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The Sons of Jaghati (HHWS) CoC VIII distraction


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Lose not hope brother I think you're board has some amazing stuff on it and I feel you not placing is an error on the judges parts. as far as technique and skill go from what I can see you have all these painters beaten hands down and you're board is easily the most real looking (is that one just made out of painted news paper or what like golly gee.) always remember you painted the models and built the board for you're own enjoyment and a poorly run competition can't take that away and if these weak willed peasants are to soft in the head to recognize you're obvious talent and mammoth effort in creating a truly beatifull board then I pity them.


But don't slow down man I would miss you're updates in the AoD forum to much to alow you to quit

hey Kurama, your stuff clearly rocks(not saying this in a sucky way)as clearly from seeing the other pics it is obvious yours is of a very decent calibre with great detail to the back story and world of 30k,

when it comes to GW and store nerdery (i stopped going to GW's years ago and only recently went back to buy product that the FLGS didn't have) anything is possible and yes the more mates you have or more precisely sometimes the guy that spends more dollar$ in the shop gets the attention...your army being 30k and resin is also a bit of an unknown with the average nerdlinger GW locals, only hardcore 40k(er 30k) players are "into it" you watch with the release of the 30k box soon things will change...

were you robbed...yes, blind freddy can see that, it's not painting and modeling that let you down,it was politics pure and simple.

the 2nd place kid's army looked good...i bet he feels robbed too furious.gif

cheers, Mithril

Thanks everyone for your posts, now I'm still angry I guess and when Kurama gets angry he starts to do stupid :cuss;




like so.



I'm starting on my next army on parade board and with the announcement of the new Horus heresy box my next project.


So the white scars are taking a back seat to the Night lords

This is why us aussies aren't to be trifled with after a couple of beers





fully planned out still alot to do I will be doing impact pieces coming out of the crater

No I cut up some "terrain"


I will also be sacrificing a Siciran Battle Tank and a Spartan eventually for terrain as im very much all for realistic scenery which is why I most likely won't win armies on parade again

Please Please Pleaee.... Tell me that you dd not just chop up a falchion blink.png .

Surely you made a whole in the board so it sits crooked or something!! If not then I say go full on angle grinder on it!! Cut big sections of the track up where it got immobilised by a mine and then gouge out the sides where the ambushers fired Lascannons and rockets int its exposed side atleast 1 deaad tech priest and servitor crew, who were gunned down trying to save the behemoth...

Ratther than a Sicaran, what about a rhino or 2 for the troop escort

Then lots of gunned down SoH corpses, with your Scars advancing across the ambush site dispatching any wounded survivors :)

The odd jetbike or speeder skimming along hunting for fleeing survivors?

Well unfortunately photo bucket is being  so I won't be doing any uploads gor a while.

And yes I cut up a Falchion for my board but this is going to be night lords fending off white scars.

So new heresy box is close which will be the base of my next armies on parade board.

So guys with the release of the Horus Heresy box on the 14th I will not be hobbying or anything close to what I have been productivity wise.


As of the 17th I will be going under surgery and wont be able to paint airbrush Build etc for 4 months till I regain the strength in my wrists 3 weeks rest then 4 more weeks for the swelling and bruising to subside and then 2 months of feeling tight and crap in my wrists

I am orry to hear about the long recovery time for your surgery. Sounds like a right censored.gif . Hoping that the surgery and recovery go smoothly and swiftly.

Atleast you can now try to get Mrs Kurama into 30-40K by doing assembly and painting for you :p

Will ty to do you proud while you recover :)

PS, 4 months of stockpiling for the upcoming ETL thumbsup.gif

4 Months....ohmy.png tough stuff!!, although, the work you did in the "Tale of 18" in the first 2 months was probably more than enough, most of us won't catch up to you for 4 months anyway laugh.png!!

good luck with the surgery and yeah imagine the stockpile your going to have and all the ideas and plans you will have by the time your hands are ready for modeling again!!! devil.gif

Cheers, Mithril

Sorry to hear you'll be out of commission for a while. Best of luck with the surgery, hope all goes well.


And, as usual, great work (even if I weep a little bit whenever I see that Falchion). Looking forwards to 4 months from now, I'm sure you'll have a whole host of ideas to spring upon us.

So I just went down to my flgws and got an apology I just found out that the manager had been told in the past that he shouldn't support 30k in store as they don't sell or stock fw and now that 30k is mainstreamed he would like to apologize for being so negative towards my armies and being a general dick about the Horus heresy.


This has made me feel slightly better but for the time being I'm still a bitter old prick

Hope the surgery and recovery goes well for you, Kurama. In other news....

Please please please don't cut up the Spartan... cry.gif

It didn't mean any harm. Its just a poor innocent Assault Tank. Don't give it such a gruesome end.

Give it a good home where someone can are and love for it.... Like the Chapter of the Ruined King... tongue.png

So I just went down to my flgws and got an apology I just found out that the manager had been told in the past that he shouldn't support 30k in store as they don't sell or stock fw and now that 30k is mainstreamed he would like to apologize for being so negative towards my armies and being a general dick about the Horus heresy.


This has made me feel slightly better but for the time being I'm still a bitter old prick

Despite the fact you still had a few plastic sets on the board like the assault marines and landraider...


It's a real shame to be honest mate, worst part is now the Heresy box set will be released and your awesome AoP board will be buried beneath all the mainstreamers. Chin up mate, you don't need anyone's approval but your own!


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