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Graz's BAs: 7.4- Gravis Captain and more


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Greetings, fellow Bolter and Chainsword brethren! I've been wanting to take another crack at some kind of painting log for a while now so here we go. I've usually got a few things cooking in case I need a break from what I'm working on.


I'll keep that bit short and get to the good stuff for now!


I've been kicking around the idea of some Dornian Heresy themed Blood Angels. Probably not an entire army worth, but a few characters and small things. Maybe a libby dreadnaught. First up though, are The Sanguinor and Mephiston! They are both in the initial stages, but here we go:



The Pestilent Angel



First got at using strands of twine for anything like this. The wings will be fuller and longer toward the tips, going for kind of a wispy warp energy as an end result. The chest will get greenstuff added to it and hopefully look like something akin to the normal artificer armor you'd see on a Blood Angel, only kinda atrophied and stretched. The mid section will stay hollowed out like that and went for a similar approach with the legs. Long way to go!
Calistarius the Ravenous




The head transplant on this was stressful, but a success! So far, anyways. Everything is just tacked in place for now to see if I could get a pose I liked. This one will need a lot of filing and later the greenstuff! 


That's all I've got for now. cc are always welcome, thanks for stopping by! :biggrin.:

Edited by Grazcruzk
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Did a bit of work on the wings today. Getting started was difficult because I wasn't getting the results I wanted but it started coming together a little bit more and they are starting to look something like wings! Here are a few shots.






I'll have to let them be for a while and work on some sculpting bits. They'll get trimmed up later on down the line.

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The wings are made out of single strands of twine. They have a good balance of rigidity and flexibility as well as being fairly coarse so I'm hoping they take the paint well, but I could be completely wrong. >.>  I also dropped small amounts of glue 'into' the wings in a few spots to get it to run down and kind of dreadlock it up a little. My current idea for the paint is something along the lines of using Blood for the Blood God and Typhus Corrosion to get them to look like rotting, partly coagulated blood. For the armor I might go with golden/bronze with the same rotten blood seeping out of the fractures in the armor.

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I've got a small scout type update tonight! I've been eyeing the angel and have some greenstuff in mind next, but I need to start small. Here are a few pictures, next I'll be tidying up the blades and chest plates.


DSC00002 (2)




Thanks for taking a look and have a great evening!

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Thanks, guys! I've got more planned today. I keep saying greenstuff but I haven't gotten there yet. The trickiest part yesterday was keeping the brow looking decent while the rest of the features shrunk down. I've got a new right hand and sword in the works for him and also on the side a lightning claw that is slightly more akin to The Emperor's claw.

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Greetings on this fine evening! Hope everyone is well. I've spent the better part of the last two days continuing to get up close and personal with this death mask and right forearm. Making good progress I think. Doubt I'll do much more to the face aside from cleaning it up a little. Sorry in advance for the iffy picture quality, the surface isn't quite that rough.









And here is the claw I've been playing with.






Thanks for looking!

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@Marvin: Thanks! I'm wondering how the rest of the army will look with yellow weapon casings. I like it but those are the first I've done like that.


@evil: I'm glad you like it! I've got some 2ed power fists that have survived through the years and I'm thinking about doing them up the same. They are smaller than current fists and have semi open hands already.


@Charlo: It's getting there! I didn't go in with a clear image in my head, but it's really sharpening up. It started as just kind of an angelic plague carrier, but I also wanted to make a death company vibe apparent so I ended up with the saltire shaped gouge above the left eye. If I'm brave enough I'll hollow out in there a little so it actually looks like it's empty behind the death mask and not just a gouge.

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Hello everyone, I've been busy the last few days working on The Sanguinor. I'll just call him that for now, make it easier. :tongue.:  Definitely the grim reminder of their own fate to counter the real version being a beacon of hope. Both can inspire greatness! Here are some pictures of what I've been up to:







I'm not entirely happy with the mouth, but I'm running out of face so I really feel like I need to leave it alone.  I've got some parchment bitz from the dark apostle model and I think I'm going to use them to connect him to his base when I get to that point. Next up is getting the belt squared away, legs, and something with the shoulderpads. I'm not entirely sure what yet.


cc always welcome. Thanks for taking a look!

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