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Dragonfire: "Classic"


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Hey guys, took part in a doubles tournament this weekend (2x 1500). 


It was a "Classic" tournament, borrowing from Adepticon Classic rules- basically 1 CAD, no FW, no allies, superheavies, no detachments, slates or formations.


Was REALLY cool.  I was technically playing the ringer as I was supposed to be running it, but number of opponents meant i had to play! 

Doubles rules saw no army interaction at all (No battle brothers etc) For all intents and purposes it was 4 unique armies on the field.


I used:


Priest - Auspex, Claw, Veritas


1x DC Dread - Claws


5x Tac - HF

1x Razor - las/plas

5x Tac - HF

1x Razor - las/plas

5x Tac - MG

1x Razor - las/plas


1x Raven - Extra Armour

1x Vindicator - SB, OCE

1x Baal - HBSS


3x Bikes + Attack Bike- 2GG, 1MM

3x Bikes + Attack Bike- 2GG, 1MM





8 x DC - Axe, Maul, PF, JP


1x Furioso - Fragcan, HF

1x Pod


10x Tac - MG, MM, Vet, Infernus, Maul

1x Pod

10x Tac - MG, HF, Vet, Fist

1x Rhino


5x AsM - 2MG, 1Infernus

1x Pod

1x Baal - FSC. 


1x Raven

I was REALLY happy with the list in the format as I believe it was geared to be an incredible all comers list.   First game went well, despite some noticeably below average rolling on my part, very tight though. Vs. DE and Chaos (Slaaneshi)


Second game was vs. the winning list, Daemonkin/Chaos - and some crazy rolls from their side ( 5% chance to blow up vehicles working two turns in a row - baal and vindy) followed by a continued spell of 2's just saw me come off second best in a game the angels were primed to take.  If i had to do the whole thing over again, there's not a thing I would have changed aside from rolling better <_<


I thought id fix that in the next match up. No such luck.  It came to me getting so bleak with dice I almost threw them across the room.  Probs is, as a south african, to get those dice I paid good, good money.  They just sucking hard for me :/  I was up against Nigels orks in an unholy alliance with Sisters - his old Dragonfire competition partner.  The game was amazing, and hard fought, but about 6 pivotal 3+ rolls rolling 2s saw me lose it. 


I realise I tend to be quite vocal about dice gods in tournies, but its my pet peeve.  I don't mind being trounced - fair and square ><; and do realise that its a dice game, so things wont go your way,but when its consistently bad.. ><; blaaargh. Not to take away from the opponents either who made no mistakes in their game. Its just when you look list on list and think - "i got this".


Final game was vs Daemonkin/IG - great game - and average rolls where the army worked exactly how it was supposed to. 


Post thoughts- Astorath is average.  I think Dante would be far better if you have the points.  The reroll wound really didnt do as much as I expected, but the 3 W and 2+ helped loads. 


DC dread was great- but WS4 is poo.  

LOVE the little 148 point grav gun unit- really solid interference.  


Ravens good as always.  Baal- decent -but still not better than the sicaran. 


Baal flamestorm a waste of time. Needs torrent (not telling the BA forum anythign new here i realise!)


All the rest worked as it was supposed to!

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How do you rate the Las/Plas on the Razorbacks? I think it's interesting seeing the difference between the chapter forums everyone else thinks it's a waste of time combo but a lot of BA players rate it well. Obviously because of being fast and shooting both but that's not even the main reason other chapters don't take it. Even if they were able to shoot with both at full BS on the move I doubt they would take it.


What do you find yourself shooting with it? The only target where I think the Las/Plas would be more effective than the Twin Las/Assault Cannon is vs monstrous creatures. I'll have to give it a go soon.

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I dunno, I like razorbacks and play them with assault cannons cause well miniguns are just cool with 4 str 6 rending shots twin linmked. But tbh its probably more cost effective to take Troops in a rhino and use the firing points.


Think rhinos have two Firing Points, so 5 man assault squad  can have 2 plasma guns inside drive around 12" and shoot from it and a rhino is like half the price if you kit your razor out with a weapon upgrade. Every two razorbacks exchanged for two rhinos is another 5 man squad of  boys on the table at least.



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I dunno, I like razorbacks and play them with assault cannons cause well miniguns are just cool with 4 str 6 rending shots twin linmked. But tbh its probably more cost effective to take Troops in a rhino and use the firing points.


