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2k Salamanders List (Help! Lorgar is bad touching me!)

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HI all, 


Been painting for a while, only ever played one 40k game a few years back with a Chaos Warband. 

I thought that considering my collection of Salamanders is getting so bighuge, I should probably at least make some effort to organise it into a list. With this in mind, I'm building it more with 'what I have' than 'what is best' so my options aren't unlimited. I'm not averse to getting additional models to suit my list, but I want to keep it fluffy and affordable!


Anyways, here it is. Bear in mind I'm new to this so I'm not sure if this is 'good' but my focus was on an airborne thunderpunch with the Caestus loaded with sexy Firedrakes. I thought the tacticals move somewhere with the predators while the 'temptor is for AA? The jetbikes for shoot & scoot?




1x Praetor in Cataphractii Armour w/ DSC w/ MC Paragon Blade w/ MotED w/DIgital Lasers - 200




1x Legion Tactical Squad x9 Marines x1 Sergeant with Combi-flamer w/ Rhino - 195


1x Legion Tactical Squad x9 Marines x1 Sergeant with Combi-flamer w/ Rhino - 195




1 x Firedrake Squad x 8 Firedrakes w/7 DSC w/9 Thunder Hammes w/1 HF 1x Firedrake Master w/MC TH and DSC - 580


1x Contemptor-Mortis w/Dual AC - 165


Fast Attack


Legion Scimitar Jetbike Squad - 2x Jetbike 1x Jetbike Sergeant w/MC Ppistol w/Volkite Culverin - 180


Heavy Support


Caestus Assault Ram w/ Frag Assault Launchers w/Auxiliary Drive - 305


Predator w/Flamer Sponsons w/Magnamelta w/Armoured Ceramite 140



Total 2000pts



How strict are points limits? I mean would somebody get grumpy at me for an extra 5 or 10 pts? Then I can MC my hand flamer or get a MC plasma pistol even.


Anyways, is this list viable? fun? terrible? Fluffy? Please let me know!




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First you're going to beed to add a different HQ. The Primus Medicae now has the 'Support Officer' so he can't fill your compulsory HQ slot sad.png.

As Salamanders, you can switch out heavy bolters for heavy flamers if you like. This means you could have Jetbikes wkth them, which is pretty cool I guess?

Almost forgot... as for going over in points, my general rule of thumb is no more than 5pts over. Simple fact being, of I have gone over by X points and I have an upgrade that could be changed/removed and save X points then it should be removed to keep the list under.

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Aww really? A damn shame, I was gonna put him with the Firedrakes for FNP.

K I've replaced him with a tooled up Praetor, added armoured ceramite to the predator and gave back the Jetbike sarge a MC Ppistol.

Not sure what else the 20-40 pts would have been good for so I went with the pred & jetbikes.


1x Praetor in Cataphractii Armour w/ DSC w/ MC Paragon Blade w/ MotED w/DIgital Lasers - 200


1x Legion Tactical Squad x9 Marines x1 Sergeant with Combi-flamer w/ Rhino - 195

1x Legion Tactical Squad x9 Marines x1 Sergeant with Combi-flamer w/ Rhino - 195


1 x Firedrake Squad x 8 Firedrakes w/7 DSC w/9 Thunder Hammes w/1 HF 1x Firedrake Master w/MC TH and DSC - 580

1x Contemptor-Mortis w/Dual AC - 165

Fast Attack

Legion Scimitar Jetbike Squad - 2x Jetbike 1x Jetbike Sergeant w/MC Ppistol w/Volkite Culverin - 180

Heavy Support

Caestus Assault Ram w/ Frag Assault Launchers w/Auxiliary Drive - 305

Predator w/Flamer Sponsons w/Magnamelta w/Armoured Ceramite 140

Total 2000pts

Losing a pred for a beastly Praetor sounds alright I guess sad.png

I wasn't sure on Digital Lasers but I see them on every Praetor build I've ever seen I swear...

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Only 1 in 3 Jetbikes can swap for a Special Weapon.


Ah, yes. I did not read that entry fully. Thanks!


