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Graz's BAs: 7.4- Gravis Captain and more


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I love what you've done with the torso, it really reminds me of Azreal from Soul Reaver.








Absolutely loved that series. All five games owned and fully completed. In fact, my Terminator Captain's name was inspired by that very character...

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Good day everyone! Been a little distracted but I've got a little to share today. I've got some Death Company base coated up as well as a pretty heavily converted Death Company Dreadnought/Cassor. 



First the infantry:


Who doesn't love chain axes?



Power spear made from a blood talon claw and a grey knight halberd and then hammer/boltgun



Infernus pistol/chainsword and chain axe/bolt pistol on my remaining old metal death co models.



Chainswords/bolt pistols. 


All of the chain weapons are filed down chaos weapons. Wanted to find them a good home and thought DC would be as good as any!



And here is the Dread:




The reason for making the arms was simply because I didn't have a right melee arm to match the few lefts I've got hanging around. So I chopped two arms down to the shoulders and used various imperial building terrain bits, some plasticard, and a little greenstuff to make some extra nasty blood talons.


Thanks for looking, have a great day!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Greetings on this fine afternoon! I've got quite a few pictures to share today! I've been working on The Sanguinor with blade and brush. The wings took paint pretty well. It took a lot, but I got a first coat of Blood For The Blood God over both and the great thing was when I picked them up this morning after drying over night they had become rather pliable with the goopy blood covering. Even better! I've also still been chiseling away on armor and blade. 














Thanks for looking! cc always welcome! Have a great day :D



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  • 4 weeks later...

My brothers, I have been away from my Blood Angels for awhile. Life has been hectic and I've been side tracked hobby-wise by some Inquisition/Rick and Morty crossover fan art. A bit of bad news on the Sanguinor front, It took me a bit to realise but I whittled the head down too far and decided it best to start on a fresh face. I went with a berzerker head with bared fangs this time. I've been working just a bit on it, re-did the fangs and tried to add a bit of sickliness. The picture doesn't show both the fangs well, one is a tiny bit of foam core and the other is the existing plastic. I've also been working a bit on my non-DH Death Company. More yellow weapon casings!


Here are a few shots of The Sanguinor:






And a few of the DC:




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Good evening, everybody! I've got a bit to share today. I worked on the Death Company's  weapon casing a bit and started on the red. A few of the casings got a little too much bloodletter so they will need more love.


Here they are all together:

DSC00001 (2)

I've also got some more done on The Sanguinor. A little bit on the face, but mostly on the feet and legs. I want to get the belt squared away soon. I carved an indent for the cables to kind of seat into and there will be a belt/buckle over that bit.
Here are these:





C&C always welcome, thanks for taking a look!


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EDC, thanks for the continued encouragement! I worked on the legs and feet some more today. Got out the jeweler's headset and cleaned up some edges on the feet and started on a little "what's that going on between the splits in the armor?" detail. Didn't get as much done as I wanted due to a headache, but I plan on getting some more done tomorrow.

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Hello again! Took a day longer than I wanted but I've made some good progress. I started working on the wire harness that will connect The Sanguinor to the base as well as the wings to his shoulders once I get to that point. I've got something different going on with the powerplant too, but I'm not sure I'm sold on it just yet.


Here are a few pictures:







Thanks for looking, until next time!

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Greetings protectors/bane of the Imperium! I've had a lot of time to get things done on the Sanguinor over the last few days and I come bearing a few humble offerings. I've got Emperor's Champion hands on him now and I think I like them a lot more. Started filling out the wings a little and started on the neck. Just about finished the parchments. They are still just flexible enough that they pose isn't cemented yet.








More tidying up and basing is next. Thanks for looking!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey, guys! Sorry for such a long delay. I've been dealing with some pretty intense family stuff and haven't had much energy for anything else. That aside, thanks for the compliments! I'm glad it's going over well. I did get some painting done today and I have some pictures to share. I still really need to do some fixing up and modeling side, I just wanted to do some painting! 


Here we go:







Until next time!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello! I've been plugging away a bit the few days, working on some purity/defility seal things and a new gorget for The Sanguinor. In other news, I'll be getting my hands on a Betrayal at Calth box before long and I'm pretty sure that seals the deal on me making a small BA list all themed after the Dornian Heresy. Soo here are a few pictures, cc always welcome!







Take care!

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Thanks, Alvena! I originally thought I'd be able to do fine with the greenstuff but it was too much of a pain. I wanted to add more to convey more forward motion and to look a little more like the actual Sanguinor model. I'm just hoping I can blend them well enough. We shall see!

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