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For now, I have two thoughts - 1) I honestly think the use of 'Iron' these days is somewhat overused - would a change to 'Steel Kraits' be an idea you'd like? Personally, I reckon 'Steel' sounds a little more imposing.


2) The raiding I can understand. Making them pirates sounds cool. But creating them as mercenaries who fight for secessionist and Imperial worlds alike (albeit with some minor commitment issues) doesn't quite sound right to me. Perhaps they exhibit anarchist traits and ideology? Rather than fighting as mercenaries, they simply fight wherever takes their fancy. Because... uh... screw the system. Yeah. Kinda like pirates, I suppose. Also, what motivates them? If they are indeed pirates (and/or mercenaries), what do they want? Potential neophytes? Crew for their ships? Raw materials to bargain with at a later point? Replacement gear? Thing is - if they are indeed pirates, they take what they want and damn the consequences - hell, why bother with consequences when being a pirate is so much fun? Mercenaries show more restraint. I think you may have to choose between one or the other. For the record, I'd pick Blackbeard-in-space over Blackstone-in-space. Atm, it seems a little more interesting to me.


thanks for the input Olis. you raise some good points.


I guess i was thinking of mercenary because pirates and raiders are already well done, while i haven't heard of free-lance marines... due to the whole "heresy!" thing and all.

perhaps the anarchist line is the go... but that shifts them more toward chaos.


[ponder ponder ponder...]


titanium kraits... chrome-vanadium kraits...

Ah, yes, but remember - if they are truly interested in the idea of anarchy, would they be happy serving anyone, God or otherwise? Moreover, if anarchism is indeed something they practice, then we might see, over time, the group split up as the 'leaders' accrue resources/power and perhaps have grander ideas in mind. Anarchists, as a rule, do not like governance by state - so they'd definitely not like the Imperium. But, with a fragmented body of astartes, what does the Imperium do? 


Simple. It hunts them down. They are a serious threat. Depending on what they do or where they (or various individuals) go, the Kraits will have to face Imperial 'justice' sooner or later. It merely depends on the how and the who.


Say Rogue Trader Johnny has lucked out and managed to recruit an astartes for his venture into wilderness space. Johnny doesn't care that much that the space marine (who we'll call 'Bob') isn't directly affiliated with the Imperium any more. Just so long as Bob doesn't start collecting skulls, it's not an issue. Rogue Traders are cool like that. Inquisitor Andy thinks differently. Andy has been hunting down Kraits for most of his career. Bob is not a special case - Bob is a threat to the security of the Imperium. If he does not swear fealty to the golden throne, then who knows what his agenda is? Unfortunately for Johnny, this is where his venture gets unstuck. Bob doesn't take kindly to persecution, or being hunted down for treachery for that matter. We know one of them is going to die. Johnny is probably screwed either way. 


Suffice it to say, being a renegade has consequences. ;)

Bob, Johnny and Andy sure are in a pickle...


i find it difficult to make the jump from a presumably disciplined astartes mindset changing rapidly to one of base anarchy.

for them to say i'm not following anything, especially if they're not subject to the effects of chaos, makes less sense.

using the idea of a decimation triggering them to reject the imperium... they're now rather vexed and feel betrayed.

such events would (maybe) bind those survivors closer together, which is its own form of order, hence opposite anarchy.

similarly the probability of being hunted concept would be motivation for them to stay together as well.


the idea of being a rogue trader's enforcer/bodyguard is intriguing.

so clientele - rogue traders, secessionists... perhaps pioneers or settler worlds rather than established imperial strongholds.... running from inquisitors. sounds busy enough.


just anything other than random raiders [yawn].


they don't reject humans per se, just the concept of imperial imposition/obligation.

if they are indeed 'robin hooding' it (albeit for a price) around these particular areas, killing some orks here, some eldar there, then perhaps the settler worlds would be inclined to keep their kraity benefactors on the down low.


...wrathful kraits... irate kraits...

i find it difficult to make the jump from a presumably disciplined astartes mindset changing rapidly to one of base anarchy.


Just to point out - 'anarchy' and 'anarchism' are not strictly the same thing. Being an anarchist does not necessarily mean giving up discipline or conditioning - it's simply the rejection of the state over the individual. Anarchism regards governance. Anarchy is a commonly used to denote lawlessness or the lack of leaders altogther - anarchy describes a situation. 

Edited by Olis

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