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I recall the Khan being taller than Mortarion (but one of the leanest primarchs) and Magnus being taller than either.


I just wanted to work out how Niklaas would measure up to the rest. Seems right for him to be a big chap

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Plus unlike all the other, I didn't base him on any preexisting primarch (Kozja being Lorgar, Yucahu-Mortarion, and Koschei taking from both Vulkan and Roboute), whereas Azus' frame is much more slender.


Coming to think of it, we don't have images of Alex in his Warmaster loadout… gaah, why do we have this conversation on the day I'm not home?


AO was working on the Warmaster model, but nope. No images of Warmaster Alex. I still have a $100 saved up. One of the options I'm considering is buying a picture Alex in his Warmaster gear, in the same vein as Raktra's image, and the Icarion featured on the 'cover' of Book 1, since Alex will be featured in Book 2.

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Then you should wait until disarmonia is going on vacation. Before she does she usually gives a chance to save some money Edited by MikhalLeNoir
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That's pretty close to how he ended up. Drak put up a couple of sketches in the Bears thread that are pretty spot on, only a couple little tweaks are needed. But mind you I've had one iteration or another of Daer'dd now for at least a decade.
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Actually thinking of Magnus made me think of something we might have to address; Primarchs are typically MASSIVE warp entities right(other than our four/three? Pariahs)? And we know Magnus' body can be completely destroyed and recreated from his body of light, even before Daemon Primarch shenanigans. So what's up with Ferrus, Sanguinus, Kurze, etcetera? And in our case Alexandros, Daer'dd & co.?


Because obviously with Horus and Icarion both get their souls utterly destroyed, so they're gone.


But everyone else is just a physical death; and that doesn't seem to be as much a barrier in the end for a Primarch or Old One type being. From what I know of Chaos on the ebb and flow of power; Tzeentch fears Magnus because of his potential to usurp him at least as the true God of Magic, and Russ is such an overwhelming Warp presence it causes pain to Ahriman whom is an Alpha+ level psyker.


So I'm not crazy in thinking that the door is still open for them? Like the logical thought to me is that maybe they're warring in the Warp defending the Astrnomicon, but they could come back maybe in the End Times.

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The reason Magnus had his whole Light Body deal was because, next to the Emperor, he was the most powerful psyker in the Imperium.


The rest really only had minor powers at best such as Curze and Sanguinius with their divination/foresight. Russ is a whole other thing that I'm not 100% on but he came off more as an Anti-Warp thing than an Overwhelming Warp Presence.

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I agree with Magnus obviously; he's second only to a God that all the other Gods seem to fear.


But; The Emperor uses raw Warp essence in the creation of the Primarchs, and we know souls count in the Warp most just becoming insignificant typically. But I use the Russ example because in A Thousand Sons Russ' howl is described like a psychic attack and when he's fighting Magnus it's like the two of them are both sort of innately warping reality as they attack each other or so Ahriman describes. And Primarchs do have that whole overwhelming Aura thing. It just itches my brain like something more is there.

Though Alexandros we do have to consider regardless, as he is a hugely powerful psyker.

Plus it with 40k leaning back towards progress in the End Times we might have an answer for a bit of it at least soon.

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I've never heard of this theory about reincarnating Primarchs. Only the retconned starchild conspiracy is something I'm familiar with.


And I honestly don't think that guys like Ferrus will have their comeback. Those MIA? Yes. Roboute and Ferrus? No.

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Ferrus might've actually, in some fashion, turned into a Daemon upon his death:


The Sapphire King

It was at the precise moment that Ferrus Manus' head was scythed from his shoulders by the Traitor Fulgrim that the Daemonic entity known as the Sapphire King came into being. Spawned from the psychic bow wave of Ferrus Manus' death, this Daemon was forged from the Primarch's frustrated pride, his boiling anger and sorrow, and from his shame. From the moment of its birth, the Sapphire King fed on the repressed emotions of the soul-scarred Iron Hands. It basked in their chained desperation, bound to their fate by the emotions they felt but would not express. The Daemon bedevilled them across the centuries, offering opportunities for damnation disguised as steps away from the weakness they so feared. It nudged the minds of Imperial officials and potential foes, forever seeking to goad the Iron Hands into spending away their humanity like coin. The Chapter bent their every effort to purging the weaknesses of the flesh, never realising that the more they demonised their wants and needs, the greater the hold the spectre of their repressed emotions gained upon them. Following the aftermath of the campaign fought against a massive Ork WAAAGH! dubbed the Weirdwaaagh!, upon the Forge World of Columnus in 249.M41, questions arose in the Iron Council regarding Iron Father Kristos' questionable conduct. In 260.M41, sufficient dissent continued to arise amongst the Iron Fathers in regards to Kristos' conduct. Only an entire Iron Council could resolve the wider issues raised. Though a fair and logical process, it was not a swift one; the years turned to decades as the Kristosian Conclave ground on over the next couple of centuries.

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I agree with Magnus obviously; he's second only to a God that all the other Gods seem to fear.


But; The Emperor uses raw Warp essence in the creation of the Primarchs, and we know souls count in the Warp most just becoming insignificant typically. But I use the Russ example because in A Thousand Sons Russ' howl is described like a psychic attack and when he's fighting Magnus it's like the two of them are both sort of innately warping reality as they attack each other or so Ahriman describes. And Primarchs do have that whole overwhelming Aura thing. It just itches my brain like something more is there.

Though Alexandros we do have to consider regardless, as he is a hugely powerful psyker.

Plus it with 40k leaning back towards progress in the End Times we might have an answer for a bit of it at least soon.

I always read that as some sort of Pariah attack, because only the Thousand Sons (and I believe just the sorcerors ?) seem to be  affected...


