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IL XVI - The Drowned

Hesh Kadesh

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So, I've been thinking about what I'm going to do with Hennasohn, and it involves splitting him into 2; the Destroyer aspect (becoming Corvo, Morro's equerry), and the Commander/Psyker Aspect. Corvo will gain the Grav-Wave Generator and the Hymns of Misery as well as allowing Morro to take Rites of War.


Hennasohn will gain a Master-crafted Bolter with a Suspensor Web modified to suit a Rapid Fire weapon and special ammunition, as well as Sniper, and any Precision Shots on a 5+, and those Precision shots Ignore Cover and ignore Look Out, Sir. In addition, he'll take an Augury Scanner. Combined with Being able to select Telekinesis Powers, he can be a decent midranged shooter; Assail, Maelstrom and Dome make him excellent at short-mid range, while swapping Dome for Telekinesis makes him able to quickly redeploy some foot infantry. I think I'll remove Tidesight.


In regards to the Psychic Hood, this is as a result of the Netheramber Torc artefact. It's an artefact of Old Night, little more than a simple eldritch gem set into a copper neckpiece, giving him an Invulnerable Save, Eternal Warrior and a Psychic Hood, as well as Interceptor with Snap Shots. 


In regards to his Poltergheist ability; I'd rather not. I want to keep him a powerful psyker, without forcing him into one form of combat or not. If I forced him to lose one Psychic Power in order to gain the boosts in an assault, it would mean he'd lose some of the prestige I'd imagined. 


So, this is what we're looking at;




4 5 4 4 4 4 2 10 2+


Unit Composition; 1 (Unique)

Unit Type; Infantry (Character)


Weapons and Equipment;

- Master-crafted Boltgun

- Special Ammunition

- Artificer Armour

- Netheramber Torc

- Trophy Blades


Special Rules

- Legiones Astartes (The Drowned)

- Master of the Legion

- Preternatural Shot

- Poltergheist

- Scout

- Jealous Command

- Warlord Trait; Suffocator


[WARGEAR] Netheramber Torc; This amulet is said to be forged from a time before any civilisation existed with an inlaid gem of solidified corposant. 

This Torc gives the bearer a Refractor Field, Nuncio Vox, and a Psychic Hood. In addition, the bearer gains the Eternal Warrior special rule, and works like an Augury Scanner, with the exception that any shots made with the Interceptor special rule gained this way are considered Snap Shots. 


[WARGEAR] Trophy Blades; Accumulated after many years of serving in the Legiones Astartes, each of these blades are various esoteric weapons stolen from the Emperor's enemies. Normally considered taboo to wield, Hennasohn wields these multitude of xenos weapons with his mind as adroitly as the best Blademasters in the legions wield a blade specifically designed for their hand.


Weapon | Range | Str | AP | Type

Trophy Blades | - | As User | 2 | Melee, Ghost Razor, Master Parry, Precision Strikes


Ghost Razor; Successful Invulnerable Saves taken against Attacks with this special rule must be rerolled.

Mastery Parry; When fighting in a Challenge, the bearer may exchange attacks they have yet to make that phase for bonuses to any Invulnerable Save they have (or to gain an Invulnerable Save of 6, if they have none). No invulnerable save may be improved to more than 2+. 


[sPECIAL RULE] Preternatural Shot; Hennasohn was unlike many of his fellows. Rather than rushing into battle, he would rather stand at range, and eliminate specific enemies at range, cutting down the opponents command structure. 

Hennasohn counts as being Relentless for the purposes of firing his Boltgun. In addition, he has the Sniper special rule, with the exception that Precision Shots are made on a 5+ to hit. Precision Shots have the Ignores Cover special rule and Look Out, Sir may not be made against attacks made his Boltgun.


[sPECIAL RULE] Poltergheist; As one of the strongest Psykers within the entire span of the Legiones Astartes, and a particular specialisation for Telekinesis, Hennasohn quickly developed a recognition among the various legions he served with, if not for his abilities to crush an entire platoon with the force of his mind, then his ability to wield his blades as if they were extensions of his own body. He earned the title of Poltergheist as a result of this uncanny knack.

