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1500 pt Blood Angels- fun and fluffy

Castellan Maximus

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Ok. I haven't played 40k since 3rd Edition and this is my first attempt.



Blood Angels

Special Rule: Furious Charge




Legion Praetor

Rite of War: Angel's Wrath

Jet pack

MasterCrafted Plasma pistol

Paragon Blade

Iron Halo (200pts)



augary scanner

volkite charger

artificer armour

power weapon (80pts). grouped with tacs in Storm Eagle




19x Legion Tactical Marines

w/ chainswords

w/ legion vexilla

Sgt. w/ power weapon/meltabombs/artificer armour


Storm Eagle Assault Gunship

twin lascannons/ armoured ceramite (585pts)



10x Legion Assault Squad

w/ melta bombs

Sgt. w/ power weapon/ artificer armour



10x Legion Assault Squad

Sgt w/ power fist

(265 pts)


Total: 1500pts


Revised again

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