Swapped them back to HBs and the sarge gets the Culverin for choomy. 


I added the extra points back onto the Caestus with frag launchers and an auxliary drive, which should help it get to it's destination and aid the glorious Firedrakes in their mighty assault on whatever might be outside the Caestus doors.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi gang,

I've updated my list & am looking for advice on fighting Lorgar (post here) http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/282525-salamanders-tactics/page-8


I've dropped the AC & Flamer Sponsons on my Predator, along with the MC Ppistol on the Jetbike.


So basically the list now has a Preator w/the goodies PLUS a Zeroth Conductor shield.


Any advice would be much appreciated :)

For t'Empra & Vulkaaaan!

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Ok, here goes...


I'm not certain, but I'm pretty sure you can't have a combat shield (the ZCS) and a Dragonscale storm shield (because seriously, how would you wield them both?). Either way, the extra attack is lost because of the paragon blade's Specialist Weapon or the Dragonscale's rules (pick one). Probably not worth keeping the ZCS even if you can have both. And I assume you're running the Covenant of Fire RoW?


Ramming with a Caestus is ok against vehicles, but against troops Tank Shock is a bit weak. Do not count on it to do anything against Lorgar. Generally, you want to shoot with it's magna-melta.


Lorgar should never be underestimated. Psychic powers from the 3 characters can make him pretty scary, and he strikes first with Strength 8 attacks (Instant Death against 2-Wound Firedrakes). His Deathball will also hit at Initiative 5 (apart from KP) with Zealot re-rolls - don't be surprised if you lose 6-7 Firedrakes before they even get to strike. If you can shoot down the Storm Eagle while they're all onboard, you will definitely even up the odds. A 2nd Contemptor-Mortis will help here, though I'd run TL lascannons over Kheres (totally a personal choice).


Meltapreds are very good, especially against Contemptors and MEQs, and even better with Covenant of Fire re-rolls. Jetbikes are good, but why not swap the 3 heavy bolters to Strength 6 heavy flamers? Would be pretty sweet!


Remember that he will have 450 points tied up in 1 model, while you can spend it on a lot of stuff to kill that 1 model! :)

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Ok, here goes...

I'm not certain, but I'm pretty sure you can't have a combat shield (the ZCS) and a Dragonscale storm shield (because seriously, how would you wield them both?). Either way, the extra attack is lost because of the paragon blade's Specialist Weapon or the Dragonscale's rules (pick one). Probably not worth keeping the ZCS even if you can have both. And I assume you're running the Covenant of Fire RoW?

Ramming with a Caestus is ok against vehicles, but against troops Tank Shock is a bit weak. Do not count on it to do anything against Lorgar. Generally, you want to shoot with it's magna-melta.

Lorgar should never be underestimated. Psychic powers from the 3 characters can make him pretty scary, and he strikes first with Strength 8 attacks (Instant Death against 2-Wound Firedrakes). His Deathball will also hit at Initiative 5 (apart from KP) with Zealot re-rolls - don't be surprised if you lose 6-7 Firedrakes before they even get to strike. If you can shoot down the Storm Eagle while they're all onboard, you will definitely even up the odds. A 2nd Contemptor-Mortis will help here, though I'd run TL lascannons over Kheres (totally a personal choice).

Meltapreds are very good, especially against Contemptors and MEQs, and even better with Covenant of Fire re-rolls. Jetbikes are good, but why not swap the 3 heavy bolters to Strength 6 heavy flamers? Would be pretty sweet!

Remember that he will have 450 points tied up in 1 model, while you can spend it on a lot of stuff to kill that 1 model! smile.png

I did do this in my list, just forgot to edit this. I thought the ability to strike first against the incoming deathball at S8 SP2 would be a real help, considering the SS won't help him survive much.

Either way I'm pretty much sure my Firedrake deathball is completely inadequate.

The problems I face are that I have no LoW to counter this. Vulkan will get served by a Transfigured Lorgar, my Falchion is a damn 5pts over the 25% limit. I don't have any LoWs assembled in time for the match. I'm not even sure the Falcion will reliable hurt his deathball.

