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Charging with Tacticals?


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Well, the stat lines are the same because that is the standard space marine stat line.


I say go ahead. I love the assault phase too much to try to stop you, but a few things:


Only the sergeant has access to cc weapons. The rest of the unit will not be able to fire the turn they charge (unless your special weapons are flamers/heavy flamers). Also, there is the matter of maneuverability. Assault marines can take jump packs, but tacs are probably in a rhino if they are to have any mobility at all. Rhinos are not assault vehicles, so unless you want to put tacs in a land raider you are going to be standing around for a turn before you can charge (in this time the opponent could charge you). Assault marines also get an extra attack for having 2 cc weapons.


Like I said, go ahead and try it, but know that tactical squads are very much NOT an assault squad.

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Charge with tacticals if it makes sense. It often does especially if you are trying to tie up units. They can do a decent amount of work, and can also help turn the tide by supporting more specialized assaulting units just by added in wounds, and basically being distraction bodies. A few more attacks at them save those same attacks from perhaps wounding your death company or sanguinary guard. I will gladly trade 14 points for 30. 

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Depends what you're charging at, obviously.


There are plenty of units in the game a Tactical Squad can deal with in close combat, especially after hosing them down with a couple of templates, and plenty of times it's safer to be in assault than standing in the open, even if only to hold something up for a turn or two until punchier help arrives.


Many dedicated, elite assault units can kill 10 Tacticals inside 1-2 rounds though, so pick your targets wisely.

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I have a tac squad with heavy flamer/flamer and power sword and hand flamer on the sergeant. I figured I'd be in close anyway due to the triple flamers and if I'm going to be close anyway, why not be able to charge and kill things?


I'll try it out against my housemate this weekend. It will be interesting to see how it goes. He wont be expecting it and with the extra initiative on the charge I'll get all those attacks in before he can do anything about it. Down side is that he plays salamanders, so the flamers kinda suck against his stuff.

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Personal favourite is a Tac Squad with Flamer, Heavy Flamer and Sergeant with either Twin Hand Flamer/ Hand flamer and Power Weapon/ Combi Flamer etc.


Every tactical marine has a pistol that he can fire as well as one member getting to throw a grenade.


Combat squad these guys and you get an extra grenade too.


So in all you get something like this:


1 S5 AP4 Template

1/2 S4 AP5 Template

1/2 S3 AP6 Template

1/2 Frag Grenades

5/6 Bolt Pistol Shots


Then in combat you get another 18 S5 (maybe I5 attacks) and then up to another 3 with AP3 etc.


Pretty great against anything, even MEQ due to forcing saves.

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Strength 5 I 5 is nothing to snuff at. I often throw a combat squad (assault or tactical) into a combat along side my Death Company or Sanguinary Guard. The Sgt can issue a challenge to protect your main combat :cuss kicker (Dante, Sanguinary Priest, Chaplain from wasting attacks on some 3++ tank and instead butcher the squad.
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I've had some good luck charging with tacticals as well, but you need to pick your targets. I've had luck charging tacticals into ork boys (reducing them to strength 3 is a big advantage) and guardsmen (had a single sergeant take out a 10-man infantry squad).


I've also toyed around with melee-focused tactical squads with flamers and CC weapon-sergeants for the Angel's fury formation, since you need to take tacticals in stormravens.


And as always - shoot the choppy and chop the shooty.

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I usually kit my tactical squads for more of a medium range fire support and objective claiming role but it's very common for blood angels tac squads to be kitted out for close range firefights where hand-to-hand is almost a certainty, so I'd say it's definitely a viable option. Just make sure to choose your battles wisely, and take a pistol and melee weapon on that sergeant.

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As mentioned Tacs are decent all rounders, so can hold there own in CC, but any dedicated CC unit will make short work of them.


Also as mentioned picking your targets and deciding when to charge and when to make your opponent eat overwatch. I recently charged a 5man combat squad with ML who were sitting back pinging off shotsinto a big unit of Kroot, because I knew if I let them charge they'd probably beat me in combat. The combat lasted 3 player turns (6 rounds of combat) and I was down to a single marine when the dice gods smiled on me, I won the combat and swept the Kroot.



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Yesterday I had 5 assault Marines charge about 5 plague drones (or whatever plague bearers on fly monsters are called). 2 were BP&CCW, 1 was twin inferno and 2 were Meltagunners.


Because of the S5 they wounded them a lot easier and caused enough wounds to take 2-3 out, some of which have had already taken a wound.


My Contemptor then wrecked another 2.


Point of the story, these guys weren't made for combat but the S5 meant they got the job done. Felt like a proper blood angel after that. While they weren't tacticals, the number of attacks and strength is similar.

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I would say that charging is always better than being charged


You'd be wrong though. Dark Eldar Wyches, for just one example, would much rather you charge into their I6 than have to charge at you through 2-4 Walls of Fire.



But if you have 4 flamers, there will not be many wyches left...


Better to charge than be charged, especially with the bonus strength.

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Not if they were standing 10" away.


Saying x is always better than y is stupid. Judge each situation on its merits.


Well obviously if people keep adding in new caveats that make a charge unfavourable. Yes.


The question was, is is good for tacs to charge, a response was "not if it's Wyches and you have flamers".


Such a specific situation.


Charge if you want to protect them iby being in combat, finish off a unit, gain extra distance, want to deny the enemy charge bonuses.

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