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Vets vs Henchmen

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I think that is a very interesting comparison as both have solid advantages. So, let me introduce you to my usual setup:

10 Vets - 2 Plasmas, 1 Heavy Flamer, Carapace Armour, Vox, Chimera, Dozer Blade - 190pts


Here is how I would run my Henchmen:

9 Henchmen - 9 Carapace Armour, 3 Plasmas

2 Jokaeros

1 Psyker

Chimera, Dozer Blade


(Subject to change)


For 52pts you get one more Plasma, two more Heavy weapons (HF (very solid overwatch), LC, MM), Jokaero enhancement, one ML1 psyker for charges and Divination and a Chimera with 5 firepoints.


Now, the Vets have better BS and they can accept orders. However, the Henchmen pack more weapons, have a more efficient transport, possibly some enhancements and a Psyker.


Do you think this is a worthy match-up or do Vets win by virtue of having better BS and able to receive order?

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This very idea came up some time ago. It was decided, as a group, that both had their advantages and disadvantages. I'm always down for some Henchmen because Inquisition, but the Veteran Guardsmen have their place, as you have said. Hmm. Tough call. I think Casb has the right of it, honestly.

I say that to say this: bring a Priest with an Eviscerator and let the Emperor sort them out msn-wink.gif!

Henchmen have the variety, so you should make the most of that when using them. If not, cheaper and more effective Vet squads are better. While henchmen can be cheap you may as well stick to Vets or Platoons at that point so that mostly leaves combat or the clever/sneaky builds for them.

Vets...but not all porked up like that! Forward sentries, autocannon, chimera, and done. Park the vets in ruins for a 3++ and blast away at distance for 145 points. Hell, for 270, which is in the range of your henchman squad, you could get two of them for twice the fun msn-wink.gif

Vets are really just guardsmen with BS4 for one point per model and different options. As has been mentioned, they work best when kept cheap. Cheap henchmen are terrible henchmen, you really have to go crazy on options to get any value out of them. I'm not sure comparing vets and henchmen is useful...even so, this specific comparison is flawed. Nothing really prevents you from comparing ten henchmen with carapace and three plasma guns to ten vets with carapace and two plasma guns. That's about the most comparable you can get, with the vets achieving 4/3 hits to the henchmen's 3/2, and the henchmen's sightly increased chance at a self-immolation. Because all of those extra options are packed into the henchmen, it's like comparing a punisher to a sponsoned-up punisher. Obviously the one with more guns is better, but it also costs more. If you have the points for your henchmen, go for it, otherwise make do with the vets.


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