So I'm stumped, deepstriking with firedrakes seems pointless. So I thought, why not go CoF and vehicle heavy? It gives me the ability to get distance and gives me heavy weapons which can hurt him. I'm unsure on the Dreds - I would again assume if my Firedrakes get goomba stomped so too will they?

So I thought up the following:

Rhy-tan and a regular Pcannon dreadnought w/hf fist

2x 5 Pyro squads w/melta bombs (to nuke Ghara mal thing)

2x Contemptor - One bog standard (HB/CCW) one melee (Dual CCW w/2 HFs)

1x Mortis Temptor - to clarify, when I say AC I mean autocannon! Not assault.

Javelin Speeder - just cos I have one, can pepper his tacs?

ACHILLES ALPHA CHOOMRAIDER - I have no idea if this is a good idea but it can take 5 'clasts and put out a lot of firepower on the deathball


Fire Raptor - ACs, Hellstrikes - With the Mortis, I should be able to down the Storm Eagle. He then has no AA, so this guy can pepper Lorgar with dakka


2x Predator with HF sponsons 1xMagnamelta 1x Flamestorm - consume Lorgar deathball with cleansing flame? Maybe?

I fear my inevitable defeat sad.png I'm trying to think up all the models I have which can put out the most dakka to potentially give me a chance but coming up short.

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Pyroclasts become NON-compulsory Troops under Covenant of Fire, so that list is out sorry.


- I wouldn't take Hellstrike missiles - they're Ordnance so will make everything else Snap Fire.

- Flamestorm Preds usually require Machine Spirit, as they need to move further, and are then a bit expensive. Take more Meltapreds (the kit should have come with both weapons, so you can magnetise them).

- Dual claw Contemptors are very good too.

- should have realised you meant autocannon. #facepalm

- a Javelin with Cyclone ML and 2 hunter-killer missiles is great value if you have one.

- I prefer the normal Achilles for the multiple Strength 8 shots it puts out.


Don't stress about the Deathball too much, just don't underestimate it. If you can whittle it down before Assault, you'll do ok. Just don't engage it until you're ready to. :)


EDIT: forgot that Covenant of Fire disallows Deep Strike, so Flyers would be illegal. You'll have to drop the RoW or the Caestus/Fire Raptor.

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Pyroclasts become NON-compulsory Troops under Covenant of Fire, so that list is out sorry.

- I wouldn't take Hellstrike missiles - they're Ordnance so will make everything else Snap Fire.

- Flamestorm Preds usually require Machine Spirit, as they need to move further, and are then a bit expensive. Take more Meltapreds (the kit should have come with both weapons, so you can magnetise them).

- Dual claw Contemptors are very good too.

- should have realised you meant autocannon. #facepalm

- a Javelin with Cyclone ML and 2 hunter-killer missiles is great value if you have one.

- I prefer the normal Achilles for the multiple Strength 8 shots it puts out.

Don't stress about the Deathball too much, just don't underestimate it. If you can whittle it down before Assault, you'll do ok. Just don't engage it until you're ready to. smile.png

EDIT: forgot that Covenant of Fire disallows Deep Strike, so Flyers would be illegal. You'll have to drop the RoW or the Caestus/Fire Raptor.

K so reworked yet again.

On the basis Rhy-tan is just unecessary, 210pts for a melee character in a list where the last thing I want is melee engagements.

So, I have dumped him for 2x Centurions, one Delegatus so I can take CoF and one MoS so I can use an orbital bombardment on Dickgar.

It also allows me to take a full complement of armour and dreadnoughts:

Although the lack of deepstrike, can I not just place them on the board as a normal unit? Or do I *have* to deepstrike and thus they aren't useable?

