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Mephiston: from chevalier to shelved


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at least he wont die to s8 weapons. smile.png

Exactly, even though it's majority toughness, he can still eat a lascannon and still get an FnP roll. I find the danger with a squad isn't high ST low AP is high volume that forces a lot of 3+ saves, his 2+ and FnP really increases the squads survivability.

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I always thought he would be good in a unit of assault teriminators (and one of the few times to take them as BA). You've got a terminator sergeant with TH+SS to accept challenges vs 2+ save enemies and plenty of psychic augmentation for the unit. Throw them all in a stormraven and you should be good to go

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I have tested him a few times with assault terminators, my issue was the unit becomes somewhat overkill and with low mobility it's hard to multi assault, still good in some matchups and 3++ los is nice. 


I thought command squad would be pretty good with a few stormshields, but in practice it's to annoying to position stuff and often the marines will die to random dakka coming from other sides considering how expensive they are with SS it just wasnt worth it.


Had another game today vs Decurion necrons, ran him with 3 white scar cents again. Against Necrons Meph is top tier. Another fun way to run him with 10 scouts in a land raider. Not super competitive, but for fun games it's really a blast and does not break the bank pointswise. 

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Hmm. Scout leader Meph eh.


Sounds interesting. I certainly wouldn't have a problem LoSing onto scouts rather than expensive 1st company dudes.


Adding a priest for FnP and +1WS is nice, if we had the SM Scout stat line we'd have WS5 scouts, which would've been funny, but at least making them WS4 increases there survivability a bit.


If you're feeling crazy add a Chappy with a powerfist for ap2 and rerolls in first round of combat, also gives options for who to cast Quickening on.


Trying to thing if any of the other power trees would be good for Meth Scout leader...



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The Scout delivery option also (theoretically) works well if they arrive in a Drop Pod that is within range of the Auger Triangulation rule (Angel's Fury Spearhead Formation from WD47).

Now we're talking. In a drop pod means only 7 scouts if going for Priest, Chappy and Meth. I think CAD and FTSF with the unit in a SR would also work. We really need a force org with more HQ slots...



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Played Mephiston in an Apoc game today, he didn't get to hit much but he destroyed a Tau Commander and squad of plague bearers.


Sadly I rolled on bio and got Enfeeble and Haemorrhage... Doh! While a decent combo, the dreadknights needed the power dice mainly.

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I have tested him a few times with assault terminators, my issue was the unit becomes somewhat overkill and with low mobility it's hard to multi assault, still good in some matchups and 3++ los is nice. 


I thought command squad would be pretty good with a few stormshields, but in practice it's to annoying to position stuff and often the marines will die to random dakka coming from other sides considering how expensive they are with SS it just wasnt worth it.


Had another game today vs Decurion necrons, ran him with 3 white scar cents again. Against Necrons Meph is top tier. Another fun way to run him with 10 scouts in a land raider. Not super competitive, but for fun games it's really a blast and does not break the bank pointswise. 


That's why I was thinking on rolling both powers on the Sanguinary Psychic table. You get the primaris power for free (I think?) and you have a chance of rolling wings of sanguinus, which should take care of those mobility problems decisively. Unleash Rage, Blood Lance and Fear of Darkness would be fun, but Shield of Sanguinus and Blood Boil would be a bit underwhelming if you rolled those.

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I admit that my Mephi has been shelved since new dex, since 7th Ed realy.

But now that I've read all this he could well be making a re-appearance!

He used to be an auto include for a win.

Recently it's been Libby Dread/s.

More recently Libby Conclave.

Now I'm going to bring him up in support, either in pod or LR with DCo.

But what to roll on...? Libby dreads I just take Quickening and Prescience, unless I roll Speed of Primarch for WLT.

If he's with DCo Prescience seems like a must, esp with a fair few Plas Pistols in there. Up against wraith knights (who I have iny sights in local club) Quickening would also be wise. And Force is a MUST... So is Sang Sword!

So maybe Libby Dread can go after Wraith Knights and Mephi can have fun with Biomancy...

It's like the good old days.... but different!!

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Meph, Command Squad, 3 Storm Shield/Melta in a Pod


This squad has yet to under-perform. Meph tanks any AP3, and LoS AP2 if needed. I find his T5 invaluable. Run him with Prescience, Sword, and Quickening and he's a beat stick to anything with a 3+ save.


He's not meant to be a support Librarian, he's meant to eat things.

Help: Los is "Line of Sight" to me. Can't shake it. What are you guys referring to pls. I know it will be obvious. Don't care about looking stupid now, just need to know!!!

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Meph's S10 with lots of attacks definitely allows him to smash through Knights, Wraithknights, etc, which sets him apart from normal Level 2s... but Tiggy or Ezekiel have a really good chance to roll up Iron Arm (especially Tiggy) which gives them that capacity anyway.

Just wanted to point out that DA Librarians can't roll on Biomancy, that includes Ezekiel however he is still a really awesome support character for his points and Interromancy has some pretty powerful combos.


On a brighter note at least now you can bury Mephiston in a squad and can still be a really good beat stick. The big bonus Meph has is his ability to roll on Biomancy to be that beat stick and has a 2+ armour save that doesn't lose his ability to Sweeping Advance as it's artificer and not terminator armour which is the best way to remove full squads of troops that aren't fearless or Space Marines.


Meph and Zeke are the only two Librarians that rock artificer armour that I can remember off the top of my head.

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