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Happy Belated 19th Birthday B&C!! :whistling:

I normally don't make homebrew icons but I thought I would make an exception this time around, it's the very least I can do.


Edited by Fabalah
  • 3 years later...

Its been awhile and after losing a lot of my art files, I finally have gotten around to redoing some of them. It's always so disheartening to lose work but yea, I hope you all have been doing well and keeping healthy. I have started working on redoing the next section (E) and plan on posting them once I am finished as well! :blush.: 






Edited by Fabalah

Astartes [Chapter Approved] Heraldry:

Based off official Astartes heraldry by Fabalah

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | 
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Astartes [Chapter Approved] Heraldry, Section E:

Green = Done

Yellow = Need an image to create.

Red = Not done yet.

  1. Eagle WarriorsReference | Finished Heraldry
  2. Eagles Iridescent — None
  3. Ebon Knights — None
  4. Ebon Sentinels — None
  5. Eight Stolen Truths — None
  6. EightscarredReference | Finished Heraldry
  7. Emissaries of the Wasting Death — None
  8. Emperor's Blades — None
  9. Emperor's Children (Pre-Heresy)Reference | Finished Heraldry
  10. Emperor's Children Reference | Finished Heraldry 
  11. Emperor's Claws — None
  12. Emperor's HandsReference | Finished Heraldry
  13. Emperor's HavocReference (IG) | Finished Heraldry
  14. Emperor's HawksReference | Finished Heraldry
  15. Emperor's Pointy SticksReference (Comic) | Finished Heraldry
  16. Emperor's ScythesReference | Finished Heraldry
  17. Emperor's ShadowsReference (& here) | Finished Heraldry
  18. Emperor's ShieldsReference | Finished Heraldry
  19. Emperor's SpearsReference | Finished Heraldry
  20. Emperor's Storm Reference | Finished Heraldry
  21. Emperor's Swords (Bellicas) — None
  22. Emperor's Swords (Ghorstangrad)Reference | Finished Heraldry
  23. Emperor's TearsReference | Finished Heraldry
  24. Emperor's WarbringersReference | Finished Heraldry
  25. Emperor's WolvesReference | Finished Heraldry
  26. Empyrion's Blight — None
  27. Encrusted Blade — None
  28. Endless MurderReference | Finished Heraldry
  29. Eradicatus Corps — None
  30. Espandors — None
  31. Excorias Elite — None
  32. ExcoriatorsReference | Finished Heraldry
  33. Excubants — None
  34. Execrators — None
  35. Executioners (Rogue Trader)Reference | Finished Heraldry
  36. ExecutionersReference | Finished Heraldry
  37. ExemplarsReference | Finished Heraldry
  38. Exorcists (Rogue Trader)Reference | Finished Heraldry
  39. Exorcists Reference | Finished Heraldry
  40. Exquisite Host — None
  41. Exsanguinators — None
  42. Extinction AngelsReference | Finished Heraldry
  43. Exultant — None
Edited by Fabalah
  • 5 months later...

Astartes [Chapter Approved] Heraldry:

Based off official Astartes heraldry by Fabalah

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | 
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Astartes [Chapter Approved] Heraldry, Section F:

Green = Done

Yellow = Need an image to create.

Red = Not done yet.

  1. Faithless Reference | Finished Heraldry
  2. Falling Star — None
  3. Farstalkers — None
  4. Favoured SonsReference | Finished Heraldry
  5. Fecund OnesReference | Finished Heraldry
  6. Festering Scar — None
  7. Festerlung Brotherhood — None
  8. Fifteen Fangs Reference | Finished Heraldry
  9. Fifth Sept — None
  10. Filthfavoured — None
  11. Fire AngelsReference | Finished Heraldry
  12. Fire HawksReference | Finished Heraldry
  13. Fire LordsReference | Finished Heraldry
  14. Fire Reavers — None
  15. Firebreathers — None
  16. Fists Exemplar — None
  17. Fists of Brass — None
  18. Fists of Olchis — None
  19. Fists of Wrath — None
  20. Flame EaglesReference | Finished Heraldry
  21. Flame Falcons — None
  22. Flames of Aries — None
  23. Flawless Host Reference | Finished Heraldry
  24. Flesh EatersReference | Finished Heraldry
  25. Flesh Tearers Reference | Finished Heraldry
  26. Fleshreavers — None
  27. Flickering Blades Reference | Finished Heraldry
  28. Flylords — None
  29. The Foresworn (World Eaters)Reference | Finished Heraldry
  30. The Foresworn (Word Bearers) Reference | Finished Heraldry
  31. Forge of HateReference | Finished Heraldry
  32. Forgeborn Reference | Finished Heraldry
  33. Forlorn Sons — None
  34. Fractal Blades — None
  35. The Fractured  — None
  36. FulminatorsReference | Finished Heraldry
Edited by Fabalah
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/27/2022 at 2:13 AM, Dosjetka said:

