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Blood Angels Upgrade from FW (FW Bulletin #72)

Brother Tyler

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Monday 10th of August, 2015



A few weeks ago, the White Scars came roaring out of the Forge World Studio with a batch of fantastic new upgrades, all the heads, torsos and shoulder pads you could want to start your Legion. This week I caught sight of even more upgrades soon to be released. It looks like Blood Angels and Dark Angels players won’t have long to wait for some awesome new kits of their own!


Dark Angels upgrade (mini)


Blood Angels upgrade (mini)


When these are released, sixteen Legions will have been kitted out for the Horus Heresy!

Follow the first link for more.

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As near as I can tell, FW kind of loosely bases their releases off Horus heresy novel/major campaign progression. My limited understanding is that we are not yet up to the point where Sanguinius makes an actual battle field/campaign appearance as we are at the beginnings of the Calth campaign. But they still have not yet addressed either the Prospero campaign nor the Caliban heresy. Additionally, they never even touched a lot having to do with Raven guard even if they got a few cool things up there for them.


Because there is so much on the back burner as far as campaign books go, I would be surprised if they address anything with BA this year.

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Aye, I don't know where our models are on the production line but it's been stated the Wolves and Thousand Sons have an entire model line pretty much done - getting the rules right for them are proving very hard though, as well as there being custodes and sisters of silence all in the Prospero attack, so loads of models and rules to make for that book.


But yes, we are due basic rules in the next book (along with DA, Scars and I imagine Wolves and TSons) which will be hopefully what we get at a basic trooper level, like how Sons of Horus get extra attacks for outnumbering opponents and more reliable reserves.


Then, we'll also hopefully get our "rite of war", basically a way to organise your army to reflect how the legion usually operated in the theatre of war with bonuses /restrictions as appropriate. As an example the Death Guard can get move through cover, more heavy squads and rad grenades but can't make run moves.


But yes, I can only imagine Sanguinius will be the best Primarch model bar none. He'll also be the first model to have "D" for his S, WS, and I ;)

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