Think rhinos have two Firing Points, so 5 man assault squad  can have 2 plasma guns inside drive around 12" and shoot from it and a rhino is like half the price if you kit your razor out with a weapon upgrade. Every two razorbacks exchanged for two rhinos is another 5 man squad of  boys on the table at least.




Las/Plas is just super strong IMO. The AC's are nice and might get a few rends, but you'll probably do more damage over the course of the game with the Las/Plas unless you are against predominantly hordes - plus it's a great & fairly cheap way to get more Anti-everything firepower into lists that is also on a mobile platform, it being able to hurt AV13/ T8 and below reliably enough in numbers.


I think it synergises particularly well with BA being able to take a heavy flamer, as we can disembark and still fire a "heavy" weapon.


5 guys is a good point, but they require more investment to be fully useful (like thier own transport!).


One of the main advantages in Tacticals in a razor over Assaults in a Rhino is that they fill a troops slot!

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I did the adepticon classic earlier this year. I really loved the format, it felt very balanced.  Don't get me wrong, I love to field allies, but the format really kept outrageous combinations out of the game. I think I actually prefer the 1500 point limit.


Is that a flamestorm cannon baal predator there? There's a lot of flamers and melta in that list. I bet it was a great time. I ended up painting some bike squads after the tourney, man I wish I would have had them. 

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Think rhinos have two Firing Points, so 5 man assault squad can have 2 plasma guns inside drive around 12" and shoot from it and a rhino is like half the price if you kit your razor out with a weapon upgrade. Every two razorbacks exchanged for two rhinos is another 5 man squad of boys on the table at least.



I don't have the rules near me but don't the passengers have to snap fire if the rhino moves 12? Wether it's a fast transport or not?

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Think rhinos have two Firing Points, so 5 man assault squad can have 2 plasma guns inside drive around 12" and shoot from it and a rhino is like half the price if you kit your razor out with a weapon upgrade. Every two razorbacks exchanged for two rhinos is another 5 man squad of boys on the table at least.



I don't have the rules near me but don't the passengers have to snap fire if the rhino moves 12? Wether it's a fast transport or not?


That's correct.  Any time you move over 6", the occupants are snap firing. 


The answer to the Las/Plas question will depend entirely on your meta.  The local meta has shifted towards more elite/specialist armies, and less horde type armies.  High toughness, low armour save as well as a fair amount of vehicles.  The AP2 on that is golden.  I'm a huge, huge fan.  If I run slower razors (DA rules for example) I may mix it up with the AC - but otherwise swear by the las/plas for my style.  Also, knowing that your razor isnt useless after one weapon destroyed is great too. 


In terms of shooting, I find the twinlinked adds to some versatility.  Wind up shooting vehicles, marines, MCs, GMCs even - but largely, with all that evil eldar about (not to mention all the bikers from nigel's orks) I find the ap2 forces jinks, making the opponent less brutal in return shooting.  A must for eldar scatter-spam. 

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Thanks for sharing, sounds like you had a great time despite the dice.


Dante is awesome with DC, hit n run with rage is awesome. I tend to run a stock Chappy in the unit too, so they have rerolls in the first round of combat. You're right that he is quite pointy though.



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Ah i haven't played rhinos as i often take razorbacks, but i guess just assumed that the fast rule meant the rhino was moving at cruising speed and everything was treated the same way. Cheers for pointing it out ill not make that mistake in a game now biggrin.png.

As a quick question what are you allowed to do when disembarking after moving 12" in a rhino, can you disembark ?


Just had a quick read thru the rules for combat speed/cruising speed and flat out as well as The fast special rule, makes sense ! I am a pillock lol.

And disembark states only if the model moved 6" or less in movement phase.


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Is this 'classic' format somewhat templated across the various tournaments? If so, I need to start pushing it locally. :]


Or is it just the following?




We borrowed from The Adepticon tourney and are incorporating "Classic" as one of our standard types of tournaments. 


The mods were:


No FW/IA at all. 

No datasheets/Formations

No Superheavies/Gagantuan creatures (Lords of War that weren't either were okay.)

No allies

1x CAD only. (which cuts out a few dexes that cant use CAD).


Otherwise, ya...really recommended format.  

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