It's great to see further progress with this project. I definitely appreciate the work you're doing. :smile.:

On 5/7/2022 at 1:21 AM, Doctor K said:

I only just found out about this project. Awesome work so far, thanks! I didn't realise you'd been on this since 2015... Perseverance!

Thanks! Its been a slow moving project but I enjoy it! :wub:

Edited by Fabalah

Finished a bunch of icons tonight, Faithless, Favoued Sons, Fecund Ones, Fifteen Fangs, Fire Angels (Rogue Trader and the modern version), Fire Hawks, Fire Lords, Flame Eagles, Flawless Hosts (with two slightly different colours) and Flesh Tearers! :biggrin.:






Edited by Fabalah

Here are the last few from the F section. Flesh Eaters (Rogue Trader and 40k), Flickering Blades, Foreworn (World Eaters), Foresworn (Word Bearers), Forgeborn, Forge of Hate and Fulminators!



Edited by Fabalah

Astartes [Chapter Approved] Heraldry:

Based off official Astartes heraldry by Fabalah

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | 
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Astartes [Chapter Approved] Heraldry, Section G:

Green = Done

Yellow = Need an image to create.

Red = Not done yet.

  1. Genesis Chapter Reference | Finished Heraldry
  2. Germinatoris — None
  3. Gilded Manifestans — None
  4. Gladiator Group 138Reference | Finished Heraldry
  5. Glooming LordsReference | Finished Heraldry
  6. Golden Angels — None
  7. Golden Blades — None
  8. Golden GryphonsReference | Finished Heraldry
  9. Golden HalosReference | Finished Heraldry
  10. Golden Paladins — None
  11. Golden Sons — None
  12. Golden Taint — None
  13. Gore Golems — None
  14. Gorefists — None
  15. Gorehands — None
  16. Gorehounds  — None
  17. GorehuntersReference | Finished Heraldry
  18. Goremongers — None
  19. GorgonsReference | Finished Heraldry
  20. Grail Guard — None
  21. Grand Guard — None
  22. Grand Order of Hermetic Blades Reference | Finished Heraldry
  23. Graven Fists — None
  24. Graven Spectres — None
  25. Grey DeathReference | Finished Heraldry
  26. Grey Giants — None
  27. Grey Glaives — None
  28. Grey KnightsReference | Finished Heraldry
  29. Grey Slayers — None
  30. Grief Bringers — None
  31. Griffon LordsReference | Finished Heraldry
  32. Griffons of Repentance — None
  33. Grimhunters — None
  34. Guardians of CeleresReference | Finished Heraldry
  35. Guardians of the CovenantReference | Finished Heraldry
Edited by Fabalah
  • 1 month later...

The update to the B&C looks great :biggrin: but I am sure happy we are live again, I have been sitting on these waiting to share them!

Finished Genesis Chapter, Gladiator Group 138, Glooming Lords, Golden Gryphons, Golden Halos, Gorehunters, Gorgons, Grand Order Of Hermetic Blades, Grey Death, Grey Knights, Griffon Lords, Guardians Of Celeres, and Guardians Of The Covenant.




Astartes [Chapter Approved] Heraldry:

Based off official Astartes heraldry by Fabalah

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | 
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z


Astartes [Chapter Approved] Heraldry, Section H:

Green = Done

Yellow = Need an image to create.

Red = Not done yet.

