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Who's the 3rd Company Captain now?


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I was just wondering if this was ever clarified in any fluff GW has released lately (and if there is could you cite the source).


For years it's been clear that the former 3rd company captain, Tycho, fell to the black rage and died on Armageddon, yet he is still listed as 3rd company captain in the current codex. Could this just be something GW intentionally overlooked so players could come up with their own new captain or more likely just to keep using the Tycho model and rules in the game?

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Welcome to games workshop, where the fluff never advances!


At this point I'm inclined to believe they have so many Tycho models hoarded up to sell they had to put him in the codex... But then ruin is rules :(


Like the others (bar the 1st) it'll just be another unimportant blood angel most likely.


Edit: Lexicanum says it's someone called Machiavi. No other info though.

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Per the previous codex, command of the 3rd Company passed to Galan Machiavi.


The Blood Angels Captain from the 2nd ed box cover/Games Day 2012 has personal heraldry on a field divided by a diagonal stripe, which is a device unique to the 3rd Company.


It's up to you whether that makes him Machiavi, Tycho before his wounding in the Second War for Armageddon, or a predecessor but there's a good chance it's him. Under the Rogue Trader heraldry rules, he would probably be a Lieutenant (which no longer existed by the time 2nd ed. saw print), not a Captain, and Tycho's back banner is visible in the background of the artwork.


Bear in mind the Third War for Armageddon practically is "now". It kicks off in 998.M41, concurrent with the 1st and 2nd Companies fighting in the Shield of Baal campaign. The next major campaign anyone's going to be involved in is the 13th Black Crusade.

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I just made a funny list that actually uses Tycho... I got him last codex, used him maybe twice with Sternguard, and then they killed him by ruining his rules... I mean, why cant he use special issue ammo? Sigh... Oh well...

Tycho, the fallen star

Libby lvl 2, staff

8 DC, bolters, PF, drop pod (Tycho goes here)

8 DC, Hammer, Power sword, jump Packs



10 Scouts, 4 snipers+Heavy Bolter (Hellfire), 4 CCW/BP, PF/BP sergeant, cloaks

Drop Pod (for Cassor), deathwind missiles

5 Assaults, 2 melta, 2 inferno sergeant, Drop pod

Sicarian, lascannons

1501 points (not sure what to change to make it 1500 even)


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As far as I know there's no details from the 3rd co post Tycho.


So if you're looking to use a custom character set after that time go nuts.


I do lament Tycho, as I love his fluff. Why GW felt the need to make him terrible is beyond me.




But he just didn't make much sense in the last codex. Why does he just arbitrary ignore armor saves? Does he have some sort of power fist that strikes at initiative order? If so tell my sanguinary priest where to get one, he wants one too.

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If the current date is 999.M41 and Tyco died during the war for Armageddon that began in 998 and presumably want over in a single year and the 13th black crusade started in 999...


I'm assuming that disregarding a one mention guy who disappeared from the fluff that Tyco may not have been replaced as of the "present"

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As far as I know there's no details from the 3rd co post Tycho.


So if you're looking to use a custom character set after that time go nuts.


I do lament Tycho, as I love his fluff. Why GW felt the need to make him terrible is beyond me.



But he just didn't make much sense in the last codex. Why does he just arbitrary ignore armor saves? Does he have some sort of power fist that strikes at initiative order? If so tell my sanguinary priest where to get one, he wants one too.

Since when did we start caring about things making sense in the grim dark future?! Besides it's the Dead Mans Hand, how hard could it be to write some fluff for a cool relic? Something worthy of the Captain that was believed to succeed Dante as Chapter Master. It's didn't even have to remain ap2 at I, we have Valours Edge for that. The point is they gutted him of all character.


They could've at least left him with specialist ammo, and preferred enemy (instead of Hatred), but no, they deemed to make him next to useless.


The extra range on the melta component of his combi weapon is nice, but he's not worth 130 pts...



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As far as I know there's no details from the 3rd co post Tycho.


So if you're looking to use a custom character set after that time go nuts.


I do lament Tycho, as I love his fluff. Why GW felt the need to make him terrible is beyond me.




But he just didn't make much sense in the last codex. Why does he just arbitrary ignore armor saves? Does he have some sort of power fist that strikes at initiative order? If so tell my sanguinary priest where to get one, he wants one too.



In 2nd and 3rd edition, Tycho had Digi-Lasers in his left hand which gave him extra attacks at the beginning of HtH. During the Wardian era that got turned up to 11 like a lot of things that edition, and became a power weapon instead. Like it or not, you have to admit, Tycho was pretty awesome then.

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If the current date is 999.M41 and Tyco died during the war for Armageddon that began in 998 and presumably want over in a single year and the 13th black crusade started in 999...


I'm assuming that disregarding a one mention guy who disappeared from the fluff that Tyco may not have been replaced as of the "present"


Therein lies the confusion.  7th edition BA codex is set in 998.M41.  Shield of Baal rolled the timeline back a tick, hence why Tycho is mentioned as being absent because he is leading his company on Armageddon.

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Machiavi's also in the short story The Word of the Silent King. He's the marine recounting the Blood Angels account of teaming up with the Necrons on Gehenna. He's a Sgt of an assault squad of the third company during the event(s) and in one of the last sentences he states "In fact, brothers, I am still amazed that this moment of indiscretion did not cost me my eventual succession to command of Third Company" so indicating he's Captain of the Ironhelms whilst recounting the story. Hope this helps! 

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I'd enjoy a one use per game single overcharge of his hand, so it's S8 AP1 but only one attack or something. Otherwise ap3 would make him fit his budget fine. DC tycho could even remove the limit but he takes a wound if it misses or something. If enjoy that!
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