Hennasohn has the Psyker (Mastery 3) special rule, and may select any 3 powers from the Telekinesis discipline. However, he does not gain the Primaris power, unless he specifically selects it as a power known. In addition, when in an assault, he gains a bonus to his Weapon Skill, Strength, Initiative and Attacks value equal to his current Mastery Level. If there are any models with the Pariah* special rule or enemy Psykers within 6", this bonus is reduced by the highest opposing Mastery Level to a minimum of 1. 


(*For the purposes of Mastery level, a Pariah (Tertius) counts as Mastery 1, Pariah (Secundus) counts as Mastery 2, and Pariah (Primaris) counts as Mastery 3. Pariah (Alpha) counts as being of a higher Mastery level regardless of what Hennasohn's Mastery level is. Models with the Twisted Brotherhood upgrade count as Pariahs for this purpose purely if they have the Indomitable Will Upgrade, with each level counting as a Mastery level. For example, a Twisted Brotherhood with 2 levels of Indomitable Will counts as Mastery 2, and one with 3 levels counts as Mastery 3 etc). 


[WARLORD TRAIT]; Suffocator; A commander with many years of experience at the helm of the Drowned, even before the discovery of Morro, he was often tasked with the elimination of enemy off field support.

Enemies may not start rolling for reserves until one turn later than normal. Models with the Drop Pod Assault special rule set to arrive during the first turn are unaffected.




Charonic Seeker; 4 5 4 4 1 4 2 9 2+

Ferryman; 4 5 4 4 1 4 2 9 2+


Unit Compositon; 4 Charonic Seekers, 1 Ferryman

Unit Type; Infantry, (Ferryman; Infantry (Character))


Weapons and Equipment;

- Terminator Armour (Tartaros Pattern)

- Grenade Harness

- Havoc Launcher

- Rotor Cannon

- Chainfist



- Up to 5 Additional Charonic Seekers may be purchased for +40pts per model

- The entire squad may exchange their Grenade Harnesses and Havoc Launchers for a Cyclone Missile Launcher (10pts per model)

- The entire squad may exchange their Rotor Cannon for an Iliastus Pattern Assault Cannon (10pts per model)

- Any models in the squad may exchange their Chainfist for a Lightning Claw for free.


Special Rules;

- Legiones Astartes (The Drowned)

- Implacable Advance

- Deep Strike

- Marked for Death

- Precision Shots


Dedicated Transports; If 5 models in size, may take a Dreadclaw Drop Pod, or may select a Caestus Assault Ram, or an Kharybdis Assault Claw as a Dedicated Transport.


WIP; updated Morro, Corvo, Forlorn, Pelagic Monarchs, and Legion Rules.

  • 2 weeks later...

So, I keep losing this post, tried to write it about 5 times now, so here's hoping that it works this time;




  • Kraken Unleashed; Legion Drop Pods, and Legion Rhinos in addition to being taken as Dedicated Transports may be taken as a Fast Attack option. 1-3 vehicles may be taken as a single Fast Attack choice for the army, although all vehicles must be of the same type.  In addition any unit from this detachment held in reserve counts towards the total number of Drop Pod Assault special rule. Any unit eligible to take a Rhino or Land Raider (any variant) as a Dedicated Transport may select an Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw as their transport, while any unit eligible to take a Spartan and also able to fit within the transport capacity of a Storm Eagle, Kharybdis Assault Claw or Caestus Assault Ram may elect to do so. 
  • Horrorstrike; 1-3 Deathstorm Drop Pods may be taken as a single Heavy Support option. Any Deathstorm Drop Pods automatically arrive in Turn 1, but do not count towards Drop Pod Assault, and lose the option to take the Drop Pod Assault special rule. In addition, immediately before the game begins but after all other actions, resolve a Focused Bombardment (as if from a Damocles Command Rhino) against all Objective markers on the battlefield that do not have a model from this detachment within 12" of the target point.
  • Pull of the Abyss; Any weapon with the Graviton Pulse special rule wounds caused to models under the central hole to be AP2, and also gain the Pinning special rule. Any unsaved wounds caused by difficult and dangerous terrain effects of Graviton Pulse weapons have the Pinning special rules. Any weapon with the Lingering Death special rule gains the Soulfire and Pinning special rule. Any unsaved wounds caused by dangerous terrain effects of Lingering Death weapons also have the Soulfire and Pinning special rules. Legion Medusa in Legion Artillery Squadrons automatically have both Phosphex Shells and their normal ammunition for free, without the need for a Siege Breaker consul to be present.


