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1650 Fluffy list - what would YOU bring?


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I have a tournament coming up in three weeks. The organizers intention is to make it fun and fluffy. The set of restrictions have been named "Consuela" (Family Guy) because "No, you can't bring that Wraithknight and no, you can't bring that other thing neither".


Point limit is 1650. Everybody has to bring 400p of troops (not including transports). BA assault squads count towards these points, but only if they keep their jump pack.


So with that in mind, what would YOU bring?


I haven't built a list yet, but I'm toying with the idea of only (well, almost) bringing units/configurations that are unique to BAs. Fast Las/Plas razorbacks, Heavy flamer tacticals, double melta assault and so on. And Death Company obviously. I probably wont be bringing Sanguinary Guard nor Dante, since they have been the main thing in the army I've played the last ~6 weeks.

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If you can take assault squads for part of that mandatory 400 points the first thing that comes to mind is a few of those for a good source of meltas. Maybe six-man tac squads with heavy flamer and hand flamer/power sword (or whatever you like on the sgt) in the las/plas razors. I always root for bolter death company as a fun/fluffy unit. Even better with jump packs!

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Alright. This is basically what I've come up with. One thing that limits my choices, is the demand for a painted army. The tournament in 2 weeks a way and time is a very precious resource, thus I have to choose a lot of what I already have painted:


Baal Strike Force (1650)


HQ (270p)

Captain (Jump pack, storm shield, power fist, veritas vitae) [Warlord]

Chaplain (Jump pack)


Elites (475p)

Death Company (10 dudes, 2 power swords, 2 power fists)

Fragioso in a pod


Troops (405p)

Tactical Squad (10 dudes, HFlamer, Melta gun, Combi-Melta. Drop Pod

Tactical Squad (5 dudes, HFlamer, Combi-Melta, Lightning Claw, Vet. Sarge). Las/Plas Razorback


Fast (365p)

Assault Squad (2x Melta, 2x Inferno Pistol)

Bike Squad (5 bikes, 2x Grav, Combi-Grav)


Heavy (225p)

Devastator Squad (7 dudes, 3 Heavy bolters, melta bombs). Las/Plas Razorback.

Vindicator (OC Engines, Siege Shield)


The Devastator squad is "free". Each codex has a list of units that are "too dumb to field". For BA it's Land Speeder/Attack Bike/Devastators with heavy bolters. I just happen to have 3 Heavy Bolters painted up.


Also, BA is the only marine codex that's allowed to bring Grav-bikes (since we can't spam them as troops). And I just happen to have a squad painted up.

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Plan? What plan? There is no plan.


The Captain rolls something awesome on Strategic.


Cappie and Chappie joins DC and go at it. Captain can tank stuff.


I probably should fit another Drop Pod in there, so I get two down, turn one. I only have one in my collection though.

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  • 2 weeks later...



Looks like a decent list.  I would take some of the toys away from sergeants that may have trouble getting good equity from them and see what else you can squeeze in.  specifically the razor back tac sarge.  Put his toys into the assault squad mebbe?

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The last couple of weeks have been hectic, so I haven't had a chance to paint as much as I wanted to. I got 3 drop pods and a Fragioso done well enough to put on the table.


My list for tomorrow:




Libby - ML2, JP, Vertas Vitae


Fragiso in a pod


8 Sang. Guard (banner, 2 fists, all swords)


2x10 Tacticals in pods, both with HFlamer. One with melta+combi melta. Other with plasma gun + combi plasma. I think the points worked out so they also have melta bombs.


Assault Squad with packs

2 Meltas

2 Inferno pistols


Bike squad

5 dudes

2 gravs + combi grav


Vindicator with a tune-up


"Too Dumb to Field"

8 Devastators with 3 heavy bolters. MBombs on Sgt.

(In the rules for this tournament most codices have some units that are too dumb to field. You can choose 150p of these units and include for free).



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So yesterday went alright. 2 wins, 1 loss. I got 27 points (out of 60), which was 8th out of 12. The top three were Eldar, Tau and Nurgle Demons.


Good fun tournament, with some restrictions that help make it fun. 


The Librarian was a rubbish choice. The psychic powers did absolutely nothing this game (Sanguinary). A Priest would have been better, but I don't have one painted up. Fragioso was pretty good. Vindicator was alright. Dante was Dante. Oh my do tacticals die easily.


First game was against my friends orks (Vanguard strike, bonus for first blood, kill point). I won by a narrow margin (12-8). Very bloody game. We've faced each other many times before. I podded in the tacticals to try and pop as many of his trukks as possible. That wans't very effetive unfortunately, and they all dies pretty quickly. I managed to pod in my Fragioso right next to his bikes (Warboss, Painboy, Nob, 6 dudes) and thinned them out before moving in with the Sang. Guard. Dante killed his Boss in a challenge and the guard finished off the unit. He had two Deffkoptas that were very annoying. I just couldn't justifying "wasting" shots at them, as I don't have very many shooty things.


Second game against Imperial Guard (Hammer and anvil, bonus point for holding objective in the opponents zone). I lost something like 17-3. All infantry. Like 167 toy soldiers. They took up his entire deployment zone. Conscripts up front. Podded in the tactical and went to town on the meat shield. Very ineffective. I had no idea what to do against him. He played very well with few or no mistakes. 


Third game against some very beautifully painted MSU Sister of Battle (Dawn of War, important TO in the middle, a slight bonus for killing stuff in close combat). Very bloody. I had first turn, so he had set a trap of sorts for me, which I took. The traps didn't work as well as he had planned though. Being able to dump 2 pods and twenty dudes in the middle was very effective. My Fragioso dropped in one of his corners and made him stall a bit there, while other units could move up the other flank (aka. trap). I won 12-8 at the end of turn 5 were we called it due to time constraints. I would probably have worked out differently if we had continued.

Fun moment from another game: Harlequin Solitaire charges a Bloodthrister (I9) but ID's him at I10.

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