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x2 3k Night Lords [CC&Sevatar List]


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Right, so with a great deal of support from the tactica thread I've just finished putting together my 3k VIII lists; one with a custom character and the other with Sevatar. It's frustrating, as I'm torn between continuing my Sons of Horus or starting Emperor's Children/Night Lords now. :s 


As far as two lists goes, one's for my our local store (no-named characters in under 5k lists. Yes, I know. It's a bit daft.) and the other is just a general list. I'm not sold on the structure of Sevatar's list though; I feel like he could benefit from a Command Squad and a Rhino for the additional mobility.





- Irkhan Cziraky, 'the Torturer' (Legion Praetor) - 195pts - Master of the Legion: Terror Assault, Artificer Armour, Jump Pack, Iron Halo, Trophies of Judgement, Digital Lasers, Melta Bombs, Paragon Blade


- Legion Centurion - 150pts - Consul: Primus Medicae, Artificer Armour, Jump Pack, Refractor Field, Trophies of Judgement, Melta Bombs, Nostraman Chainglaive




- Apothecarian Detachment - 180pts - x3 Legion Apothecary (Artificer Armour, Augury Scanner)




- Terror Squad Andras - 283pts - Headsman (/w Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive & Melta Bombs), x8 Executioners (x4 Boltguns, x4 Volkite Chargers, x1 Flamer), Dedicated Transport: Legion Drop Pod


- Terror Squad Tamas - 283pts - Headsman (/w Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive & Melta Bombs), x8 Executioners (x4 Boltguns, x4 Volkite Chargers, x1 Flamer), Dedicated Transport: Legion Drop Pod


- Terror Squad Tepes - 283pts - Headsman (/w Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive & Melta Bombs), x8 Executioners (x4 Boltguns, x4 Volkite Chargers, x1 Flamer), Dedicated Transport: Legion Drop Pod


Fast Attack


- Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron - 315pts - Sky Hunter Sergeant (/w Nostraman Chainglaive), x6 Space Marine Sky Hunters (x2 Multi-Melta, Melta Bombs)


- Legion Storm Eagle Assault Gunship - 250pts - Two Twin-linked Lascannons


- Raptor Squad Akhad (Night Raptor Squad) - 375pts - Huntmaster (/w Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive, Melta Bombs), x9 Night Raptors (/w Flamer and x9 Nostraman Chainglaives)


Heavy Support


- Ancient Berzenyi (Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought) - 255pts - Aiolos Missile Launcher, Single twin-linked Hellfire Plasma Cannonade


Lord of War


- War Machine Detachment - Legion Typhon Heavy Siege Tank - 390pts - Lascannons


Total Points; 2959pts



This does leave me with just under 200pts to spend elsewhere. I was thinking about a five-man Legion Tactical Support Squad running Volkite Chargers, however the most I'd be able to squeeze out of the squad is five marines. :/ Anyhow, Sevatar list now.





- Sevatar - 175pts - Master of the Legion: Terror Assault




- Apothecarian Detachment - 180pts - x3 Legion Apothecary (Artificer Armour, Augury Scanner)




- Terror Squad Andras - 283pts - Headsman (/w Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive & Melta Bombs), x8 Executioners (x4 Boltguns, x4 Volkite Chargers, x1 Flamer), Dedicated Transport: Legion Drop Pod


- Terror Squad Tamas - 283pts - Headsman (/w Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive & Melta Bombs), x8 Executioners (x4 Boltguns, x4 Volkite Chargers, x1 Flamer), Dedicated Transport: Legion Drop Pod


- Terror Squad Tepes - 283pts - Headsman (/w Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive & Melta Bombs), x8 Executioners (x4 Boltguns, x4 Volkite Chargers, x1 Flamer), Dedicated Transport: Legion Drop Pod


Fast Attack


- Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron - 315pts - Sky Hunter Sergeant (/w Nostraman Chainglaive), x6 Space Marine Sky Hunters (x2 Multi-Melta, Melta Bombs)


- Legion Storm Eagle Assault Gunship - 250pts - Two Twin-linked Lascannons


- Raptor Squad Akhad (Night Raptor Squad) - 375pts - Huntmaster (/w Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive, Melta Bombs), x9 Night Raptors (/w Flamer and x9 Nostraman Chainglaives)


Heavy Support


- Ancient Berzenyi (Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought) - 255pts - Aiolos Missile Launcher, Single twin-linked Hellfire Plasma Cannonade


Lord of War


- War Machine Detachment - Legion Typhon Heavy Siege Tank - 390pts - Lascannons


Total Points; 2789pts


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As Slips said, I reckon you should take a Void Shield Harness. Perfect for the Night Raptors and you have 40 points available!


With your Terror Squads, try to focus your shooty weapons, ie. all bolters or all volkite chargers. The augury scanners grant you 18" Interceptor with Rapid Fire and Heavy weapons only, so they do less of a job when only 4 bolter-armed models can Intercept. And if you shoot with bolters, you cannot then Assault. 9 volkite chargers and a flamer is good for a shoot-then-assault unit. Though, if you can find a way to afford it, I'd take volkite chargers over bolters and use the augury scanners for Infiltration blocking only.

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If I take the VSH on the Primus Medicae then I won't have enough points to arm the Terror Squads with full Volkites/Boltguns. I've updated the list and dropped the Melta Bombs from the Jetbikes and the Primus Medicae, and boosted the Terror Squads to having complete Volkite coverage. The list comes out as a perfect 3k now. tongue.png


- Irkhan Cziraky, 'the Torturer' (Legion Praetor) - 195pts - Master of the Legion: Terror Assault, Artificer Armour, Jump Pack, Iron Halo, Trophies of Judgement, Digital Lasers, Melta Bombs, Paragon Blade

- Legion Centurion - 185pts - Consul: Primus Medicae, Artificer Armour, Jump Pack, Refractor Field, Trophies of Judgement, Void Shield Harness, Nostraman Chainglaive


- Apothecarian Detachment - 180pts - x3 Legion Apothecary (Artificer Armour, Augury Scanner)


- Terror Squad Andras - 295pts - Headsman (/w Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive & Melta Bombs), x8 Executioners (x8 Volkite Chargers, x1 Flamer), Dedicated Transport: Legion Drop Pod

- Terror Squad Tamas - 295pts - Headsman (/w Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive & Melta Bombs), x8 Executioners (x8 Volkite Chargers, x1 Flamer), Dedicated Transport: Legion Drop Pod

- Terror Squad Tepes - 295pts - Headsman (/w Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive & Melta Bombs), x8 Executioners (x8 Volkite Chargers, x1 Flamer), Dedicated Transport: Legion Drop Pod

Fast Attack

- Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron - 285pts - Sky Hunter Sergeant (/w Nostraman Chainglaive), x6 Space Marine Sky Hunters (x2 Multi-Melta)

- Legion Storm Eagle Assault Gunship - 250pts - Two Twin-linked Lascannons

- Raptor Squad Akhad (Night Raptor Squad) - 375pts - Huntmaster (/w Artificer Armour, Nostraman Chainglaive, Melta Bombs), x9 Night Raptors (/w Flamer and x9 Nostraman Chainglaives)

Heavy Support

- Ancient Berzenyi (Deredeo Pattern Dreadnought) - 255pts - Aiolos Missile Launcher, Single twin-linked Hellfire Plasma Cannonade

Lord of War

- War Machine Detachment - Legion Typhon Heavy Siege Tank - 390pts - Lascannons

Total Points; 3000pts

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