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IL XVI - The Drowned

Hesh Kadesh

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I must admit that I'm truly impressed, Hesh.


Your depictions for your characters are detailed like hell. Enjoying them very much. :thumbsup:


Btw. where did you get all that different artwork concerning Vikings / warriors and kraken symbols?

And the others as well. Though some look like they are from a video game, some of them I don't have a clue where they might be from. ^^

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

:HQ: Headquarters




Pelagic Monarchs (220 Points)

Unit Composition

  • 4 Monarchs
  • 1 Ayatollah
Unit Type
  • Monarchs: Infantry
  • Ayatollah: Infantry
  • Pelagic Spear
  • Bolt Pistol
  • Boarding Shield
  • Artificer Armour
  • Frag and Krak Grenades
Special Rules
  • Legiones Astartes (The Drowned)
  • Immune to Fear
  • Titanstrike
  • Desperate Measures
  • Advisory Council
Dedicated Transport
  • Unless the unit is equipped with Jump Packs, the unit may choose any variant of Land Raider from the Legion Land Raider Battle Squadron as a Dedicated Transport.
  • The Pelagic Monarch Squad may take:
  • -- Up to 5 additional Monarchs (+40 points each)
  • The Entire Squad may replace their Boarding Shields with Storm Shields (+75 points)
  • The Entire Squad may be equipped with Jump Packs (+75 points)
  • The Ayatollah may replace his Pelagic Spear with any single relic (including those of other Legiones) with a melee weapon profile (See Relics)
  • One Ayatollah in the detachment may take a single Vortex Grenade (+50pts)
If the unit deploys via Deep Strike using their Jump Packs,

provided that their only target(s) is a unit with the Super-

heavy and/or Gargantuan unit type, they may declare a charge

in the same turn as which they arrive from Deep Strike. In

addition, Jump Pack equipped units always use their Weapon

Skill value when attacking models with the Towering

Monstrosity (any) special rule.

Special Rule - Titanstrike











Only a single Ayatollah in the Detachment may take the

option to carry a Vortex Grenade. If the option is chosen,

no model may ever be attached to this unit, and if there is

a model with Super-heavy or Gargantuan unit types still in

play, then the Vortex Grenade must be targeted at this


Special Rule - Desperate Measures










In addition to being a Headquarters option for a Drowned

detachment, a single unit of Pelagic Monarchs may be

selected as Agents of the Emperor/Warmaster for any Legiones

Astartes detachment. If this option is taken, they may not

select Vortex Grenades, and if the Ayatollah takes a Relic

weapon, it must be the same one as the Legion to which they

are attached to.

Special Rule - Advisory Council











The Pelagic Spear was one of the gifts that the legion took to the stars with. The Drowned, of all the legions, possibly appreciated the irony of all of them in using the symbol of a dead faith, and despoiling it. Sourcing from legends of ancient Terra, they took the symbol of the ancient god of the sea, and broke it over their knees, reforging the trident into the bident, mirroring that symbol of the underworld. This "warfork" not only provides a lethal powered edge for slicing through armour, but can be overcharged into an incandescent plume of corposant energy, which is capable of peeling back the armour of even the toughest of threats.


Pelagic Spear
WeaponRangeStrengthAPTypeOne Handed-+1/User*3/4*Melee, Specialist WeaponTwo Handed-92Melee, Two Handed, Sunder, Unwieldy

* Pelagic Spears have two profiles for both Strength and AP when used One Handed; the first is used only a turn in which a model charges, the second is used at all times. If the weapon is used Two-Handed, then there is no difference whether charging or otherwise.

Wargear - Pelagic Spear


















Okay, so this is intended to be a unit which replaces that of the role of the early Legion's deployments, before they get access to their Praetors, after Morro's discovery. As you can see, the Ayatollah is more than the equivalent to a Centurion; giving up the Consul rule for some unique equipment, and being the delivery of a Vortex Grenade. Thanks to their ability to work with other Legiones Astartes, they may be taken either as an Advisory Council, or as a super Titan Killer unit, where they can use their Vortex Grenade to rip through enemy Super Heavy assets. Failing that, their Power Spears can ensure a good charge against enemy units (16 WS5 I5 AP3 attacks), or take on tanks in a less than usual manner.


240pts is about fair in my estimation. They cost similar to a Command Squad of similar equipment; (140 base, 5 Super Power Weapons, Boarding Shields in place of Combat Shields, no Fearless, etc). There is a slight discount as a result of lack of flexibility, and their high initial cost. Given their role as a Titan Hunter, though, they're reasonably effective, and given that they can be taken by any other Legion, they shouldn't be too broken either. I also gave the Ayatollah (the replacement for the early legion Praetor's) the ability to use a Relic from another Legion, reflecting fighting alongside that legion. It might seem like a cheap way to kill a Titan (after all, they avoid Void Shields), but they should be protected by Interceptor units in any case, and Deep Striking into an enemy line is bound to be suicide.


Failing that, they can act like an assault terminator squad, although Terminators do it for cheaper/can be tailored and get better ranged, so I was conscious not to price them too expensively.

  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

So, rules V2.



