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I need help deciding what legion to use! Help!


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I need help deciding what legion I should play, preferably something I can use in 40k as well. I really enjoy a fast, hard hitting, close combat oriented play style. My favourite legions are the Emperor's Children, Night lords and Word Bearers.

Could I also get some help, once I have decided what legion I am going to play, with creating an army list that is around 1000-1500 points?

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Raven Guard, Sons of Horus, White Scars, and Blood Angels also fit the bill for that style (although the latter two lack rules for now, but will probably receive some soon).

Really, it's probably going to come down to what you'd enjoy painting a full force of more. If you hate painting white and black for example, the Raven Guard and White Scars might be right out even if you really like their models and/or rules. Check out The Legion For You thread in the main AoD forum, each page is filled with a ton of good advice to help you select a Legion and if you still can't decide, it might be worth posting there before the army list section.

My own biased opinion would say go with the Emperor's Children though cool.png It is just too perfect a time with the great Eidolon model release and there don't seem to be too many EC players active right now.

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Raven Guard, Sons of Horus, White Scars, and Blood Angels also fit the bill for that style (although the latter two lack rules for now, but will probably receive some soon).

Really, it's probably going to come down to what you'd enjoy painting a full force of more. If you hate painting white and black for example, the Raven Guard and White Scars might be right out even if you really like their models and/or rules. Check out The Legion For You thread in the main AoD forum, each page is filled with a ton of good advice to help you select a Legion and if you still can't decide, it might be worth posting there before the army list section.

My own biased opinion would say go with the Emperor's Children though cool.png It is just too perfect a time with the great Eidolon model release and there don't seem to be too many EC players active right now.

Thanks I didn't see that thread! I'm really just choosing between EC and WB, I would go EC because I love everything they stand for but the magic and demons of WB are soo dam cool. The other reason why I don't just go for EC is that a lot of the units they have are not in 40k and I would probably have to play them as a loyalist space marine chapter.

If I go for EC what sort of army list would you recommend? (1000-1500 points)

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If you haven't seen it yet, ( and don't mind Internet l33t sp34k) then 4chan has a surprisingly good page on 30k.




Regarding choosing a legion, flip a coin for it, and if your first instinct is to retoss the coin, you know which legion you really want. In fairness, you can use most of the EC units in 40k as reasonable proxies for chosen with various war gear, fancy sergeants and/or terminators.


If you're doing small points games, there's a few threads kicking about in the army list section concerning EC and WB. Either scroll through the first 4 pages, or use the search function. There's also a thread talking about using the delegatus (sp?) to make working 1000 points lists with small veteran squads as troops.


Hope this helps.



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Ok that trick really worked, I am definitely going for EC. Thanks Dallo! ^^ 

Is it worth it for me to get Eidolon and palantine blades with jump packs and powerlances/swords in a 1000-1500 point army?


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If you do go for Eidolon and Palatine Blades and want to make them actually work, you're sinking ~600+ points into them.


If you can build a competitive army with 900 pts, 300 of which (at minimum) will be 2x10 man Tactical Squads, then go for it.


Otherwise, 1k-1.5k will usually end up with a rather Generic List (unless you go out of your way to try) due to how 30k Works better at 2/2.5k+

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I'm actually somewhat surprised that you've gravitated towards the Emperor's Children as your legion. As far as playstyle goes they are one of the more difficult legions to play well, but they can be very rewarding if you take the right units and do lots of planning. This is a somewhat barebones list I put together for my EC, but they work far better at 2K points and greater because of how 30K is designed to be played - squads are very expensive and specialized.




Lord Commander Eidolon
[With Palatine Blades]
Legion Tactical Squad (x10)
> Sergeant w Phoenix Power Spear, AA,
Legion Tactical Squad (x10)
> Sergeant w Phoenix Power Spear, AA,
Palatine Blades (x8)
> Prefector w Phoenix Power Spear, MBs
> Phoenix Power Spear (x2)
[Ride in Dreadclaw]
Javelin Land Speeder (x2)
> Cyclone Missile Launcher (x2)
> HK Missile (x4)                           
Dreadclaw Assault Pod
Legion Outriders (x5)
> TL Plasmagun (x5)                       
Sicarian Battle Tank
> Lascannon Sponsons
> Dozer Blade                                 
ARMY TOTAL                                 1500
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