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IL XVII - The Warriors of Peace (thread 1)


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I need to rewatch Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon at some point. And have a word with Skal about my thoughts onmlordly posturing after watching The Assassin (which I cautiously recommend, as it's beautiful but surprisingly sedate and almost maddeningly oblique).
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Okay, so while things are a little hectic for me since I'm starting college(woohoo), I thought I'd inject some life into this thread with a small query.


What should the Warriors of Peace's "battle cry" be? Or rather than battle cry, since I can't really see them yelling during battle, the primary motto/saying for the legion. I keep trying to think of one, but I'm drawing a blank.


I'm thinking it should be akin to a buddhist or daoist saying, emphasizing the warrior monk aspect, but still sounding badass.

Any ideas or suggestions would be much appreciated.

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I found a couple that don't exactly work as a war cry, but might be part of the training regimen of the Warriors of Peace.

  • "Those who defeat others are strong, those who defeat themselves are mighty."
  • "The mind is everything. What you think you become."
Edited by Grifftofer
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Those would work extremely well for the many kernels of wisdom that the Warriors live by. I imagine that these sayings would be almost like a second voice for them, coming to the forefront of their thoughts and keeping them calm during the heat of battle.


What I'm looking for in a general legion "motto" is something that you could see one of the Warriors saying to a dying enemy after a duel. They say the words of their legion, almost as a taunt or a final "told you so" moment, and then they deliver the final killing blow.

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I found a couple that don't exactly work as a war cry, but might be part of the training regimen of the Warriors of Peace.


  • "Those who defeat others are strong, those who defeat themselves are mighty."
  • "The mind is everything. What you think you become."


Great mottos, consider them.stolen^^


Do you want it to be something similar to the halycon wardens "play" or a single sentence/word?

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"May you find peace in death" sounds rounder^^

Yeah, but you lose the Yoda-ish wisdom http://image.bolterandchainsword.com//public/style_emoticons/default/laugh.png

(also, the other way puts the emphasis on "Peace" rather then "Death")

Edited by Lord Thørn
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Lol. So you suggest that jade and his men should talk like yoda?



“Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.”


“You will know (the good from the bad) when you are calm, at peace. Passive. A Warrior of Peace uses martial arts for knowledge and defense, never for attack.” (okay fits better to the Wardens I guess)


“Powerful you have become, the warps corruption I sense in you.”

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Lol. So you suggest that jade and his men should talk like yoda?



“Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.”


“You will know (the good from the bad) when you are calm, at peace. Passive. A Warrior of Peace uses martial arts for knowledge and defense, never for attack.” (okay fits better to the Wardens I guess)


“Powerful you have become, the warps corruption I sense in you.”

Well... Obviously! What could be cooler than that?

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Great suggestions all around. One mind, one weapon sounds super cool. Especially like the "peace in death" one, regardless of wording. Yoda speech might be pushing it though...


Now I keep thinking of Zaheer from the Legend of Korra:


"Release your earthly tether. Enter the void."

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Ah Battlemeditatiom from the wardens but if Jade and Gwal are sworn brothers, why not share it ( is from street fighter animated.movie)

Is a great mantra.



Breathing, spirit, discipline

Focus the mind, cleanse the soul, keep sight of your target



Be prepared for the unexpected

Concentrate, mind and body as one

Achieve tranquility through movement

Integrate spirit and flesh

Channel the powers

Focus the mind

Cleanse the soul

Release that which is negative!


Separate darkness and light

Mind and body as one


Give birth to yourself

Oneness through knowledge


Define your existence

Oneness through emotions


Create your definition

Oneness with the heavens


From strength, learn gentleness

Through gentleness, strength will prevail!


Be prepared for the unexpected


Mind and body as one

Be prepared for the unexpected


What do you see beyond your fist? (Wardens of Light question and they answer." Our Fate")


What do you see im front of your fist? (Warriors of Peace question and they could answer: Destiny. Or Our Enemy or Peace or soemthing else)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey guys! Sorry if I haven't been as active, adjusting to the college life really doesn't leave much time for posting. That aside, I figured it's time to move on with the weapon ideas!


Now I was thinking these might be able to get an entry similar to the World Eaters' Caedere weapons, ie. multiple weapons grouped under a single wargear category. If this is seen as 'cheating the system', then I will be happy to pick a weapon or whatever and move on. But for now I'd like to hear some thoughts/suggestions/criticisms on these. Yes, I realize some are definitely more powerful than others; this was intentional. I am always open to making changes.


Sinaean Weapons:


Power Staff- S:+2, AP:4, Melee, Two Handed, Defensive Weapon

Defensive Weapon: When fighting in close combat, a model using a power staff has a 6++ invulnerable save, or adds +1 to an existing invuln save.

Kinetic Gauntlet- S:User, AP:5, Melee, Specialist Weapon, Concussive, Dexterous

Dexterous: A model that uses a kinetic gauntlet in the turn in which it charges gains +1 Weapon Skill for that turn.

Twin Tiger Hooks- S:User, AP:3, Melee, Specialist Weapon, Disarm

Disarm: A model that suffers a wound from this weapon must take an Initiative test. If failed, then for the remaining initiative steps and the following turn, the model cannot use the profile for its close combat weapon and may not gain an additional attack from wielding two close combat weapons. If the model has multiple weapons, the controlling player may choose which is lost.

Han Broadsword- S:+1, AP:3, Melee, Two Handed, Deep Cut, Versatile

Deep Cut: Hits generated by a To Hit roll of 6 automatically wound on a 2+, regardless of Toughness.

Versatile: The player may choose to use the weapon without the Two Handed rule, but it becomes Unwieldy.

Edited by drakzilla
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I will certainly say, they are unique. 


A quick slot check: 2 units (Peon Squad, Air Masters) - 1 Character (Ju-Long) - 0 Tech


Need two more characters, but that still leaves three slots for tech. So, you're one over, but one of them could become the legion relic.


Thinking on it, maybe the Peon Squad should be saved for after the joined the Suzerainty. Maybe they are the result of early Suzerainty experiments to mass-produce Astartes. Or they are a sign of desperation as the Suzerainty weathers the Traitor retribution assaults.

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They have the iron monks. So one unit is already gone. But good thst you are here. As drak brought it up and in the other thread (which one I don't know) I got no realonse from you allfather.


Tonfa like weapons grants counterattack. But they use the profile of chainsword, power sword or paragon blade or any other sword weapon and they can be paired. They are just the different swordweapons with counter attack added.

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Did you ever visit the wardens of light thread?^^



From the beginnign they despised swords.and used tonfas amd ellbowblades. But if every single blade has to be exchanged for a wargear, that would be a waste. The cadaere weapon suggestion of drak would have created.an solution.





Above is a tonfa

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Ah, I did glance through the WoL thread, but, given how busy I am normally, I either didn't notice the request or it slipped from my mind.


Either way, I double-checked the World Eaters. I did rule that as a single entry, so I don't mind if the Wardens or the Warriors do that as well. 


But now I'm worried that I might haven Redd the short end of that stick...

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