  • Armies with a Detachment using this Rite of War must go second and cannot roll to Seize Initiative. Opponents automatically go first. In the event that the mission or opponents army requires to go second as well, roll off to decide who goes first.
  • Detachments running this Rite of War must include an additional Troops choice and may not include more than a single Consul. 
  • Fortification Detachments may not be taken with this Rite of War.
  • There must be more models with the Flyer or Fast Skimmer special rule than there are models with the tank special rule in a detachment using this rite of war.
  • No model from this detachment may use any "off-field" bombardments, like the Focused Bombardment or Bombardment special rules, due to the risk posed to incoming transports.
  • Loyalist only

Essentially, use Phosphex and Graviton pulse to shut down areas of the battlefield. Deathstorm Drop Pods may actually find a use, and can prevent enemies sitting on objectives with shooty units all game. Going second can be a big penalty, especially when half your army is off the field. That the reserves come in as per drop pod assault makes it not as bad, and allows for a null deployment game. The orbital barrage is nice, and can help prevent enemies setting up on the objective and camping. 


They're intended to just mess with enemy deployment stacks. 

I like it. I would suggest one change though. Currently you can have you entire army off the board in drop pods and your opponent has to take the first turn making them waste an entire turn not being able to do anything. I see where that downside is coming from, but I would suggest that you always give the opponent the option of going first or second, with no Seize roll allowed. That way if you are running a drop pod list they don't have to twiddle their thumbs for a turn and try to deal with you in only 5 turns. It then leaves the ball in their court as to how they want to play and if they want to take the risk of being alpha struck(striked?).

Very fair point, will make that change.


That said, the third of my characters; early rendition of Malevolent Corvo is ready for his judgement;


245pts (Traitor)


5 7 4 4 3 5 3 10 2+


Weapons and Equipment;

- Two Archaeotech Pistols 

- Master crafted Charnabal Sabre

- Artificer Armour

- Frag and Krak Grenades

- Iron Halo

- Jump Pack

- Grav-wave Generator


Special Rules

- LA (TD)

- Scout

- Counter Attack

- Cast-down Equerry

- Pistolier

- Warlord [Hymns of Misery]


Cast Down Equerry; Corvo has the Master of the Legion. Whenever Corvo is the Warlord, he may replace the option for a Legion Command Squad for a Legion Destroyer Squad, which must be equipped with Jump Packs. Corvo may not join any squad with the exception of Legion Destroyer Squads. In addition, if Morro is present in the same army, then his Impure Prince special rule no longer removes the Master of the Legion special rule.


Pistolier; Corvo has the Precision Shot and Chain Fire special rules, although whenever he makes a Chain Fire attack, his pistols are counted as having Gets Hot! special rule and he cannot use Precision Shot with attacks in this way. In addition, any Overwatch attacks he makes are resolved at BS2.


Hymns of Misery; Any enemy unit charging Corvo's unit is considered to be moving through Difficult and Dangerous Terrain. If an enemy model is already charging through Dangerous terrain, each model doing so must roll twice.


So, basically, he's an MEQ eraser unit. His 4++ Save helps keep him alive, but he can only muss around with Destroyers, which majority save hurts. He's not meant to be in combat, but an angel's wrath list can be pretty good lead by him - Hit and Run with a -3" to -5" charge.


For damage, between him and the phosphex missiles or plasma in a Destroyer Squad, just remove MEQ squads. Terminators are a major pain for him, having virtually no counter short of just trying to pile on wounds.


He's expensive for an MEQ remover, so I can't see him being too powerful. With Morro, he gets Hit and Run, which can make him really hard to catch in CC.

