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Blood angels tactical squad


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Well I guess I've been spoilt so far as all the cc jump troops and scouts vehicles etc have been fairly easy to assemble.

Things I like the least are the arms, hands, shoulder pads and backpacks and working out which pieces/poses don't conflict with others.  Also I find the arms and weapons really fiddly to try and assemble well.


It may just be an experience thing though. 

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Well I guess I've been spoilt so far as all the cc jump troops and scouts vehicles etc have been fairly easy to assemble.

Things I like the least are the arms, hands, shoulder pads and backpacks and working out which pieces/poses don't conflict with others.  Also I find the arms and weapons really fiddly to try and assemble well.


It may just be an experience thing though. 


The instructions in the book tell you what arms are paired with which, and in case you threw them away, matching pairs have the same design on the forearms and backs of hands :)


To be honest, I think the arms are great. Previously I had to leave the whole right arm off a model to be able to paint it. Now I can glue both arms on and just leave the bolter off to be able to access the torso of the model.


I'll admit the big wing shoulderpads dont go with some raised arm poses, but thats the nature of having such a pimped kit.


I dont see how the Death co kit can be easy, and the tac squad can be hard to assemble?

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Yep I use the instruction book I'm not a complete idiot tyvm, it does give you instructions for what arm sets and various extras pointing etc to use it doesn't include what parts/poses generally work well together which is why I said I didn't like them I should really be prefitting all the pieces to see how every individual piece fits before I glue them to puzzle it all out  although sometimes it is obvious what will and won't work other times it isn't that's why I find them not much fun to assemble because it seems like a lot of extra work compared to the other guys the cc  jump squads I mentioned, I think the big clue for how they were equipped and assembled is in the name, and did I mention I find the tactical arms fiddly.. oh wait yes I did.

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Hey man, people are only trying to help you out... No one was aggressive towards you, keep that red thirst in check.


I do agree with you on the arms, they are a bit trickier than normal.


I don't know if you only want to moan about the kit instead of taking advice etc but if that's the case BnC isn't really the place for that.

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I haven't tried the BA tactical squad box yet, but I have used the DC box to make bolter tacticals and I know those shoulder pads and backpacks can be a pain. With things that need to be lined up I usually tack the weapon in place to the right hand (or whichever) with a dab of glue and keep the two arms loose while I get them lined up with the torso to make sure everything fits alright. Once those are in place I move on to shoulders and then the backpack. One thing I've been guilty of is getting rid of the backpack mount/bump so the backpack can be slid up a little to make room for the shoulder pads. Like I said though, I haven't had the BA tac box specifically, but those are a few things I always find helpful for those types of assemblies.

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The arms are a bit more fiddly than the old tactical kit (and the BA one has a few too many pointless ropes tied around forearms for my taste, not to mention some of the daft shoulder pad designs), but they also allow for a much greater range of poses without resorting to cutting up arms; some of them are even bordering on how one would realistically wield a firearm! If you judiciously cut down some of the wrists and alter the rotation of some shoulders/clasping hands there's an even greater improvement.

I've only used the components from the Vanilla and BA Tactical kits to build a handful of models so far, but I can't say I found them much more difficult than the older kit. In fact, due to the above, I found it a good deal quicker to find poses I was happy with without lots of hacking and re-positioning as was the case with the discontinued kit.

I don't have many positive things to say about GW kits these days (I've just finished fixing the awkward, unrealistic poses of the new assault marine legs and massaged my temples thoroughly after trying to dry fit unadulterated bolt pistol and chainsword arms into combinations that got even somewhere close to how weapons of those kinds would be held and used), but there's very, very little to criticise about the Tactical boxes.

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concerning the will to keep going, whole squads or more can get tedious. I usually keep more than one project in progress at one time. So, I'll have 4 tactical marines going, maybe a chaplain, a tank, and some other things. If I get bored I rotate to keep the hobby progress going. Assembly lines are probably more efficient, especially if you're using an airbrush, but it can wear you out. I mix sanguinary guard, death co, tactical, sternguard, and even vanguard bits (admittedly the newer models all have a lot of extra detail which can be frustrating at times). 

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Well I guess I've been spoilt so far as all the cc jump troops and scouts vehicles etc have been fairly easy to assemble.

Things I like the least are the arms, hands, shoulder pads and backpacks and working out which pieces/poses don't conflict with others. Also I find the arms and weapons really fiddly to try and assemble well.

It may just be an experience thing though.

The instructions in the book tell you what arms are paired with which, and in case you threw them away, matching pairs have the same design on the forearms and backs of hands smile.png

To be honest, I think the arms are great. Previously I had to leave the whole right arm off a model to be able to paint it. Now I can glue both arms on and just leave the bolter off to be able to access the torso of the model.

I'll admit the big wing shoulderpads dont go with some raised arm poses, but thats the nature of having such a pimped kit.

I dont see how the Death co kit can be easy, and the tac squad can be hard to assemble?

Basically this. I found the new tactical box to be extremely refreshing, and with the 3 part assembly for the bolter, it's much easier to paint and even swap out special weapons

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I love the new kit.

I got three of them and mixed them all up with a few DC kits and a couple of the BA upgrade sprues.

It was really important to me that no one elses army looked the same as mine. Armies like Ultramarines have a habit of all looking quite samey (IMO of course) and I didnt want that to happen with my artisans of war.

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I'm so torn on the bloody kit. I absolutely love it but it's just so blinged up. I'm almost tempted to just use it for elite/ veteran units and keep my tacticals semi bland like the assault Marines!


That's definitely not a bad idea, especially if you've been playing since 3rd edition when every space marine's armor was far more minimalist (or realist, however you want to look at it). That being said, I've been playing since 3rd and I love the aesthetic decisions they made with the recent blood angels kits.


Love me a good Blood Angels aesthetic

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I'm so torn on the bloody kit. I absolutely love it but it's just so blinged up. I'm almost tempted to just use it for elite/ veteran units and keep my tacticals semi bland like the assault Marines!

That's definitely not a bad idea, especially if you've been playing since 3rd edition when every space marine's armor was far more minimalist (or realist, however you want to look at it). That being said, I've been playing since 3rd and I love the aesthetic decisions they made with the recent blood angels kits.


Love me a good Blood Angels aesthetic

Summed it up perfectly. Mutual feelings.

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Here's my starting plan for my Lamenters force:


One Blood Angels strike force (Captain, Tac Squad, Dreadnought)

2 Tactical Squad Boxes.

3 DC boxes

Lamenters' shoulder pads from Shapeways


Mix and match parts to taste.


Are the new boxes more complex? Only in regards to the arms and bolters. I tend to assemble legs, torso and backpack first and then test fit arms and shoulder pads using blue tac before assembly. The last thing for assembly is the head and loose bling so I can make sure to get a good head position in comparison to the body.

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With the first squad I did i cussed up a storm. 12 Squads later a breeze. Patience young onebiggrin.png .

Pics or it didn't happen...

No seriously I want to see 120 of the new blood angels tacticals all in one picture, sounds awesome!

Not all were mine. I had 2 for myself the rest for a buddy of mine who can't put them together due to having one arm. So no pics.

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