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Ahhh, didn't realise you replied to it directly. I was thinking prior to reunification with the Emperor.


So, Alex in action on Delos? An interesting challenge.

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My wife has given me a budget of $60, which knocked out most of the suggestions here, sadly. I've settled on the Praetor choice. Or Legates in this regard. There's $8 leftover, so before I made the purchase, I was wondering if there was any kind of equipment I could/should get. If I could get a pair of claws and a jump pack, that could be Irvin. I can't remember, Blunt, does Sauhan have a set-up already made? 

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He doesn't, as far as I know. There was a helmet that I thought looked cool, if you could replicate it.


Actually, probably too intricate, but a simplified version could still rock.


I ignored those swords before but damn, those are some tasty hilts. It'd differentiate the Marassan Wardens from the scimitar-wielding Serpents, and let them use straight blades, in keeping with phalanx tactics.


I've been wondering a little about duels at the moment. The Lions deserve a spectacular revenge on Riktus Innorvak for butchering one of their commanders during Cadia, and I'd like to see Khârn destroy a traitor. Plus there's an image in my head of Odyssalas doing the classic "in under the chin and out the top of the head" manoeuvre, and it won't budge.


Also, Nibaasiniiwi will serve up a good old skull squashing to whoever leads the Grave Stalker stowaways aboard the Dragon of Autumn

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On the subject or duels, I'm quite tempted to pit someone against Autek Mor. Given that he's known for killing his own brothers in duels over slights, I rather like the idea that he challenges an Iron Bear or Shepherd. Then Damon Redd or Khârn steps up...
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Autek Mor, the Forgefather who founded the Red Talons and personally told Ferrus Manus were to stick it? I didn't realise he was alive in this universe, which Legion is he in? Also does this mean one or more Legion have recruitment rights for Medusa?
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Autek Mor, the Forgefather who founded the Red Talons and personally told Ferrus Manus were to stick it? I didn't realise he was alive in this universe, which Legion is he in? Also does this mean one or more Legion have recruitment rights for Medusa?

He's a Terran, so he's available for a Legion to claim.


Medusa was found under the boot of the Iron Judges or some similar entity, but I can't remember who liberated the world.

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Autek Mor was Terran.


But otherwise, I'd like for us to possibly slow down on the amount of cannon characters we're slapping into the setting.


I can understand Khârn, Abaddon and a few others but we should also avoid slapping in people just for the sake of it.

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Oh he's Terran, right, my bad. Also, blunt, did you mean the Black Judges, those guys Perturabo crushed in his first Legion campaign next-door to the Olympia system? If so I'm not sure that it's possible they're at Medusa, according Lexicanum Olympia & Medusa are in completely different Segmentums...?
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Oh he's Terran, right, my bad. Also, blunt, did you mean the Black Judges, those guys Perturabo crushed in his first Legion campaign next-door to the Olympia system? If so I'm not sure that it's possible they're at Medusa, according Lexicanum Olympia & Medusa are in completely different Segmentums...?

Maybe it was Olympia. I just remember that someone wanted to use that scenario for their Legion.

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Yeah, the Black Judges are present in BotL as well, and it's definitely Olympia. Was it the Warbringers, the Iron Bears... I can't remember either :wacko.:


I agree with Slipstreams on this one: having as many Cameos as Stan Lee is only going to become comical at best.

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In that case, I'm happy to let Mor go. Though I do like the idea of Khârn getting in an honour duel, especially if it's with a Legion that dismisses the Shepherds as being soft.


Also, nice pun.


By the way, does anyone know Athrawes' naming conventions for the Lightning Bearers? Been using Japanese films and myths so far for Raiden's story, and they don't seem to quite match up with what he's used.

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Black Judges + Olympia were used by me for my very first version of House Atreis / Valcorian

As I have retconned the Houses story, they are free to be used by now. :smile.:

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Which thread is the stuff in? I need to go digging and see what I think of it.


Also, suffering a word block. Can someone give me a word or phrase for, say, the way Deadpool boogies when he's sitting on that bridge? For the record, boogying doesn't seem right in the context I'm using (a remembrancer watching a siege whilst sat on top of a Rhino).

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@Mikhal: Don't worry. I won't forget him. He will get another epic moment. :smile.: Maybe even in one of my current canon stuff. :tongue.:


@Blunt: It's in the Questoris Familia thread, I think second or third page. It was my first written Knight fluff. Can't miss it. :wink:


About hanging around while watching utter destruction? hm...he curled up on that rhino?

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Nah, it's a big siege where it's been decided that remembrancers shouldn't be within range of the enemy guns (which cropped up at least twice in Horus Rising and The First Heretic). So Ellan finds some binoculars (do they get a pseudo-Latin name here) and a nice vantage point atop a Rhino.
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The Novel Fulgrim also makes mention that remembrancers were sometimes not even allowed to set foot on a conquered planet and if they were, only once it was cleared of all possible threats and had them under Astartes Supervision, iirc.



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I remember that now, on Laeran. Ironically, in our version the Bears' initial bunch of remembrancers get a bit closer to the war for Laeran than they'd wanted.


Also, I've revisited the Judgement of Olympia. It should definitely stay, especially with the Wardens of Light involved. They haven't had many chances to shine so far.

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Nah, it's a big siege where it's been decided that remembrancers shouldn't be within range of the enemy guns (which cropped up at least twice in Horus Rising and The First Heretic). So Ellan finds some binoculars (do they get a pseudo-Latin name here) and a nice vantage point atop a Rhino.

Magnoculars :smile.: (sp?)

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