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Ravenwing HQ


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I feel like the bike should grant the ravenwing rule just as the terminator armour grants the vengeful strike rule. Though I'm perfectly fine with them not getting the rule and just being accepted for the HQ slots (the ravenwing rule is a lot better than twin linked for one turn after all)

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becausegames workshop did a lot of copy pasta with the marine codex into our codex and thats one of those situations where they did that without looking at it. if you go to tournaments like LVO or adepticon, or or or most of these places have it in their errata that chaplains/interrogators also count for this formation as having the ravenwing rule when on a bike

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  On 8/30/2015 at 4:35 PM, mcpolle said:

Hi guys,


How come, the Ravenwing formation has 3 choices of HQ, but there is only one, in the form of Azrael??



Do you want an honest answer? Because GW's Codex writers are either 5 years old, dont proof read, or possess the IQ of 50. 

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