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3000 imperial Fists Pride of the Legion.


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So just thinking about how I want to expand my collection next and was toying with a 3000 point Pride of the Legion list and wanted to know what everyone thought.


So as the title says it's Imperial Fists.



Cataphractii armour

Vigil Pattern Storm Shield

Paragon Blade


Primus medicae

Cataphractii armour

Vigil Pattern Storm Shield

Teleportation Transponder


Primus medicae

Cataphractii armour

Vigil Pattern Storm Shield

Teleportation transponder


Cataphractii Terminator Squad x10

10 Vigil Pattern Storm Shields

2 chain fists

3 power fists

5 power axes

Land Raider Spartan

Flare shield

Ceramite Shielding

Laser destroyers


Cataphractii Terminator Squad x10

10 Vigil Pattern Storm Shields

2 chain fists

3 power fists

5 power axes

Land Raider Spartan

Flare shield

Ceramite Shielding

Laser destroyers


Cataphractii terminator squad X10

8 volkite chargers

2 chain fists

3 power fists

2 illastus pattern assault cannons


Sicaran battle tank

Ceramite shielding

Lascannons sponsons


Sicaran battle tank

Ceramite shielding

Lascannons sponsons


Legion Whirlwind Scorpius


What do you all think? It's got all the models I want to include next. Would it work at all?



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Seriously not trying to be offensive or anything, but that list looks quite bland and boring, both to play with and against.


The major drawback of Cat Terminator in Spartan spam PotL list is that the moment you come up against a Grav heavy list (which often happens once a few people start fielding Spartan Spam) is that you will be stopped dead in your tracks by Turn two and your terminators will be out and walking through difficult terrain and in all likelihood will not even make combat before the game finishes.


Even with Grav aside at 3K points you have very few units on the table would allow your opponent to concentrate fire and each lose you take is going to be a big hit.

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While I too am a fan of Terminator Wing Armies, I have to concur with Dono.


Assault is nice and fun but you dont have enough Shooting Volume you'll be hard pressed to make up for any lost shooting already present in your army.


Another thing is, if your opponent can force enough saves, your terminators will still die like Chumps. 2+/3++ is nice and all but an 80 Shot Pride of the Legion has a high probability of straight up neutering if not killing a Squad of yours. I can attest to this from personal experience.


And at 3k, you can also be sure that you'll start seeing some Nasty LoW Units like Knights, Typhons, Glaives and even Primarchs.


I'd say that 2 Spartan Squads of Terminators are enough. The 3rd is a bit superfluous and their points should instead be put into more Ranged Firepower to support your advancing DeathTaxi's.

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