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which other chapters?

Brother Raul

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Since GW is treating all space marine chapters

as the same faction which chapters do you think compliment us best? What experiences do you have with them?


Obviously I banged on about rhe darkshroud when the new C:SM & C:DA were released but recently a Imperial fist, more specfically sentinels of tera, has been pre occupying my thoughts.


A BSF supported by TL rapid fire shooting be mad I think.

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Dark Angels. Specifically Ravenwing. Twin linked plasma talons destroy most of (WRAITHKNIGHT ARRRGGHH!!!!! ) tough Monstrous Creatures we can't melee to death, and the dark shroud preventing overwatch protects us on the way in. They are also fast enough to advance with our jumpers and continue to provide fire support.


However any vanilla chapter spamming grav can accomplish the same thing. And frankly be even more effective. I'm just assuming you want Blood Angels to be the base of a proposed army, and not the side show (oh look Death Company! Nice! The black jump backs look awesome next to all the min OS tact squads and Grav Centurions...)

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Yeah ravenwing seem so good. Originally got into W40K with a SW & BA list in mind, still think it can work too. TWC giving your DC a cover save? Forget priceless. Cheese tastic.


Gravstar is so well documented I wont go into it. White scars bikes and tactics has a lot of merit, will be worth investigating.


Finally there is DA. Maybe podding in their tacs as speed bumps and cover saves? Could work.

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Yeah ravenwing seem so good. Originally got into W40K with a SW & BA list in mind, still think it can work too. TWC giving your DC a cover save? Forget priceless. Cheese tastic.


Gravstar is so well documented I wont go into it. White scars bikes and tactics has a lot of merit, will be worth investigating.


Finally there is DA. Maybe podding in their tacs as speed bumps and cover saves? Could work.

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I don't play anymore but I'd be intrigued by the prospect of some Raptors with Lias Issodon. Rending bolters and bolt pistols if they don't move, army wide Scout and first turn Stealth. Then, Issodon gives you the chance to cripple a unit before the game starts with Infiltrate, Isolate, Destroy. Perhaps the most useful thing, though, is his reserves manipulation; you get to re-roll and the enemy get -1.

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