+++ censored.gif Lorgar (2000pts) +++
++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) ++
+ HQ +
Legion Centurion [Artificer Armour]
············Master of the Legion [The Covenant of Fire]
Legion Centurion [Artificer Armour, Artificer Weapons]
····Consul [Master of Signal]
+ Troops +
Legion Tactical Squad [11x Legion Tactical Space Marines]
Legion Tactical Squad [11x Legion Tactical Space Marines]
Pyroclast Squad [Melta Bombs, 4x Pyroclast]
+ Elites +
Contemptor Dreadnought Talon [Legion Contemptor Dreadnought]
Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought [Two Twin-linked Autocannons]
Legion Dreadnought Talon
····Legion Dreadnought [Plasma Cannon]
+ Fast Attack +
Legion Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron
····Legion Javelin Attack Speeder [2x Hunter-killer Missiles]
+ Heavy Support +
Achilles-Alpha Pattern Land Raider
Legion Fire Raptor Gunship [Reaper Autocannon battery]
Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron
····Legion Predator Tank [Magna-Melta Cannon]
····Legion Predator Tank [Flamestorm Cannon]
+ Legion +
Legion Astartes [XVIII: Salamanders]
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Unless you have a skyshield landing pad, flyers cannot start on the board T1




Ok lemme rework this:


Removal of DS units to give 2x Apocs for the tacs along with 5x Multi-meltas in a rhino. Plan is, multi-melta Lorgar in his face. 

+++ :cuss Lorgar  (2000pts) +++
++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) ++
+ HQ +
Legion Centurion [Artificer Armour]
············Master of the Legion [The Covenant of Fire]
Legion Centurion [Artificer Armour]
····Consul [Master of Signal]
+ Troops +
Legion Tactical Squad [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]
Legion Tactical Squad [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]
····Legion Tactical Sergeant [Artificer Armour]
Pyroclast Squad [Melta Bombs, 4x Pyroclast]
+ Elites +
Apothecarion Detachment
····Legion Apothecary [Artificer Armour]
····Legion Apothecary [Artificer Armour]
Contemptor Dreadnought Talon [Legion Contemptor Dreadnought]
Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought [Two Twin-linked Autocannons]
Legion Dreadnought Talon
····Legion Dreadnought [Plasma Cannon]
+ Heavy Support +
Achilles-Alpha Pattern Land Raider
Legion Heavy Support Squad [Legion Rhino Armoured Carrier, 4x Legion Space Marines, Multi-meltas]
Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron
····Legion Predator Tank [Magna-Melta Cannon]
····Legion Predator Tank [Flamestorm Cannon]
+ Legion +
Legion Astartes [XVIII: Salamanders]
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Id ditch the rhino and take Culverins instead. 5 shots isnt much but 20 culverin shots can force a lot of saves.

Would that I could, I am working with models I own. No culverins, so it's either heavy flamers or mult-meltas. I thought the high AP of the m-meltas would ruin Lorgar & Friends day, if I got a shot off before being charged ¬_¬

Can a dual autocannon mortis down a Storm Eagle?

I reworked out Covenant of Fire, frankly the whole 5+ invuln wasn't worth anything cos he's not fielding melta, plasma etc.

I've sacrificed the Pyros for the Fire Raptor, it just seems like a better investment. I'm now at the mercy of the reserves though, with the anti-gravs and flyers coming in to bring a lot of dakka, the tanktacdred line needs to hold on.

On a positive, I can now afford sponsons for the pred, to up their dakka. I went for a basic Master of Signal for HQ (honestly HQ was the hardest part to choose) to stick him with the tacticools.

The anti-gravs primary target is that blasted Chaos megadread. The bikes all have melta bombs and the Javelin can fire off the HKs to hopefully put it down.

