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Index Cartographae: Damoria IV


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Segmentum: Ultima 

Sector: Outskirts of the Draco Sector

Type: Death World, post apocalyptic.

Tithe Grade: None. Sanguinary Crusader Recruiting World and site of their Fortress Monastery. 




Damoria IV was once a lush civilized world full of life, a multitude of climates, and almost no deserts. Several cities were spread throughout the continents, with The Eternal Hive as the capital. It has four major mountain ranges and a multitude of great lakes. 


However, several major disasters befell the world, and turned it into a radioactive wasteland. The once calm weather has become chaotic, with rad storms, acid rain/snow, and plagues running rampant. The clean water has been tainted, the wildlife mutated, and radioactive marshes and deserts have become the norm. 


The polar ice caps, having mostly melted shortly after the disaster, have started to freeze over again, the oceans slowly receding. But the radioactive tundras and snow still grips the northern and sourthern parts of the continents.


A lone mountain, a major landmark, stands in the middle of a radiactive desert. 


The survivors have formed into several city states and kingdoms, each with varying customs and values. They will often fight each other for what resources remain. Alliances and empires form and shatter, rise and fall. 




The majority of the survivors have formed into several city states and kingdoms, each with varying customs and values. They will often fight each other for what resources remain. Alliances and empires form and shatter, rise and fall. 


These people all have a unifying belief, however. They are unified in their beliefs to the Emperor, and his angel, the Savior. The Savior is what the locals call Sanguinius, Primarch of the Blood Angels and their successors. 


The beliefs date back to the Great Crusade, when Sanguinius liberated the world the first time from a foul xenos race long forgotten. Through the millenia, he was regarded as their savior and hero. However, most of this was lost during the fall, the people thinking they were abandoned. This would all change once the Sanguinary Crusaders, the decendence of his line, would save them again.


Part of the reinvigorated belief was the introduction of self sacrifice and quests. Heroes would lead quests to retrieve lost artifacts, bring peace, and defeat vile mutants and monsters.


Not all that lived on the planet were loyal humans, however. Mutants, Feral Orks, and vile beasts created from the apocalypse roam the wastelands. Some form societies of their own, and large wars and crusades are fought against them. 


+I've got to stop here, I was really tired when I started (it probably shows). I got home a lot later than I planned, so yeah. Anyways, CC always welcome. Thanks!+

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