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3000pts Iron Warriors: The Hammer Of Olympia


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Cataphractii Terminator Armour, 3 Phosphex Bombs

Consul: Siege Breaker




Artificer Armour, Refractor Field

Consul: Master Of Signals




Tactical Squad (10)

Sergeant: Power Weapon, Melta Bombs, Extra CCW

Tactical Marines: Extra CCWs, Legion Vexilla

Dedicated Transport: Rhino



Tactical Squad (10)

Sergeant: Power Weapon, Melta Bombs, Extra CCW

Tactical Marines: Extra CCWs, Legion Vexilla

Dedicated Transport: Rhino



Tactical Squad (10)

Sergeant: Power Weapon, Melta Bombs, Extra CCW

Tactical Marines: Extra CCWs, Legion Vexilla

Dedicated Transport: Rhino




Tyrant Siege Terminator Squad (10)

2 Chainfists



Heavy Support:

Iron Havoc Support Squad (9)

Sergeant: Missile Launcher, Artificer Armour, Augury Scanner

Havocs: Missile Launchers

Dedicated Transport: Rhino



Fire Raptor

Armoured Ceramite, Quad-Heavy Bolters, Shrapnel Bolts



Sicaran Battle Tank

Armoured Ceramite, Lascannon Sponsons, Shrapnel Bolts



Sicaran Battle Tank

Armoured Ceramite, Lascannon Sponsons, Shrapnel Bolts



Lord Of War:



Rite Of War: The Hammer Of Olympia



Total: 3000/3000pts



Perturabo and the Siege Breaker join the Tyrants (Obviously). They make a Turn 1 Alpha Strike, with Perturabo using his Cognis Signum to give them +1 BS and the Siege Breaker giving them Tank Hunters, they can put out an ungodly amount of dangerous, accurate firepower. Basically, these guys are for dealing with the REALLY dangerous enemy stuff. With their high strength, AP3, Tank Hunters & Wrecker, they're extremely good at dealing with GCs, MCs, Vehicles and Buildings. The Tactical Squads are there to grab objectives and if need be, use their Hail Of Fire to Rapid-Fire some important enemy unit and then trap them in combat. The Master Of Signals joins the Havocs. They'll basically just sit back and gain +1BS from the MoS and provide some heavy supporting fire against anything from hordes, to tanks, to flyers. The Fire Raptor will come in and use its Avenger Cannon to deal with MEQ and its Heavy Bolters to pin a bunch of enemy units. I've tried to kit out the Sicarans for both Tank & Infantry hunting, they'll basically just speed up along the board and take out some of the grader points of the enemy (Though, I have considered replacing with them with Vindicators).


I've really gotten into Iron Warriors as of late & I think it'll be a hard decision for me to choose etween them and Sons Of Horus (at the moment, I'm leaning towards the latter). As always, any advice will be much appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I like the list even though I'm not a big fan of Rhinos. I am concerned though that at 3000pts your Tyrants and Havocs are begging to be nuked off the board with Typhon style devastation rather quickly.


Having Perturabo join the unit of Tyrants causes him to be affected by the majority toughness rule so I would generally advise against it. Additionally, all of Perturabo's attacks have the Tank Hunters special rule so I see little point in providing two sources to the squad, the second coming from the Siegebreaker. Siegey can already tank for the squad. This gives you the opportunity to run Perturabo separately but still within 6" to make use of the cognis signum on the Tyrants whilst still throwing out your precision bombardment. If you trim a few points it should give you the wiggle room to run two five man units of Tyrants instead, having the Siegebreaker join one and Perturabo roll alongside the other. If you run him separately from the Tyrants and split those down into two units, you could start Pert on the board and bring your Tyrants and Raptor in from reserve turn 1 and make use of his nuncio vox for deepstriking. Offers a little more flex to the list.


Another thing to possibly consider is dropping the ccws on the marines and the rhino for the Havocs. Replace this with a Bastion and ammo dump for a 4+ cover save and the ability to re-roll ones to hit with shooting for them instead.









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