Among all of the Emperor's Legions, the XVIth operated at the furthest extents of Imperial military reaches. Many they worked alongside during the early days knew the legion to be fiercely independent but little did they know how far their drive for independence take them. Fractured at it's inception, and never really accepting of its Primarch, with a story told by others, trusted by few and kept at the outskirts of Imperial military society, following the Insurrection, many fingers could be, and were, pointed as to the cause of their defection. Regardless of the reasoning for it however, one fact remains; a nigh peerless group of highly motivated warriors with skills honed in a war fought against foes unknown with tactical doctrine developed outside of the auspices of Imperial scrutiny and record keeping. It is less about if the Drowned are coming, or even where they're coming, but more what is the Imperium going to be able to do about it.


- Legiones Astartes; Units with this special rule may always attempt to regroup at their normal Leadership value, regardless of casualties.

- Hazardous Environment Specialists; All units with the Legiones Astartes (The Drowned) special rule have the Move Through Cover special rule.

- Jaws Of The Abyss; Units with the Legiones Astartes (The Drowned) special rule have the Stubborn special rule when outnumbered in an assault.

- Martial Hubris; In any mission where secondary objectives are being used, and an Alpha Legion army is your primary detachment, if the Drowned army has suffered more units destroyed than their enemy at the end of the game, then their enemy gains +1 Victory Point.



In addition to those found in the Crusade Army list, the Drowned has particular access to additional unit types; The Forlorn (which are an elites choice on the Force Organisation Chart), Pelagic Monarchs (which are a HQ choice on the Force Organisation chart), and Hades Breaching Drills (which are a Dedicated Transport option for certain units).




- Kraken Unleashed; Legion Drop Pods, and Legion Rhinos in addition to being taken as Dedicated Transports may be taken as a Fast Attack option. 1-3 vehicles may be taken as a single Fast Attack choice for the army, although all vehicles must be the same type. In addition, any unit from this detachment held in reserve counts towards the total number of units for the Drop Pod Assault special rule. Any unit eligible to take a Rhino or Land Raider (any variant) as a Dedicated Transport may select an Anvillus Pattern Dreadclaw Drop Pod as their Dedicated Transport, while any unit eligible to take a Spartan Assault Tank as a Dedicated Transport and eligible to fit within the Transport Capacity of a Storm Eagle, Kharybdis Assault Claw, or Caestus Assault Ram may elect to take one as a Dedicated Transport instead.

- Horrorstrike; 1-3 Deathstorm Drop Pods may be taken as a single Heavy Support option. Any Deathstorm Drop Pods automatically arrive in Turn 1, in addition to those normally eligible to do so as a result of the Drop Pod Assault special rule. In addition, immediately before the game begins, resolve a Focused Bombardment (as if from a Damocles Command Rhino) against all Objective Markers on the battlefield that do not have a model from this detachment within 12" of the marker.

- Pull of the Abyss; Any weapon with the Graviton Pulse or Graviton Collapse special rules also have the Pinning special rule when shot by a model from this detachment. In addition, any wound suffered as a result of the Dangerous Terrain caused by these special rules has the Pinning Special rules. Any weapon with the Ling Death special rules also have the Pinning and Soulfire special rules when shot by a model from this detachment. In addition, any wound suffered as a result of the Dangerous Terrain caused by these special rules has the Pinning and Soulfire special rules. In addition, Legion Medusa and Legiones Astartes Quad Launcher Support Batteries get Phosphex Shells and Phosphex Canister Shot respectively in addition to their normal ammunition for free without the need for a Siege Breaker Consul or needing to purchase the shells.


- Armies with a Detachment using this Rite of War must elect to go second if they are able to choose and cannot roll to Seize Initiative. Opponents may elect to go first. In the event that the mission or opponents army requires to go second as well, roll off to decide who goes first. 

- Detachments running this Rite of War must include an additional Troops choice and may not include more than a single Consul. 

- Fortification Detachments may not be taken with this Rite of War.

- There must be more models with the Flyer or Fast Skimmer special rule than there are models with the tank special rule in a detachment using this rite of war.

- No model from this detachment may use any "off-field" bombardments, like the Focused Bombardment or Bombardment special rules, due to the risk posed to incoming transports.


2nd Rite TBD



Malevolent Boræus; 215pts

WS 5, BS 7, S 4, T 4, W 3, I 5, A 3, Ld 10, Sv 2+


Unit Composition; 1 (Unique)


Unit Type; Infantry (Character)


Weapons and Equipment; Two Archaeotech Pistols, Master Crafted Charnabal Sabre, Artificer Armour, Frag and Krak Grenades, Refractor Field, Grav-Wave Generator


Special Rules; Legiones Astartes (The Drowned), Master of the Legion, Indepedent Character, Cast Down Equerry, Pistolier, Hymns of Misery


Options; May select a Jump Pack for +20pts


Cast Down Equerry; Despite being a Master of the Legion, Boræus may not take a Command Squad. Instead, he may take a unit of Legion Destroyers, which if he has selected a Jump Pack, must also be equipped with Jump Packs. Boræus may not join any other unit except for Legion Destroyers with the Legiones Astartes (The Drowned) special rule.


