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Graz's BAs: 7.4- Gravis Captain and more


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Good day to everyone! I hope you had a happy everything, if you celebrate this time of year. I'm hesitant to even say this but I think I'm done with my Dornian Heresy Sanguinor. This project went on much longer than I wanted it to but I'm pretty happy with how it looks. I really wanted to do something with cotton strands on the base and maybe coming out of the gut as sort of a 'crimson miasma' to represent the +1A aura and the rerolls in challenges. Maybe in the future. Done for now!











I've got my BaC box and I bought another razorback a few days ago, as well as a fresh can of primer. Now all I need is a warm enough day to spray. I will probably do the termies first as assaults, the models are just too good. I keep thinking a fun/thematic unit for DH Angels would be a dev squad with x3 H.bolter and a MM. Then stick them in a las/plas razor with a bio libby and hope to get endurance. Maybe even Mephiston. The devs get thirsty, too.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello, my fellow gamers and hobbyists! Finally got one of the speeders done! The second is ready to be painted but I might do something small before going at another vehicle. I started on a new base for my DH Sanguinor and I've got a TDA Chaplain with Valor's Edge that is about ready for paint. In other news I've got some tacticals primed and some las/plas razorbacks to fix up. I'd really like to pay homage to the old razorbacks by making the turret have an exposed gunner. Las in the middle with plas on both sides and the gunner's shield could be based on the sanguinary guard wings. I'm not sure how well I could do it, but I think if I pool together all my tank bits/crew I may be able to get three with minimal fabrication, they just might not have the mobility you'd expect from a normal kit. :tongue.: We shall see though! For now, here is the first speeder!







cc always welcome, take care!

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Thanks, yes on both accounts for the bits! I agree 100% about needing to be broken up a bit more. I've been trying to figure out what I want to do besides just red. I had also considered doing the inlaid section with the hatches in metallic. I'll have to cypher on it some more. Thanks for the input!

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What might look cool is a stripe down the middle of the shield, white maybe, with the chapter symbol over the top...


Like this!





Also, you could try painting the recessed parts of the 'bumper' thing (?!) metallic. That's what I did on mine:



Edited by LutherMax
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Hey everyone, small update tonight! I've got the TDA Chaplain with Valour's Edge about finished. Tried some liquid something or other between the rocks on the base. It needs something else to make it less like lava and more like.. I don't know. Something else. Anywhoo, here are a few pictures!







I've also been thinking about trying a different color scheme. Black and white halved with black on the left, white on the right and a red strip about as wide as the vent on top of a marine's helmet down the center. It's always been a favorite color combination for me and I think it plays pretty good with the Blood Angels. 

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Good evening, fellow scions of Sanguinius! I've been working a little bit this last week and here's what happened. I mocked up a custom las/plas razorback turret, but it has a ways to go. It was obvious right away that an exposed gunner was going to be too bulky and parts intensive so I used the standard turret base and have sanguinary guard wings for side plating on the turret/weapons. I haven't gotten a targeter or power cables worked in yet but the hinge that lets it aim up and down works! I gave the Chaplain a little more work, mostly the base. I also painted up a few test tactical marines. One in the black/white halved I wanted to try (which I almost immediately decided I didn't like) and one in a white and red that I pondered over for a few days.


DSC00008 (2)




I really thought I was going to like the halved but it just didn't quite feel Blood Angels. Thanks for looking and may the glory of our Primarch fill your day!

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The Black-and-White scheme is an interesting deviation from the standard halved scheme with the simple addition of the dividing red strip. However, I have to admit I still prefer the simplicity of the Red-and-White scheme, the bright tone of the white helps the red really pop and the shoulders, head & weapon placement is a nice scheme setup akin to the Flesh Tearers & pre-heresy World Eaters that will probably be far easier to replicate en-masse for your army.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello B&C! I've got an update for today. Been painting on marine bitz. Integrating BA specific bitz with the BaC box is a little daunting just because there is so much there. I'm wanting to pick out at least one BA specific bit per BaC marine for now, leaving the saltire pieces for more DC. Hopefully they mesh well enough! I've also gotten more done on the las/plas turret. Here are a few pictures:




Sgt with a familiar loadout.



las/plas turret progress. Should be able to make two more no problem. Still looking into what to use for targeter bitz.



Thissss is a preview of an inquisitorial ally. Karamazov is an old favorite of mine but I've used up most of the bitz I had from his model. Good news is this dreadknight and aegis defense line volunteered for the cause. It's on the dreadknight base, but that's alright. I'll get a rider on there and flesh it out some more as I go.


That's all I've got to offer this time! Hope everyone is having a fine day!

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Thanks, Boudan! I really didn't think the hound would be that big but I guess I under-estimated the mass of the dreadknight! I've got more BaC and DC bits primed on the sprue but it's been slow-ish going. Might be faster if I didn't work up from a black base on pretty much everything.  >.>

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I paint my mustard-tinged Lamenters from black primer. I only want to do things the most awkward way ;)


Edit: you're the second Frater today who mentioned doing some of their painting process on-sprue. Is this common? It's blowing my mind.

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You know this is only the second or so time I've done it. I like being able to just hold the sprue while I paint but I still forget to clean the lines before spray. I think pieces with bigger joining spots like the BaC backpack vents might be better clipped and cleaned after priming depending on how you paint. I didn't with the first set but the rest are still just primed. Maybe just clip the sprue back and leave it attached by the bottom one.

Edited by Grazcruzk
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