a threat for MC's or scary/tough combat beasts.

Hum, could be an interesting chap :)

I'd change the wording from "the unit" to "any unit", since it's a blast weapon.

I'd separate off the Poison (5+) rule, everyone knows what it does, so it'll lighten the written rules.

I'd also add some precision in the case of vehicles. I think walkers are explicit enough as written, but should it cause anything against normal vehicles ?

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@Raktra: because its the first thing that came to mind hahah!


@Thorn: could do with removing the wounding aspect since it can still take effect regardless. Maybe have it cause a crew shaken/stunned vs vehicles on a 4+

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We already have massive bruisers like Riktus Innorvak and Cruach Karakal. The Scions seem to warrant a more thoughtful giant


Okay, I'm totally ripping this from a fluff segment in someone's Imperial Fists thread on this site from way back when (if anyone knows what I'm on about please let me know), but how about making him a Terran Scion dubbed "Gibraltar" by his comrades, in reference to the eponymous Rock thereof for his size and unyielding nature in combat?

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I got that issue as well. My life consists of work and family. Only got some time to write, when everyone else has gone to bed.

I've learned to focus my fantasy and inspiration and conserve it until I got some time. That helps. :)

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I got that issue as well. My life consists of work and family. Only got some time to write, when everyone else has gone to bed.

I've learned to focus my fantasy and inspiration and conserve it until I got some time. That helps. :smile.:


I'm trying to do the opposite. Whenever I have a moment to breath, I try to relax by writing on one of four creative projects (this, a sci-fi novel, a myth short story, and a RPG campaign). It's relaxing but frustrating when I can't delve more than a minute into it. 

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Has anyone got the timeline for the Insurrection itself? If I remember correctly, it's at the halfway point that Icarion launches major offensives for the first time. Redd's got an idea for a pretty devastating battle during that time involving at least the Bears and Harbingers.


I know we have about a decade of real madness after that phase stalls, when Alexandros and co form a coalition that pushes the Insurrectionists back, and Kozja begins distancing himself.

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I know what you mean, Simi.

Currently I got 4 projects as well. Therefore I can write whatever I want, when I want. ^^

Actual projects (in order of currently spend time on it):


- House Valcorian

- The Twilight Crusade (my first attempt to write a whole campaign [something like a Warzone: ... but only fluff] including a hell lot of forces [Astartes, Knights, Grey Knights, etc. vs. CSM, Chaos cult and a DIY race of chaos ogres plus their own, twisted and enslaved ork tribe])

- House Toho

- Storm Riders

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Has anyone got the timeline for the Insurrection itself? If I remember correctly, it's at the halfway point that Icarion launches major offensives for the first time. Redd's got an idea for a pretty devastating battle during that time involving at least the Bears and Harbingers.


I know we have about a decade of real madness after that phase stalls, when Alexandros and co form a coalition that pushes the Insurrectionists back, and Kozja begins distancing himself.


I wrote a really vague one awhile back and included Year markers in it. It was the initial draft where I suggested the sieges be a year long, but we voted to have it only a month long. I think it's in the Book 1 thread. 

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Loyalist strategium, page 12, post #4 (can't quote from mobile).


Which raises the following question: who is where during the Siege? Of course the Stormlord and the Warmaster end up battling in the Webway. We know Gwalchavad and Hectarion stand before the Eternity Gate to protect it from Raktra and Travier. Pionus and Morro are getting a re-match (in the Marianas trench, I believe?).


The General and Darzalas are on Madrigal, laying waste to the webway installations (accompanied by Turrus and his horrors). The Jackel is likely still on the fringe of the Galaxy, living the renegade life.


But what of Niklaas, Coch'ise, and Koschei, who are on Terra? And what of Azus and Yucahu, whose presence during the siege was never mentioned? I'm inclined to have the latter arrive 'late', Russ-style, and get heavily criticized by Hammer-Santa for it. Don't know about Azus though.

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I don't think Azus' story after being captured has really been worked out yet.  In terms of the Godslayers, some of the legion would be murdering their way across Terra to reinforce the traitors with civilians.  Koschei by this point is utterly broken, and so would probably be making a beeline for the palace and the other Primarchs.  The rest of the legion would be bogging down the fortifications.  I would imagine Niklaas would be doing a Dorn and leading the defense of the palace?

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