Pistolier; Boræus has the Precision Shot and Chain Fire special rules, although whenever he makes a Chainfire attack, both of his pistols are considered to have the Gets Hot special rule. In addition, overwatch attacks made be Boræus are made at BS2. 


Hymns of Misery; Any enemy unit charging Boræus' unit is considered to be moving through both difficult and dangerous terrain. If an enemy model is already moving through Dangerous Terrain, each model doing so must roll twice. 




Cataract Hennasohn; WIP

WS 4, BS 5, S 4, T 4, W 3, I 4, A 2, Ld 10, Sv 2+


Unit Composition; 1 (Unique)


Unit Type; Infantry (Character)


Weapons and Equipment; The Trophies, Netheramber Torc, Artificer Armour, 


Special Rules; Legiones Astartes (The Drowned), Master of the Legion, 


Will pick up tomorrow when i can get a decent internet connection, cheers!

  • 1 month later...

So, rules V2.




- Legiones Astartes; Units with this special rule may always attempt to regroup at their normal Leadership value, regardless of casualties.

- Hazardous Environment Specialists; All units with the Legiones Astartes (The Drowned) special rule have the Move Through Cover special rule.

- Jaws Of The Abyss; Units with the Legiones Astartes (The Drowned) special rule have the Stubborn special rule when outnumbered in an assault.

- Martial Hubris; In any mission where secondary objectives are being used, and an Alpha Legion army is your primary detachment, if the Drowned army has suffered more units destroyed than their enemy at the end of the game, then their enemy gains +1 Victory Point.


First thing I noted was that both the Drowned and the Scions have Move Through Cover as rules. I'm inclined to think it's fair, much like how both the Iron Warriors and the Imperial Fists share the Bitter End rule. And I think it fits for both of the aqua legions to have it. 


- Strong Bonus

- Minor Bonus

-  ...Alpha Legion? I think I know where you got this idea. Anyway, Strong Hindrance.


Overall, they seem mostly balanced. Any second opinions?

So, rules V2.




- No model from this detachment may use any "off-field" bombardments, like the Focused Bombardment or Bombardment special rules, due to the risk posed to incoming transports.




1st RoW:


Kraken Unleashed: Provides access to a greater number of transports, all units count towards the Drop Pod Assault rule, and drop pods & rhinos pull double duty as DT & FA. Major benefit?

Horrorstrike: Groups deathstorm drop pods, all auto-arrive Turn 1, free bombardment against all Objectives with one limitation. Major Benefit

Pull of the Abyss: "Ling Death"? Lingering Death? Pinning added to Gravitation and Dangerous Terrain wounds. Soulfire added to the "Lingering Death" and free phosphex ammo. Moderate or Major benefit?


Army has to go second. Moderate Limitation

One additional Troop, only 1 Consul allowed. Moderate-Major Limitation

No Fortifications. Moderate Limitation.

More Flyers than Tanks. Moderate or Major limitation?

No bombardments outside of pre-game benefit. Moderate Limitation?


Overall, I'm a little unsure, but I think it's balanced. Second opinions?

So, rules V2.


Hymns of Misery; Any enemy unit charging Boræus' unit is considered to be moving through both difficult and dangerous terrain. If an enemy model is already moving through Dangerous Terrain, each model doing so must roll twice. 




Malevolent Boræus


Comparison Base: Legion Praetor (100 points)



  • -1 WS/A: (-10) points 
  • +2 BS: 10 points

Total: 0 points



  • Master-Crafted Charnabal Sabre: 15 points
  • Archaeotech Pistol*2: 40 points
  • Refractor Field: 10 points
  • Grav-wave generator: 15(?) points

Total: 80(?) points


Special Rules

  • Cast Down Equerry: (-20) points
  • Pistolier: 10 points
  • Hymns of Misery: 15 points


Total: 10 points


Total cost: 190(?) points


Recommend overall cost: 245 points



  • Grav-wave generator? ...I suppose since a 'relic' can be handled by a guardsman, it'd make sense that a space marine could carry one. Is there a priced version that anyone knows about? Until then, I'll guess. 
  • Pistolier - 5 points for BS 2 in Overwatch, 5 points for Precision, -20 for Gets Hot, 20 for Chainfire ability
  • Hymns of Misery, don't both Dangerous & Difficult terrain cause a charge penalty? If so, shouldn't it just cause Dangerous terrain? 10 points for causing Dangerous terrain, 10 points for causing double rolls on actual Dangerous terrain. Knocked off 5 point since the grav-wave generator means most opponents won't charge until they're nice and close, which means fewer likely charges overall. 

Thanks for the fix, Talonair. I retract that point.  


I was about to start on Hennasohn, but on closer inspection he's not ready. So, I've completed my review of the current Drowned rules. Seriously though, next time Hesh steps in here, everyone badger him for a more reliable way to contact him!


Until he shows up, I'll return to the Harbingers. I'm not sure if I can start on their rules proper, but they still need unit descriptions at least. From there, I'll either move to review the Harbinger rules, return to the Drowned if Hesh shows up, or get back to Book 2.


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