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Space Crusade Recreation Project

Garden Ninja

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When I first started miniatures gaming, my first game was the classic Space Crusade. That game will forever have warm feelings from me.


However, I soon started converting minis from the set, and using their bits in other conversions and I found that I really wanted to play Space Crusade, but didn't have any of the parts that I'd need.


So I went to my "bits box"- which is quite extensive these days, with parts catalogued- and found that I could pull a full Space Crusade force out of it.


For painting, I've decided to create tributes to forces that I've painted in the past- some for clients, others for myself.  None of them will match those forces too closely, as I'll be creating a new take on them.


Here's the first squad I finished:  Salamanders

















I painted up my first unit as Salamanders as a tribute to the Salamanders forces I painted over the years (they'll be 'counts as' Imperial Fists for the most part).  This version of the Salamanders doesn't quite match any of the other color schemes for Sallies that I've done, and it was nice to have a slightly new take on them.


PS- I've posted them to CMON for anyone who cares to vote.

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Yep, power armored marines could carry assault cannons in Space Crusade.


Also of note, the commander is the one armed with the heavy bolter (his other options are a bolt pistol and power axe, or a power fist and power sword).


And the plasma gun is a heavy weapon in SC.

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  • 1 month later...
In Space Crusade, the marines fight against a mixed force of Chaos Tainted enemies- among those are five Chaos Space Marines.


I was originally having a hard time deciding what chapter to make the Chaos marines (since I've done quite a few Chaos Space Marine armies for clients that I'd like to make a tributes to).  


Then I realized that in gameplay terms, they don't need to be a squad -they can all spawn at different locations, and pretty much act as five independent marines.  


So, they'll each be from different Chaos chapters.  Here's the first one- a marine of the Black Legion:






Also- I have a bunch of the Gretchin finished- but since this is Bolter and Chainsword, I'm not sure that I post them here.  Would it be ok as part of this project?

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This has been a pipe dream of mine for a number of years, haven't got round to it and maybe I never will but space crusade was a major contributor towards my early hobby and it will always be fondly remembered. Going to keep an eye on this for nostalgia (and awesome paint jobs) :)

Ps don't forget the expansions and white dwarf additions :)

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Also- I have a bunch of the Gretchin finished- but since this is Bolter and Chainsword, I'm not sure that I post them here.  Would it be ok as part of this project?


Xenos are generally not tolerated here. That said I don't see what harm it would be if you were to say, line up your salamanders in a heroic fashion against their vile gretchin foe, to properly display their heroism

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