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2k Balanced Iron Warriors


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Cataphractii Armour, Combi-Plasma/Melta

Consul: Siege Breaker




Artificer Armour, Bolter

Consul: Praevian


Castellax Battle-Automata (3)

Darkfire Cannon (1), Enhanced Targetting Relays





Contemptor-Mortiis Dreadnought

Kheres Assault Cannon (2)



Tyrant Siege Terminators (5)

Chainfist (1)





Legion Tactical Squad (10)

Artificer Armour, Power Weapon

Dedicated Transport: Rhino



Legion Tactical Squad (10)

Artificer Armour, Power Weapon

Dedicated Transport: Rhino



Fast Attack


Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron (1)

Hunter Killer Missiles (2), Shrapnel Rounds



Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron (1)

Hunter Killer Missiles (2), Shrapnel Rounds



Heavy Support


Fire Raptor Gunship

Search Light, Shrapnel Rounds



Legion Sicaran Battle Tank

Lascannon Sponsons, Shrapnel Rounds



This has been designed as a balanced, almost armoured recon list. After looking through many of the scenarios and playing objective based games before, I worried that a static IW gunline list would be both too slow and not that interesting to use. Although there isn't much above strength 8 in this list, there is a lot of it, so I hoped that would be enough AT firepower. The Javelins will be used to harry flank armour and grab late game objectives.


There are still 10 points remaining which I'm struggling to decide what to spend it on...melta bombs for sergeants, refractor field for praevian etc?


I also felt this list would get better at higher points when Perturabo was taken as the Javelins and Fire Raptor could potentially enter turn 1.

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