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I'd sort of expect him to be leading the tactical spects of it with until the fighting becomes desperate then wades out into the sea of smiting all before him.


We start a discussion of what we need where and would best be suited for what. And then we could hammer down the events of the seige.

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And we have plenty of time as we are still on book 1 ^^ or at alpha stage of book 2. But to play the game: I think he has the overall command but Niklaas is laeding the defense. Only in critical situation i think he would overvow Niklaas. And for the actual fighting he is of course in the middle of the action but retreats after intelligence tells him of Icarion approaching through the web. (although I can't phantom how they will know, maybe kozja sends an email describing Icarions defeat in Madrigal and his flight into the webway, so that Alex anticipates Icarions next move, or he sees it in the future and waits for him)
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Alex has foresight. And if we run with my suggestion that Icarion uses Chaos to get him through the Webway in its Warped state, that's sure as hell going to trip his psychic senses.


Having written Odyssalas' discovery of what daemon Morro's done to Pionus, I'm starting to think there's something in Raktra's remark about this 'verse having more scope for real horror. Poor Scions :(

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Bit as the tactician he is I guess he can anticipate the move. Otherwise Icarion already arrived and killed the emperor before Alex even realized that he is there if chaos clouds his foresight.


And real horror....yes...that sounds good. Like tentacle monsters from japanese manga culture^^

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Honestly, the moment Icarion makes his move, even if Alex is blinded by Chaos, the Emperor isn't. All it takes is one telepath telegram from the Emperor to summon Alex to defend the Throne room and have his destined last duel with Icarion.


As for the Siege of Terra, for most of the war, Alex has functioned as the leading strategist, only occasionally wading into close combat when necessary. Here, given that this is siege battle, I see him placing Niklaas in tactical command, who's truly the expert at this point, with Alex giving him advice through his foresight over the vox/telepathy, but mainly fighting on the frontline. I see this as his last great hurrah on the mortal plane, reminding everyone that he is the Warmaster and Shield-Lord with good reason as he now fighting at his most skilled way of war, on the defense and fighting for his home. Perhaps he's able to hold the the Ultimate Gate in the Outer Palace, keeping and slaying Traitors there, until he has to withdraw to the Throne room, at which point, the Traitors finally breach the Inner Palace, leading to the climactic duel at the Eternity Gate between brothers. Maybe he defeats/banishes both Koschei and/or Coch'ise, which is why they aren't mentioned later, after Travier orders them to attack Alex, who's commanding the Siege on the Traitor's side, who had hoped to overwhelm the Warmaster with two Primarchs. 


Since the Siege of Terra happens after Icarion's desperate blitzkrieg, I see the Void Eagles and the Dune Serpents, which both are legions which excel at maneuvers and flanking attacks, suddenly cut off from the Throne World. So, while the Siege is happening, Yucahu and Azus are desperately trying to breach it from the outside. They fail, but get a redeeming moment when they are in the perfect spot to slaughter Traitors, who are running back to the Eye and Maelstrom, after Icarion falls. 

Edited by simison
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Maybe it is just me but one Primarch (even when it is the warmaster we are talking about) dealing two primarchs and possibly beating them would be too much.


I mean how many 2v1 fights do we have in the canon verse? I can only remember of Lorgar + Angron vs Papa smurf

and while he was able to beat the crap out of Lorgar, hr could barely stand against Angron or both at the same time.


All other Primarch fights were like dueld with either both being equal (Mortarion vs Jaghatai or the first Lion vs Curze fights) or very uneven (Corax vs Lorgar or Vulkan vs Curze).


So I would revise this idea. Give Alex one of his brothers for an epic duel. :)


And I love the image of Pionus' and Morrows fight. We need a commission for that!! Already got the scene in my head. Them fighting while their lower body is under water (like a good old Godzilla fight :D) and someone is watching them or fighting on a balcony in a corner of the pic.

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Leafing through the PFD so far, and I had an idea for an alternative to using Heresy covers. I don't know how well it works, but I know programs like Photoshop have a "paint" filter. So, maybe some of our guys could set up a dramatic shot or two of some of their models, and then work on then with that filter.


I was thinking of this sort of thing for the photos. I reckon they'd be a nice way of subtly showing off the work people have put into their models:


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I've still not finished that Eagle tac-sarge, and even less the Warbringer cataphractii. I blame laziness for the first, and inability to paint white for the second (as well as non-possession of blue paint).
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I've still not finished that Eagle tac-sarge, and even less the Warbringer cataphractii. I blame laziness for the first, and inability to paint white for the second (as well as non-possession of blue paint).


Yeah....white is my most hated color too. Can't finish my vets cuz I can't paint their white skirts and cloaks...

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I've still not finished that Eagle tac-sarge, and even less the Warbringer cataphractii. I blame laziness for the first, and inability to paint white for the second (as well as non-possession of blue paint).

Yeah....white is my most hated color too. Can't finish my vets cuz I can't paint their white skirts and cloaks...

Maybe this video could be of help to you guys:


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And real horror....yes...that sounds good. Like tentacle monsters from japanese manga culture^^

I was thinking more "tentacle monster just dismembered my dad!" And then having to deal with what your brothers did in the name of saving him.


Thinking models, is Squig's competition not a thing any more? If I ever dive properly into the tabletop side of things, I'll probably end up trying to field either a Shepherds army (at least I'll be prepared for seeing gruesome deaths happen to them) or some Scions Successors.

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True. Autumn in New Zealand is remarkably sunny, so far.


About pics for the PDF, I might send a message to Lord Caldera, who's doing the Fall From Grace thread for the Lightning Bearers. With Athrawes' prior approval, of course.

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