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Dad's old Chaplain


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In painting my old army to be truly mine, I got my dad's old Chappie in Terminator armor. 


WIN 20150806 020747

Dad's chappie


I traded eight bikes, a Chaplain on a bike, three Rhino APC's, and an attack bike for him. from the sentimental value, it was well worth it!


Let me know if you guys want moar!

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Wait, did you trade all of that for the actual figure your dad owned, or from some one else with a similar figure? I mean, you can buy one brand new for about 20 bucks.


I traded off minis i never used to my dad. I knew the bikes and rhino's were in good hands.

Very cool!


one of my favorite Space Marine minis. Is this one of the old metal ones or is he resin?

This is the old pewter model from early 1996, making the model older than I am. Besides, resin is a poor substitute to proper metal.

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This is the old pewter model from early 1996, making the model older than I am.


Nope. That miniature was first released in 2005. First codex to include a photo of it was the 4th edition Black Templars book, IIRC.


The 90s Terminator Chaplain is at the bottom of this page: http://www.solegends.com/citcat1997/1997p052-00.htm


Ah, thanks, sir. I got screwed up. However, my dad still has a few 2nd edition orks lying around somewhere...

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