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Theoryhammering the Apocalypse


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My local Apoc scene is pretty strong and despite being a little way off a fieldable force, its definitely something to shoot for. The common size is a generous 5000pts, with a range of races and list 'toughness' on show.


Currently I'm thinking of building around the Angel's Fury spearhead strike force (3 tac, 3 raven), and abusing the points limit to get some brutal assault units straight into the fight. Perhaps utilising one of the death company or 1st company formations for this role.


Although, perhaps the marines Stormsurge raven formation might be a better bet, to just use them a gunships?


For my purposes I'd like to stick with BA or at worst marines. No knights or titans, but I'm not adverse to the idea of a thunderhawk.


So, Brothers, I'm curious to know if any of you have taken BA to that scale?

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I may have msn-wink.gif Apocalypse articles are also on my todo list...

I'll also be in command of ~10k Blood Angels this February (assuming RL allows, but that's another story). The Angel's Fury Spearhead will be around ~1k leaving you with ~4k to play with however, how big is your board? If it's small enough, go for Drop Pods. If it's large, go for Deep Strikers. Just make sure you take out the anti air! To be fair, in the one I linked my Stormraven was ignored as 1) we killed the anti air and I brought it on turn two and 2) there was far too many other targets. The year before, it was blown out of the sky which resulted in death of an expensive unit.

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I've never taken BA to that level, but I've played a few with other forces. The key to those sorts of games, I've found, is one of two things. 1) Keeping your superheavies alive long enough to do what they need to, or 2) Knocking out THEIR superheavies before they can do what they need to. Usually, superheavies don't make their points back in pure kills, but they have an immense impact on the battlefield, between their survivability and the amount of destruction they can wreak. They can act as lynchpins in grand strategy, and usually force tactics to shift around them.

I use Hellhammers and Baneblades primarily, as that's what I have, and either of those can kill three or four units in a turn, if everything goes peachy. You just can't leave that alone. Titans are similar. Knights are less so, but they're also cheaper and have better survivability than a Baneblade.

So, what are you going to do about their Superheavies?

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