Thanks for keeping an eye out Mikhael! Got to be honest I'm really not a fan with how badly turned out they look. They look battledamaged before I've even taken a scalpel to them! Think i'm just going to keep with freehanding (ish!) if I can't find a decent waterslide transfer system. Thinking of slightly changing it up. Based on the information when researching, if I did them in waterslide transfer, I'd have to have a white background (or something similar) with a coloured (same Ocean Blue/Teal or Black) Design.


That said, a copy of Vraks Second Edition has found its way into my hands today. Spent all day ignoring everything until I got to the bits I really wanted.


The Mole Mortar, and the Hades Breaching Drill.


I'm thinking of giving these as unique pieces of kit to provide to my legion.


The Mole Mortar, I'm thinking is a 5pt Replacement for a Rapier Carrier's Quad Heavy Bolter. It fires a single S5 AP5 Blast using the Barrage Rules with no direct fire option, with the exception to normal Zone Mortalis rules on Barrage and hitting vehicles on their weakest, rather than side armour. It's not ever going to be beating a Quad Mortar, but it could be a kinda coolish way to take out things like Dreadnoughts. It could otherwise be a Heavy Weapon Squad 5pt upgrade.


Hades Breaching Drill - Any unit composed entirely of infantry (including Jump Packs) with access to a dedicated transport may select a Hades Breaching Drill instead. Basically, these are pay dirt. I'm thinking of upping it to 100pts, because Deep Strike, with D6+2 S8 Shred Armourbane AP1 attacks and immunity to Overwatch in exchange for rolling 3d6 and choosing 2 lowest or giving a squad a 12" Move (but no Run) and a 4+ Invulnerable Save is pretty cheap for Marines. On Death Korps? Cheap as chips.


This way, so far, the legion is very mobile, with numerous forms of Alternative deployment; Dedicated Transport Kharybdis and Dreadclaws, with cheaper Drop Pods available as Fast Attack, Scouting available from Hennasohn/Corvo/Vigilators, and now the Deep Strike from the Hades.

Are they battledamaged? How about using fallouthobbjes then? They make you your decals and they can even print white. Just hand over your design and they make them shoulderpad, banner tank etc sized. On one sheet fit about 150 decals.

The whole point of the Drowned pre Heresy is to be 3 dimensional combatants! No point in limiting it to drop pods only! I had hoped for FW to produce a Termite or Hellbore, but no luck just yet.


Nearest i can do is use the Hades or a count as Dreadclaw for it. The other legions have all their unique wargear, the Drowned get those.


Plus, the Death Korps only evolved in the last 60 years of the 40k game. The Hades is industrial mining gear and been round a lot longer than that though.


That said; how about an Imperialis Militia 'Engineer Provenance' which gives them access to Hades Breaching Drills, Lascutters and Wrecker Grenades as well? Theb everyone can have fun!

So, Xmas list is now in order. Some of these will be picked up with an aim to actually painting something this coming year.


Hennasohn; Alexis Polux as the base, a Phobos Bolter, with a suppressor taken from a Plastic Scout Sniper Rifle, head from Enkomi, Abaddon's Sword, and then

Corvo; Ivanus Enkomi as the base, legion Praetor Archaeotech Pistol (left hand) and Templar Archaeotech Pistol (right hand), MkIV Jump Pack, head from the Iron Warrior's set.

Bodyguard Destroyers, 10x with Jump Packs

Pelagic Monarchs; White Scars upgrade set, MkIV Legs, Polux's shield (this will be expensive...), warforks made from Grey Knight Halberds and a pair of Space Marine Daggers

Traitor Terminator Praetor/Librarian; Moloc's body, with a carefully cut right arm from a Huron that I've had knocking about for the Crimson Lion's symbol he stole, and some bits and bobs to make the Heavy Flamer into a Nanyte Blaster. Uses a fork as above, but uses some more ornate looking daggers.


