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Graz's BAs: 7.4- Gravis Captain and more


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Yeah the subject matter we've been hearing about for the next one has me interested, I've got a soft spot for Magnus and his boys. I think that may be why I like the Dornian Heresy BA story what with chaos being much more of a begrudging alliance which they might just as soon be rid of.


I am hoping there will be a lot of good close combat oriented mkiv bits.

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Thanks, Xenith! I think I'll be entering the VV sgt in the feast of blades. I've got DH corbs and seth base coated.. I don't know why I'm questioning doing a second, two model vow but I'm just not sure they'll make it in.

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  • 3 weeks later...

After finishing up my ETL vow I got back into some heretical type things and have a few pictures of Bizzaro Corbulo. I really considered vowing him, but he's not yet finished and I'm not certain he would be before the deadline.




Thanks for checking him out and I hope you didn't catch anything. :wink:

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  • 1 month later...

Hello, everyone! I've got a little bit to share in what seems like forever since my last. I've been painting a little bit of Death Watch allies and trying to figure out Angel's Blade things. I don't own any pods or ravens so the core dread or dreads would have to be kind of mreh back/midfield support. I do like having access to all those HQ slots though. I've been looking at Death Watch bits and I like the arms with the wrist read outs (Pip-Boy :tongue.:  ) could be a good start to a Narthecium conversion and I've trimmed down a heavy thunder hammer for my guardian blade chaplain. 


I revisited the counts-as Dante that I vowed in last year's etl. Changed the pose a little, gave the paint another pass, and added wings to the jump pack. I've got more work to do on the jump pack and base. I'm wanting to do weathering but I feel like it's better in batch and I need more that need it.


"DC" Dante:













Next up is Dornian Heresy Gabriel Seth. Still wip, I've been mostly playing with different paints. Nulin oil gloss in the cracks and Bloodletter on the armor gives a pretty good contrast in finishes. I've been trying for an almost organic look to the armour, as if the blessings that keep the armour running have fused it to his body by this point.














That's all I've got for now. cc always welcome, thanks for looking!


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I love the Dornian Heresy models! That Dante is making me want to paint my SG silver...


I'm looking forward to seeing your Gurdians blade



Brother Lemartes: Thanks, I'm glad you like them! I've got a picture of the chaplain with guardian's blade. I got a bit ahead of myself painting. Still needs his pistol, which will be on the left forearm. Not 100% sure where the crozious will go yet.



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Thanks, Xenith! I've been working on my dreadnoughts the last few days. Finally figured out what can be swapped around and I ended up with a BaC contemptor converted into a libby, a frag furioso, and a chaplain that could either be a furioso or a DC. Also found a missing metal missile launcher for my scouts, which completes a 5man sniper/ml squad.

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Argh, sorry for the delay but here are the dread pictures that I took the other day. The libby has come along a little bit more. I think I need to make the chappy's 'crozious' a four-headed piece with another heavy thunder hammer head and I'll probably shorten it a little and/or dress it up some more.






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Thanks again! I haven't quite figured out the blade yet as far as colouring. In the meantime I've got some progress done on one of my las/plas razorbacks. This one is attempt two at a centered lascannon with plas on each side for the turret. Not the greatest picture in that regard, but the turret has it's normal range of motion and I didn't fabricate anything new for it. The white of a vehicle is new for me, but it'll get there. Mostly been trying to figure out the red parts to make it fit with everything else. I've also got 3x5man dc squads assembled, but I really haven't been that keen on painting so much black right now. I've also been fiddling with a chopped down deathwatch boltgun that would be paired with a stormshield to count as shotgun/shield for part of a "red and white" BA themed allied killteam that will also include cataphractii tda for fun.



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You are too kind, Brother Lamartes. Thank you! It still has some pretty glaring streaks here and there because I was having consistency problems with my white, but I think they will even out. I've got the rest of the turret weapon casing and the lascannon muzzle red now and I feel like it's coming together but I think it still needs more red to mesh with the infantry. Maybe the top hatch/turret mount and the side doors.

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