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What's a good airbrush for a total beginner? Paasche, Iwata?

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Looking into it Paasche VLS and Iwata Revolution CR both seen highly recommended. I just don't know anything about them.


My friend got a Revell Starter kit which seemed to come with some kind of electric pump. The Paasche VLS and Iwata Revolution CR don't seem to have that in the pictures I've seen on Amazon. All of them are between £80-100, so I don't really want to make a bad choice, but I really don't know the difference between any of them.


Can anyone shed some light on what's a good choice? Thanks!

Basically, you need two component parts - a compressor, which is the bit that blows air, and an Airbrush which is the bit that combines paint with air and allows you to control it.


You can find some reasonable kits on eBay - the Foxhunter AS-186 compressor is on eBay with a cheap Airbrush for around £65. That'll get you up and running quickly.


In terms of a solid choice of Airbrush for a beginner, i've been really very happy with the Iwata CN - it's about £47.


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