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I think a couple of bits need adding to the PFD for the Scions, but they're pretty much complete. Same with the Bears to the best of my knowledge. Not sure about the others.


Mikhael says he'll have a crack at doing some bottom-of-page pictures. On which note, can anyone here Photoshop fire or lasers? I just like the idea of being able to sneak in some "ancient picts".

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Btw, how far is the first book? Isvthe text finished already? And how are the pictures etc going? Just asking for a look at what we are standing at. I might have found a place where we can have the books printed at an okay price, would be cool as a collectors piece, seeing as we all put lots of effort in.


We have one picture so far. Officially, we're almost halfway through Alpha Phase, I think. Both general history chapters are done and the Grave Stalkers. The Iron Bears are the next closest to completion as soon as we finish reviewing their legion rules (currently on the Totem Guard). The Godslayers are after them and are currently in the Legion Organization chapter. The Harbingers are after them and are only two pages into the final draft.


I'm told the rough draft for the Scions is practically finished, and I'll go through that once one of the three current legions is complete. I'm not sure where the Drowned stand. 


Beta phase, all three campaigns are almost done. I think each of them needed a section detailing the battle site, like Akira. Honestly, once we get to Beta phase, I imagine it'll take a fraction of the time it's taken Alpha phase to be finished.


No work on Omega phase yet, except for a few discussion posts. For a reminder, this phase deals with the rules for the book's campaigns, setting up legendary battles and all that.


So, in final draft form, I think the book is around 15% done. In rough draft form, it's more like 60% done. None of this is accounting for pictures though.

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Btw, how far is the first book? Isvthe text finished already? And how are the pictures etc going? Just asking for a look at what we are standing at. I might have found a place where we can have the books printed at an okay price, would be cool as a collectors piece, seeing as we all put lots of effort in.


We have one picture so far. Officially, we're almost halfway through Alpha Phase, I think. Both general history chapters are done and the Grave Stalkers. The Iron Bears are the next closest to completion as soon as we finish reviewing their legion rules (currently on the Totem Guard). The Godslayers are after them and are currently in the Legion Organization chapter. The Harbingers are after them and are only two pages into the final draft.


I'm told the rough draft for the Scions is practically finished, and I'll go through that once one of the three current legions is complete. I'm not sure where the Drowned stand. 


Beta phase, all three campaigns are almost done. I think each of them needed a section detailing the battle site, like Akira. Honestly, once we get to Beta phase, I imagine it'll take a fraction of the time it's taken Alpha phase to be finished.


No work on Omega phase yet, except for a few discussion posts. For a reminder, this phase deals with the rules for the book's campaigns, setting up legendary battles and all that.


So, in final draft form, I think the book is around 15% done. In rough draft form, it's more like 60% done. None of this is accounting for pictures though.


If you like, I can do some work on detailing the various battle sites seeing as I now have plenty of time on my hands

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Yes, please. Basically, we need a description of the world the battle's taking place, why the battle is there, and any other significant connections to the battle/storyl

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Sorry for the double post. But i wanted to share a pic of the big guy^^


I need to broaden him and atm I play around with the thought of shortening his legs^^


No gswork is done and he looks still like a deamon but. That will change....over time...biggest problem is his head as it really.looks ridiculous small....even if i use the bigger heads i am used to^^



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Guys, I can't recommend Child of Vengeance enough. I feel like I have a much better handle on how I want to depict any battles I write now. As little "slaughterhouse of epic proportions" as possible, and more stark descriptions.


Also, an image of the Siege of Terra jumped out at me in the supermarket today. Basically, y'know that bit from Helm's Deep with the ladders? Replace the Uruks with Assault Marines. Lots of them.

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Hey guys, just spotted this thread in the News & Announcements forum, looks like getting Chain Glaives for the Void Eagles is gonna be much easier. :)


Thread link: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323855-legion-specific-wargear-fw-bulliten/



but the Phoenix Power Spears and Nostraman Chain Glaives are on the Bulletin.




Big fan of the spear pointing forward held with two hands, little to no marines posed like that in the range I think!


Thread link: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/323855-legion-specific-wargear-fw-bulliten/




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Well it is a siege, but now you've got me thinking of Redd throwing Yoxer Bellows at Berserkers of Uran. Which is amazing. Also Daer'dd looks like he could step on and eat Raktra, I'm okay with this.

We all know how that'd go ;)



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Hey guys, just letting you know I'm back for good and ready to get going again. Sorry for any inconvenience I've caused but I hope I can answer any burning questions you've had and get back into things.

Welcome back !!! So one pressing question is: what is the Stygian Jackal's emblem? We'd been designing some legion logos, and we'd pretty much only been missing yours. Here's a link to those we'd done so far:



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Though I haven't read it, it's one of the more interesting What if scenarios. ^^


Oh we need such a scene. Can't remember anything like that in the canon'verse. :D

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Quick update regarding those Legion Weapon sprues I posted earlier, specifically two more have also been shown:





Now given the amount of Legions we have known for their frequent use of Shieldwall tactics or just shields in general (HW, CL, IB) the UM sprue could useful, plus I think they come with Gladius style swords and an axe for the squad leader.


As for the DG Scythes I reckon with a bit of work they miiight be useful bases for the Wardens of Light's Elbow Blades. Also looking again at the Nostraman Chainglaives I had a brainwave that they could easily be converted into Chain Cutlasses for the Void Eagles (if it pleases and fits their theming) by swapping chainsword blades with their curved ones.

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