  1. Hakanor's Reavers Reference | Finished Heraldry
  2. Halo Brethren — None
  3. Halo Dragons Reference | Finished Heraldry
  4. Hammers of Dhrex — None
  5. Hammers of Dorn Reference | Finished Heraldry
  6. Hammers Relentless — None
  7. Hammers of Retribution — None
  8. Hand of Filth — None
  9. Harbingers Reference | Finished Heraldry
  10. Harbingers of Destruction — None
  11. Harrowers — None
  12. Harvest Reference | Finished Heraldry
  13. Harvest Macabre Reference | Finished Heraldry
  14. Hawk Lords Reference | Finished Heraldry
  15. Hedonistarii Reference | Finished Heraldry
  16. Helhawks — None
  17. Helion Legion Reference | Finished Heraldry
  18. Hellreapers — None
  19. Heralds of Despair Reference | Finished Heraldry
  20. Heralds of the Fly — None
  21. Heralds of the Inevitable End — None
  22. Heralds of Ultramar Reference | Finished Heraldry
  23. Heralds of Vengeance Reference | Finished Heraldry
  24. Hex-Clawed Phoenix — None
  25. Hollow Ghouls — None
  26. Hollow Ones — None
  27. Holy Sons of Lorgar — None
  28. Honoured Sons Reference | Finished Heraldry
  29. Honourless — None
  30. Horde of Misery — None
  31. Hospitallers Reference | Finished Heraldry
  32. Hound Skull — None
  33. Hounds of Abaddon Reference | Finished Heraldry
  34. Hounds of Demos — None
  35. Howling Griffons — Reference | Finished Heraldry
  36. Howling Serpents — None
Edited by Fabalah

I feel like I'm on a roll, finished this next section up today. I actually included both version I found of the Howling Griffons - I just love the old retro looking Rouge Trader art. :wub: Finished Hakanor's Reavers, Halo Dragons, Hammers of Dorn, Harbingers, Harvest, Harvest Macabre, Hawk Lords, Hedonistarii, Helion Legion, Heralds of Despair, Heralds of Ultramar, Heralds of Vengeance, Honoured Sons, Hospitallers, Hounds of Abaddon and Howling Griffons.






Edited by Fabalah

Astartes [Chapter Approved] Heraldry:

Based off official Astartes heraldry by Fabalah

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | 
N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Astartes [Chapter Approved] Heraldry, Section I:

Green = Done
Yellow = Need an image to create.
Red = Not done yet.

  1. Ice Bear Reference & Reference | Finished Heraldry
  2. Iconoclasts— None
  3. Iconoclastic Brotherhood— None
  4. Illustrians— None
  5. Immortal Hearts— None
  6. Immortal Legion— None
  7. Imperial Castellans Reference | Finished Heraldry
  8. Imperial Castilians— None
  9. Imperial Fists Reference | Finished Heraldry
  10. Imperial Harbingers
    1. Imperial HarbingersReference | Finished Heraldry
    2. Imperial HarbingersReference | Finished Heraldry
  11. Imperial Heralds Reference | Finished Heraldry
  12. Imperial Hawks Reference | Finished Heraldry
  13. Imperial Paladins Reference | Finished Heraldry
  14. Imperial Ravagers— None
  15. Imperial Stars
    1. Imperial Stars Reference | Finished Heraldry
    2. Imperial Stars Reference | Finished Heraldry
  16. Imperial Talons Reference | Finished Heraldry
  17. Imperius Reavers Reference | Finished Heraldry
  18. Inceptors Reference | Finished Heraldry
  19. Inculcators— None
  20. Infested Brethren Reference | Finished Heraldry
  21. Interceptors— None
  22. Invaders Reference | Finished Heraldry
  23. Inviolators— None
  24. Invocators Reference | Finished Heraldry
  25. Iron Brethren— None
  26. Iron Champions Reference | Finished Heraldry
  27. Iron Crusaders Reference | Finished Heraldry
  28. Iron Drakes (Grey Death)— None
  29. Iron Drakes— None
  30. Iron Fist— None
  31. Iron Fists Reference | Finished Heraldry
  32. Iron Hands 
    1. Iron Hands Reference (Rogue Trader) | Finished Heraldry
    2. Iron Hands Reference (Horus Heresy, Visions of Heresy: Book 1) | Finished Heraldry
    3. Iron Hands Reference | Finished Heraldry
  33. Iron Hawks Reference | Finished Heraldry
  34. Iron Hearts— None
  35. Iron Hounds Reference | Finished Heraldry
  36. Ironhydras— None
  37. Iron Knights Reference | Finished Heraldry
  38. Iron Lords Reference | Finished Heraldry
  39. Iron Ravens Reference | Finished Heraldry
  40. Iron Scepters— None
  41. Iron Shades— None
  42. Iron Shield— None
  43. Iron Skulls— None
  44. Iron Snakes Reference | Finished Heraldry
  45. Iron Talons Reference | Finished Heraldry
  46. Iron Warriors Reference | Finished Heraldry
  47. Ironspines— None
  48. Ivory Fang Reference | Finished Heraldry
Edited by Fabalah

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