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Graz's BAs: 7.4- Gravis Captain and more


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Hey only a month later with an update! I feel the need to apologize. I really had planned to be doing more and updating more often, but I've been working as a caregiver for the past several months and to put it shortly, it is very draining. ;) I'm still plugging away when I have the energy. I've got a few shots today of a counts-as Mephy using the BaC chaplain model.







Thanks for taking the time to look, hope it was worth it! :) 


And remember! A chalice a day keeps the thirst at bay!

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@evildrcheese: Thanks for the compliments! I thought since I'm using a lot of BaC pieces I might as well make a mephiston to go with! I've been eyeing The Sanguinor a little bit more lately. Feels like he needs something. That something may just be some battle brothers.


Still haven't nailed down how many and which ones are going to go the DH route, but I've got an idea for my DH mephy. Sticking with the idea that he has overcome the Red Thirst, maybe he's got some kind of chirurgeon built into his backpack which needs constant refilling and that crosses the line into selfishness in the eyes of his battle brothers, who also require blood to keep the rot at bay. He'd mostly be aloof, having a hard time connecting with those he leads. He believes his gluttony will ultimately allow him to keep his mind together for the good of the legion. Probably also the least rotted of the bunch.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Greetings, all! Having a thirsty day? I've got some pictures to share today. Been working on the remainder of the first Calth tactical squad and a few other things...





And here is a member of the death company who seems to have misplaced his bolter. He'd much rather grip something. Will have a jump pack later!



And here is a little progress on the clockwork beast. Well his master, anyways.





Those are all the pictures for now. I had a few more that weren't so great of a torso and pair of legs I've been working towards the Dornian Heresy end of things. I'm off for now! cc always welcome!


All the best, Graz

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@EDC I've been doing the first layer and some shading before clipping them off and then doing top layers. I've had a few mishaps with my clipping and filing, but nothing too terrible. I feel like I get more done at a time and I have less stray bitz floating around loose.

Interesting. Clipping them part parted and then going in to do the details makes alot of sense.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally have a few ETL prep pictures to share. Ten VV with jump packs. Two hand flamers, six storm shields, relic blade, and four bolt pistol ccw.


Kind of on the side, carrying a storm shield does not interfere with gunslinger does it? I wouldn't think so. Didn't hit me at first that the hand flamer/shield guys need a holstered bolt pistol also.




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Looks like 325! I hadn't added it up yet, somehow I thought it would be less. I really considered giving them all power weapons just to have our non-discounted costs play to our advantage. Yeah the gunslinger thing was kind of an afterthought. A nice thing to keep in mind, though. You get the extra attack in the shooting phase instead!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well met, Fraters! I've got nothing but heresy to offer today. Sweet, sweet heresy. I've got a working concept for Bizzaro Corbs going. His chainsword has a collection chalice built into the hilt and is piped into his ruinous chirurgeon backpack. Narthecium is extra 'urty for good measure.






Also a bit of Gabriel Seth I've been whittling on.





And this guy.








The last one I want to be a jump pack character. Been mulling around how I could do a blight drone-like jump pack. I think I could fabricate much of it, but a squad's worth would be quite a lot.



With any luck I'll be getting these gents ready to paint in time for ETL

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  • 1 month later...

Thanks, Brother Lemartes! I still feel like I'm figuring it out, but what I've been doing has been fairly easy. I think Skull White spray base is the biggest thing, with Nulin Oil washed into the cracks, then thinned down White Scar for a top layer. The wash showing through can be a pain if it's on a spot you really want to get back up to white, but sometimes I think a little blotchiness to it is ok for a bit more of a worn look. Hope it helps!

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  • 3 weeks later...

MKIV FTW. GW even managed not to put the silly nozzle pattern helmets on the MKIV - just like FW hjas been doing from the beginning.


The dude in the middle of the group with storm shields and bolt pistols looks like he had a rough landing. If he decapitated a foe with the shield it woud be even better.


I think the sword could use a pommel.


Really nice paint job as well.

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Thanks to you both! I was skeptical about the mkIV bodies. I think the leg stance is wide enough that you can get a nice ready pose. 


The rough landing marine was originally meant to be doing a shield strike like you suggested but the helm couldn't look down quite that far. He's got a bionic arm on that side and I wanted him to be making use of it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Scions of the Ninth! I got my ETL vow finished up today after some last minute changes by way of weathering. I picked up chalk pastels last weekend and set to work trying to make my own weathering powder. The process is fairly easy to get the hang of and I ended up with a dark, earthy soot with a purplish orange tint to it which I liked but I feel like next time I need to lighten it up a little bit. Seems like I lost a lot of the color using lahmian medium as a top coat to secure the dust in place. On the bases I went a little bit different with a plain white glue coat and then tapped the dust out of a brush onto it. The best part was trying it out as kind of a mold effect for Dornian Heresy things. Sickly yellow/green dabbed onto that nice red armor looks pretty great!



Vanguard Vets:




Command Squad:



The whole vow together:




A few closer shots now. First up is Cypher:






Company Champion:




Sanguinary Novite:




Storm shields and meltaguns:




Bolt pistols and chain axes:




Storm shields and bolt pistols:




Lastly we've got the sgt with a relic blade and storm shield along with two storm shield and hand flamer marines:







If I make another ETL vow it will probably be something small for the Feast of Blades. I think I want to focus on some more heresy for a while. Get some half-done stuff a little bit more done!   Thanks for looking everybody and glory to the Ninth!

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