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IL XVII - The Warriors of Peace (thread 1)


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@bluntblade: Chakrams originated in India, yes. Also, how did you like Red Cliff? Give you any ideas for the Warriors?


Sanguinius, you make all good points. I considered a thicker version of the hook swords, but if you thicken the blade to space marine weapon level, the hook would end up comically oversized! I may see if I can draw something to mock it up, but right now I'm not seeing it.


And I'm also not a fan of the Nunchucks myself.


Grifftofer, mind if I use that rule for whatever weapon I pick? It'd really fit with the "tons of hits" angle.


So seems like butterfly swords may be off the table, since they'd kinda overlap with Griff's unit. Power gauntlets have potential. What if we have the options of multiple weapons for the squad, like the WE Rampagers with access to the legion's special exotic weapons?

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Red Cliff was one of the most fun movies I've seen recently. Can't go wrong when you've got stuff like Zhao Yun throwing his spear partly through a guy, then kicking off his back to pull it all the way through and impale another enemy.


Nunchuku just doesn't seem right for space marines

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Chakram, perhaps?

Isn't that an Indian weapon used by Rajput Warriors?
All I know is it was in Dynasty Warriors.
Oh, do you mean Sun Shang Xiang's Wind-and-Fire Wheels that got incorrectly labelled as Chakrams when she used them in DW3 & 4.


Edited by SanguiniusReborn
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So putting the weapon discussion on hold for a bit...


For one of the Warriors' exemplary battles, I'm thinking they could pull a similar trick to Zhuge Liang's tortoise formation from Red Cliff. Because that was by far the coolest part for me.


A small task force of Warriors end up encircled by enemy forces. Greatly outnumbered, and with no reserve forces left aboard their ship in orbit, they call down multiple drop pods...filled with nothing but breacher shields.


They assume the formation and as the enemy charges in to break their lines, they rearrange the formation and trap them inside their ranks. The enemy army is swiftly killed to a man, with no chance of escape from the Warriors' deathtrap.


I'll need to write up a more in depth version, but that would be the gist of it. Thoughts?

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It shouldn't be fought against Orks or Eldar, the latter are too canny and the former won't even consider being dismayed. Against a human culture it could work.


You could also work in the jetbike units and our Lu Bu figure

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Needs to be a ground force in order to get trapped inside your formation.


Maybe a human civilization or a self made xenos race. Not highly evolved but very resistible. How about these sauropod xenos races which fought against the Raven Guard.


They needed concentrated fire to take them down.

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I'm thinking the hapless victims of the Tortoise could be some Techno-barbarian types. But semi-primitive xenos could work as well.


The fire ships attack could be a void battle perhaps? Not sure how I'd work in the whole "destroying the enemy fleet" aspect if it was on the ground.

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I still like the tortoise best. Especially if you stage it in a canyon or better yet, a city where they can bring firepower to bear as well.


Generally any void fleet is too dispersed for the destruction of one to catch others. It could work in terms of vehicular warfare

Edited by bluntblade
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Well the scene in Red Cliff is inspired by the tale of the Stone Sentinel Maze, where Zhuge Liang arranged an array of boulders in a bagua formation and the enemy army wandered in and became trapped.


Perhaps this version could take place in an area with similar rock formations.

Or a city. City's probably simpler.

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Well the scene in Red Cliff is inspired by the tale of the Stone Sentinel Maze, where Zhuge Liang arranged an array of boulders in a bagua formation and the enemy army wandered in and became trapped.


Perhaps this version could take place in an area with similar rock formations.

Or a city. City's probably simpler.

Ooo, ooo, ooo! That gives me an idea! Stone Sentinel Maze, I love it, perhaps the Warriors do the same in the City to an enemy force many times their own number but rather than planting rocks in the way they could use remote demo charges to strategically collapse buildings across roads and alleyways to divide and entrap the foe as lurking Astartes launch ambushes from hiding to pick off the isolated enemy piece-by-piece, with Pariahs using their unnatural auras to further panick & confuse the reeling foe? :)

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^ Ooh Ooh! It could even be in the ruins of an ancient city to further reference the Stone Sentinel Maze aspect, have them blowing demo charges like you said, while also using the breachers to seal off alleys and ensnare the enemies in "kill-boxes"

Then a couple champions or pariahs pop in. Cue, "I'm not trapped in here with you. You're trapped in here WITH ME!"


Fun ensues.

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^ Ooh Ooh! It could even be in the ruins of an ancient city to further reference the Stone Sentinel Maze aspect, have them blowing demo charges like you said, while also using the breachers to seal off alleys and ensnare the enemies in "kill-boxes"

Then a couple champions or pariahs pop in. Cue, "I'm not trapped in here with you. You're trapped in here WITH ME!"


Fun ensues.


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Maybe Wang could lure the enemy into the trap personally. Just as long as the battle reads. "With the enemy inside, what Wang described as 'fun' ensued."

Possible, but it would have to be someone else coming up with the cunnin' plan in that case, like Lu Bu before him Captain Ju-Long is uninterested in anything not directly pertaining to the actual fighting part of warfare. He's as smart as any Astartes, but he's no strategist, he prefers to leave that stuff to his lieutenants, winning most of his battles through sheer audacity & overwhelming force.

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Maybe Wang could lure the enemy into the trap personally. Just as long as the battle reads. "With the enemy inside, what Wang described as 'fun' ensued."

Possible, but it would have to be someone else coming up with the cunnin' plan in that case, like Lu Bu before him Captain Ju-Long is uninterested in anything not directly pertaining to the actual fighting part of warfare. He's as smart as any Astartes, but he's no strategist, he prefers to leave that stuff to his lieutenants, winning most of his battles through sheer audacity & overwhelming force.

Absolutely. He's the very sharp instrument

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This would be a good chance to invent a new character. I'm thinking a praetor-level Kong Ming analogue. Personal equerry to the Primarch, known for his unusual tactics and traditional eccentricities.

Kong Ming? Who is that? I've not heard of him before. If we're going for a tactical genius sort of character then some influence from "the Sleeping Dragon", Zhuge Liang, wouldn't go amiss. Or perhaps his cunning rival Simi Yi, whose intellect was so evenly matched with Zhuge's that their rivalry only ended when Zhuge Liang passed away from illness during the Battle of Wu Zhang Plains.

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