+++ censored.gif Lorgar no RoW (2000pts) +++
++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (2000pts) ++
+ HQ (110pts) +
Legion Centurion (110pts) [Artificer Armour, Melta Bombs]
····Consul [Master of Signal]
+ Troops (300pts) +
Legion Tactical Squad (150pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]
Legion Tactical Squad (150pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines]
+ Elites (585pts) +
Apothecarion Detachment (110pts)
····Legion Apothecary [Artificer Armour]
····Legion Apothecary [Artificer Armour]
Contemptor Dreadnought Talon (175pts) [Legion Contemptor Dreadnought]
Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought (165pts) [Two Twin-linked Autocannons]
Legion Dreadnought Talon (135pts)
····Legion Dreadnought [Plasma Cannon]
+ Fast Attack (245pts) +
Legion Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron (85pts)
····Legion Javelin Attack Speeder [2x Hunter-killer Missiles]
Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron (160pts) [Melta Bombs, 3x Space Marine Sky Hunters, Volkite Culverin]
+ Heavy Support (760pts) +
Achilles-Alpha Pattern Land Raider (300pts)
Legion Fire Raptor Gunship (210pts) [Reaper Autocannon battery]
Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron (250pts)
····Legion Predator Tank [Heavy Flamers, Magna-Melta Cannon]
····Legion Predator Tank [Flamestorm Cannon, Heavy Bolters]
Here is all assembled, ready for putting into the carrier case.
Let's try and kill Lorgar!
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MoS is not a compulsory HQ Selection, need another.


If you're using the models you have, putting a 10man Heavy Flamer Squad in the way of Lorgar & Friends is a good way of ensuring damage dealt or making him divert more-than-necessary firepower to killing them because of the threat they pose to Assault Units.


Most Flyers are in the Av 10-12 Range. S7 Is usually sufficient but, a Deredeo's S8 is icing on the cake. I'd split the Predator Squadron if I could or give them both the Same Weapon. They cant tackle the same Targets in the same way and, due to squadron, have to shoot at the same target. Not efficient :\


Lorgar will be in a Storm Eagle with Friends, Right? That means you want to shoot the thing down ASAP and they, while they're stuck on the ground somewhere (in the event they survive), drown them in bullets.

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Blast & drat.

K I have replaced him with a Forge Lord who will be unceremoniously dumped in the Achilles Alpha to repair hull points.

This gives me points to give the Tacticools Nuncio-voxes.

Send the tacticools towards the enemy tacticools & Mhara Ghal. Deep Strike anti-gravs to fire krak missiles into the butt/side of Mhara and Jetbikes lob melta bombs. Hopefully Mhara Ghal is deaded. Utilise Fire Raptor to either wipe remaining enemy tacticools, or put more autocannon fire into the Storm Eagle.

EDIT: Swapped both Preds to magna-meltas. Had to drop a single HK missile on the Javelin to accomodate!

Use Mortis to down Storm Eagle, focus all possible dakka on Lorgar & Friends.

*prays to the Emperor*

+++ censored.gif Lorgar no RoW (2000pts) +++

++ Legiones Astartes: Crusade Army List (Age of Darkness) (2000pts) ++
+ HQ (85pts) +
Legion Centurion (85pts) [Artificer Armour]
····Consul [Forge Lord]
+ Troops (320pts) +
Legion Tactical Squad (160pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Nuncio-Vox]
Legion Tactical Squad (160pts) [9x Legion Tactical Space Marines, Nuncio-Vox]
+ Elites (585pts) +
Apothecarion Detachment (110pts)
····Legion Apothecary [Artificer Armour]
····Legion Apothecary [Artificer Armour]
Contemptor Dreadnought Talon (175pts) [Legion Contemptor Dreadnought]
Contemptor-Mortis Dreadnought (165pts) [Two Twin-linked Autocannons]
Legion Dreadnought Talon (135pts)
····Legion Dreadnought [Plasma Cannon]
+ Fast Attack (240pts) +
Legion Javelin Attack Speeder Squadron (80pts)
····Legion Javelin Attack Speeder [Hunter-killer Missiles]
Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron (160pts) [Melta Bombs, 3x Space Marine Sky Hunters, Volkite Culverin]
+ Heavy Support (770pts) +
Achilles-Alpha Pattern Land Raider (300pts)
Legion Fire Raptor Gunship (210pts) [Reaper Autocannon battery]
Legion Predator Strike Armoured Squadron (260pts)
····Legion Predator Tank [Heavy Bolters, Magna-Melta Cannon]
····Legion Predator Tank [Magna-Melta Cannon]
+ Legion +
Legion Astartes [XVIII: Salamanders]

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