Terminators; Cataphractii, Combi-Melta's and Chainfists from Betrayal at Calth; Caestus Assault Ram

Charonic Seekers; Caestus Assault Ram

Grav Cannon Rapiers

Quad Mortar Rapiers (count as Mole Mortars)


2x 20 Breachers, with a pair of Lascutters and a pair of meltas, with Hades Assault Drills

Tactical Support Melta Squad with meltaguns and a Hades Assault Drill

Assault Squad with Meltabombs, combat shields and power swords

Tactical Squad (in Drop Pod)

Tactical Support Rotor Cannons (in Drop Pod)


Drop Pods x3

Seeker Squad with Combi-Plasma (in Drop Pod)

Xiphon Pattern Interceptor


Leviathan Dread (Grav and Claw), Kharybdis

Medusa, x3

Deathstorm x3


2x Praetor Assault Launchers


On top of that, I'm thinking of picking up a few Slaanesh Daemons, lead by Be'lakor (especially until they get around to releasing a plastic Keeper of Secrets)



2x Daemonettes (18 models)


4 Exalted Seeker Chariots


That's the end game, anyway.


20 Terminators (10x Tartaros Assault Cannon+Cyclones+Chainfists, 10x Combi-Melta+ 7:3 Chainfists)

40 Breachers

15 Assault Marines (5x Storm Shield+Power Lance Assault Squad, 10x Combat Shield and Power Weapons)

10 Destroyers with Jump Packs

40 Marines (10x Bolter, 10x Melta, 10x Rotor Cannon, 10x Combi-Plasma)

6x Rapiers (3x Grav, 3x Quad Mortar)


6x Drop Pods (3x Carry, 3x Deathstorm)

2x Caestus



Leviathan Dreadnought

3x Medusa

2x Praetor



36x Daemonettes

6x Fiends

4x Seeker Chariots


I best get saving :(

The best bit is that I can use if for my Spave Marines.


That said, I'm going to need some cool swords to use for Hennsohn. I'm thinking of getting Garro because reasons, amd that base could be perfect to represent the Forlorn. Stick it with a lot of blades.


I'm not sure how to do the flying blades so making them pointy end down in something seems right.


But as they are swords stolen from enemy xenos, it makes sense IMHO to have them a bit exotic.


I'm thinking 5 is the best number including the one he is holding, so


Dark Eldar Venom Sword/Black Dragon Rider sword/Scourgerunner Sword/Executioners

High Elf Dragonrider Greatsword

Zombie Dragonlord sword

Plaguebearer command sword

Sicarian Transonic Blades

Wood Elf sisters of the thorn Sword

Dire Avenger Power Sword

Harlequin Swords

Ogre irongut great sword

Saurus 'sword'

Ushabti Greatsword


I'd like to keep it with swords rather than axes, as there are going to be some other axes dotted around in the list and these using the dwarf axes because they have some suitably swirly designs.


Irongut and Ushabti sword with a Transonic Sword seem to be the sticking out to me the most as being 'Xenos'. The High Elf Dragon sword , or the plaguebearer one other than that? The plaguebearer sword isn't especially plaguey mind.

Dont forget Wraithguard Swords.


As for having them floating around the models, you could use fishing line and hot glue (or whatever) to stick them midair in and around the model/base.


Few Ideas on potential poses:


You could have one of them with all the Swords Planted into the ground blade first and the Actual Marine lifting his arms up with a few of the swords starting to rise up.


Another with all the swords pointing forward in the typical "Imma impale you with a bunch of Telekinetic Swords." Fishing line & glue could be used to make them look like they're cutting through the air.


Kinda like:



Swirling around the marine in a defensive pattern (the Fishing Line and glue method could be used here to demonstrate movement in the blades with a lot of curves .


One where hes holding a victim aloft and planting the swords into him one by one.



My christmas lists usually involve me saying to the wife "I want to spend this much on my toy soldiers, can I?" followed by a look of disgust and the requirement of handbags or shoes to the value of at least a 1/3rd or something like that. 


She's happy. At least she knows I'm not in bars drinking talking to other women. In her words (sorry), "No drama, enjoy talking with your walking neckbeards". That said, when I got Space Marine game, I tried to get her involved in it, and she did actually enjoy playing it (scarily), so she's pretty cool with me being a little nerd once again.


I appreciate that though mate haha, any news on your boyo's?


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