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Hello folks,

     I have recently started a small blog to show off my progress on my Dornian Heresy Imperial Fists. Not sure if this is the right spot to ask this, but what do people generally favor when looking at WIP blogs? I personally like to see 60% thumbnails on the post that I can scroll though. I know B&C has a post on this but I am having a little trouble getting my pics to post in that format.

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The small pic format doesn't work for some phones. I pretty much skip WIPs that don't post large pics. Sometimes I will mention it if I really want to follow someone's thread and they usually switch over to larger pictures. I mean, it's a photo blog, so fill it with photos.


The other side of the spectrum is when people post huge photos. To much data usage so I tend to skip those too. Links going off site, I usually skip too. To much clicking and again data.


B & C has good functionality if you can figure it out. They have spent a lot of time optimizing this site and giving us the users the tools to take advantage of that optimization.

I think there's a balance between too small to show detail, and so large it's hard to take it in (or even see, on a small screen). In addition, I like to see things with as little clicking as possible.


The second important point is to crop them. Cut out excess space round the figure itself. It's nicer to look at, and loads faster.


Like Adra'Melek, I tend to post my pictures of single figures at 400px wide, tanks and other large figures at 640px, and groups at 800px wide. These are the defaults on PicasaWeb, which is the photo-storage site I use.

I've been around these kinds of boards for so long that if you don't know how to crop and resize your photos (I don't need a 2000x1100 pic of a marine's head), or if they're tiny little thumbnails that I can't make out what they are before clicking on them, I'm not going to bother looking any further. And honestly, I don't like clicking on thumbnails at all.


My monitor res is 1680x1050 and for pictures of individual figures I'll size them somewhere between 4-500 pixels tall at 72 dpi, but I also crop them very tightly so there's very little wasted space.

I pretty much skip WIPs that don't post large pics.

This. I'm lazy.

If you don't bother to make stuff easily viewable, you might not have taken time on the models msn-wink.gif

I also crop them very tightly so there's very little wasted space.

I need to start doing this too.

Thanks for the feedback everyone! I figured out how to host my pics on B&C, but when I post it on my blog the picture links to my gallery and not just the picture, any suggestions?


I host them on B&C, and then when I go to my gallery and click a pic, it pops up in its own little window. From there, I right click and hit "Copy Image Address" (will vary depending on your web browser). Then, when I go to add a pic in a post, I paste in the link and it basically auto-sizes it. That's the easiest way. You can also view different sizes if you're going for a smaller one and do the same thing, but it's an extra couple clicks. 

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