Though the irony of a latent psyker hating psykers is something that sounds too good for BL to skim over...

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As the Primarchs are all bits of the Emperor I just automatically went with Russ is a latent psyker like Sanguinus or Kurze. Especially with how many super powerful rune priests there have been from Longfang to Njal; I just sort of thought Russ was an overwhelming presence and he could amplify his raw will and rage to be a weapon. Then once again Ahriman says both Magnus and Russ were changing size during the fight, which we know The Emperor can do at least with perception; and Magnus both with perception and his split Bodies if light. Though also if we go REALLY old school The Emperor was born a human and that the Transhumans traits came from his will changing his flesh over the millennia.


That's part of how I wrote Daer'dd too, like he could have been an almost Magnus like Psyker, but as he was already the paragon of Strength, so he pooled his power into himself becoming an exaggeration of physical power, and he can pour his will into his craft which is partly why they're so exceptional.

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Ferrus might've actually, in some fashion, turned into a Daemon upon his death:


The Sapphire King

It was at the precise moment that Ferrus Manus' head was scythed from his shoulders by the Traitor Fulgrim that the Daemonic entity known as the Sapphire King came into being. Spawned from the psychic bow wave of Ferrus Manus' death, this Daemon was forged from the Primarch's frustrated pride, his boiling anger and sorrow, and from his shame. From the moment of its birth, the Sapphire King fed on the repressed emotions of the soul-scarred Iron Hands. It basked in their chained desperation, bound to their fate by the emotions they felt but would not express. The Daemon bedevilled them across the centuries, offering opportunities for damnation disguised as steps away from the weakness they so feared. It nudged the minds of Imperial officials and potential foes, forever seeking to goad the Iron Hands into spending away their humanity like coin. The Chapter bent their every effort to purging the weaknesses of the flesh, never realising that the more they demonised their wants and needs, the greater the hold the spectre of their repressed emotions gained upon them. Following the aftermath of the campaign fought against a massive Ork WAAAGH! dubbed the Weirdwaaagh!, upon the Forge World of Columnus in 249.M41, questions arose in the Iron Council regarding Iron Father Kristos' questionable conduct. In 260.M41, sufficient dissent continued to arise amongst the Iron Fathers in regards to Kristos' conduct. Only an entire Iron Council could resolve the wider issues raised. Though a fair and logical process, it was not a swift one; the years turned to decades as the Kristosian Conclave ground on over the next couple of centuries.

You ever bring up this abomination of writing again and I will... Use an angry emoji or something. I can't reach you to strike you.

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I'm just popping in to announce that my exams are over as of 19 minutes ago, and so I'll be actually contributing a little more hopefully.  Oh, and Skal, I love those two sketches.  Great work!


EDIT: Obsessive timekeeping...

Edited by Big Bad Squig
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Ferrus might've actually, in some fashion, turned into a Daemon upon his death:


The Sapphire King

It was at the precise moment that Ferrus Manus' head was scythed from his shoulders by the Traitor Fulgrim that the Daemonic entity known as the Sapphire King came into being. Spawned from the psychic bow wave of Ferrus Manus' death, this Daemon was forged from the Primarch's frustrated pride, his boiling anger and sorrow, and from his shame. From the moment of its birth, the Sapphire King fed on the repressed emotions of the soul-scarred Iron Hands. It basked in their chained desperation, bound to their fate by the emotions they felt but would not express. The Daemon bedevilled them across the centuries, offering opportunities for damnation disguised as steps away from the weakness they so feared. It nudged the minds of Imperial officials and potential foes, forever seeking to goad the Iron Hands into spending away their humanity like coin. The Chapter bent their every effort to purging the weaknesses of the flesh, never realising that the more they demonised their wants and needs, the greater the hold the spectre of their repressed emotions gained upon them. Following the aftermath of the campaign fought against a massive Ork WAAAGH! dubbed the Weirdwaaagh!, upon the Forge World of Columnus in 249.M41, questions arose in the Iron Council regarding Iron Father Kristos' questionable conduct. In 260.M41, sufficient dissent continued to arise amongst the Iron Fathers in regards to Kristos' conduct. Only an entire Iron Council could resolve the wider issues raised. Though a fair and logical process, it was not a swift one; the years turned to decades as the Kristosian Conclave ground on over the next couple of centuries.

You ever bring up this abomination of writing again and I will... Use an angry emoji or something. I can't reach you to strike you.



Yeah, I was under the impression that this was some badly written lore that unnecessarily retcon and took a dump on the Iron Hands.


I agree with Magnus obviously; he's second only to a God that all the other Gods seem to fear.


But; The Emperor uses raw Warp essence in the creation of the Primarchs, and we know souls count in the Warp most just becoming insignificant typically. But I use the Russ example because in A Thousand Sons Russ' howl is described like a psychic attack and when he's fighting Magnus it's like the two of them are both sort of innately warping reality as they attack each other or so Ahriman describes. And Primarchs do have that whole overwhelming Aura thing. It just itches my brain like something more is there.

Though Alexandros we do have to consider regardless, as he is a hugely powerful psyker.

Plus it with 40k leaning back towards progress in the End Times we might have an answer for a bit of it at least soon.


Unfortunately, as much as I would love any reason to justify Sanguinius coming back at the end times, unless you're an extremely powerful psyker, death is still permanent. Granted, GW might surprise us if they ever do the 40k End Times, but until then, assume this is the standard.


As to the Alex bit...





*slams down a 'No Comment' sign.

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Alex puts his psychic presence to use holding the Eye of Terror at its current size? *shrug*


...I have a different fate awaiting Alex. One that will become clear whenever we reach our End Times. Until then, I will keep working on the Insurrection and getting us to that point.

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