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SW1's Tale of 18, =][= and allies. ;)


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Hmmm ... Then there's also the option of sternguard as deathwatch with the pedro as the watch captain?


Can't see this working as I'd need to use a strike force and I don't want to use tac or dev squads in the deathwatch force. To have pedro work he has to have a valid detachment. I did think of possibly using red hunters and they would have tac squads but they have their own combat doctrines. But seriously don't like GWS's move to force you to have 3 tac, 1 dev and another squad as a minimum force before doing anything else. Is there any way round this?

Had a really long think about what I want from this army. I'm very unlikely to use this army in any form of competitive situation so worrying about rules is a mute point. So what I really need to do is make sure the army is one I'll be proud to stick in my display cabinet. Infact this will be the first decent sized army I'll be sticking in there. So rule of cool all the way from now on.


I have several boxes worth of kits on my desk in work so I hope it's a quiet one today. :tu:

Only just found this thread you've got here, excellent work!


On the subject of detachments and army selection, remember its perfectly valid to use an unbound force. So you can just use whatever models you like, as long as it's a valid unit entry. So if you want sternguards have them, detachments be damned!

So you've been hiding out here, SW? Hmm, some nifty stuff, my friend!

I showed my wife the picture of your Crusader and the shield. We both agree that the shield is a must have. Well, I said it and she agreed with me laugh.png!

Keep up the great work thumbsup.gif!

Only just found this thread you've got here, excellent work!

On the subject of detachments and army selection, remember its perfectly valid to use an unbound force. So you can just use whatever models you like, as long as it's a valid unit entry. So if you want sternguards have them, detachments be damned!

Welcome aboard my little challenge blog. The tea and biscuits are over in the officers mess, just watch out for the commissars. They seem to scoff the biscuits rather fast. ;)

I've still to work out the move over to unbound in my head. Not yet played this edition and only got a couple of games in the last edition.

So you've been hiding out here, SW? Hmm, some nifty stuff, my friend!

I showed my wife the picture of your Crusader and the shield. We both agree that the shield is a must have. Well, I said it and she agreed with me laugh.png!

Keep up the great work thumbsup.gif!

The converting is a lot of fun and I'm enjoying the writing a lot as well. It's challenging me in a way I've not really explored before.


Right ... I want to pledge lots of stuff but without the parts in my hands I'm not risking it. So I'll start off small and blitz that then if I have the parts I'll add to it later in the month. So my October pledge is as follows ...



So I pledge Illa Felix ... Inquisitor mastery level 1 with Power Armour, Thunder Hammer, liber heresius ... 98 points




As a bit of an update on other models I've got a few units awaiting me sourcing bits for the Xenos and Hereticus side of things which include:


- spyrers waiting for me to decide if they will be fully fledged inquisitors or humble member of a death cult.


- A big bunch of deathwatch needing the right guns and some gs =][=/chapter badges.


- Crusaders waiting for legs and arms


- Flagelants which will be converted into some henchmen of some form


- Dwarfs waiting to be converted into squats to replace the monkey henchmen option.


- Loads of random space marines waiting for me to sculpt a master red hunters shoulder pad to cast up.


Then there's loads of Malleus and Grey Knights bits. But these will wait for the Xenos and Hereticus to have a bit of the lime light.


So partly waiting for Lady Luck aka ebay to supply some bits and the rest is me getting some free time to get more gs fun on the go. ;)

Going to try and get some painting done today if I can. I'm thinking maybe a rich dark red or purple with some bright gold trim for Illa. I'm leaning towards Illa being straight up Ordo Hereticus rather than Ordo Xenos as this matches her weapon load out. Inquisitors can move between the different Ordo so there's no problem with her mentor being in a different Ordo.


I've got hold of some scion legs to see how they look with the crusader conversion. I'd prefer the Catachan legs but we'll see what happens on that front. There's also some bolters needed for the deathwatch inbound. Just need to dig up the chapter pads I gs'd a few years ago for the DW project I started years ago and then failed to complete.


So things seem to be dropping into place finally. :D

Paints were got out but didn't manage to get to a brush. An ill child scuppered plans but he was bouncing around this morning so all is well.


It's a day off work today so the wife decided it's going to be one of those mornings getting dragged around shopping. Hopefully she'll be doing the school run later and I'll have an hour or so to do some painting. Lol ... Well one can hope anyway.


I've tried the scion legs out on the crusaders and they don't work IMO so it's back to sourcing the Catachan legs. If I can't source soon I'm going to have to chop up some plastics I've stripped for repainting.


Infact they're the butt ugly troops kit with the out of proportion arms so chopping them up isn't a bad idea. In the long run I plan on filling any gaps in the guard with models made with the command box which has better arms in.


Lol ... Amazing how solutions come to you as you write a problem down. Just need to sort the arms out now. ;)

Got some painting done which can be found here ... http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/gallery/image/167646-image/


(Not on a PC/laptop so can't get the pic links to work, stupid phone)


The body position from some angles really works and others looks a little unusual. She's throwing herself off balance to get as much momentum into her swing as possible. It's one of those swings that if it connects the enemy is never going to get up from. However if It misses the swing is taking the floor out and neither are getting out of this in one piece. :D

At work today I've been cleaning up a mk3 backpack for Illa and the shoulder pads. Messing about with the bits I decided to try slapping the backpacks onto the backs of the Necromunda Spyre models and found the look quite interesting. It works for the bulky twin fisted models, but doesn't really work for the ones which look a bit like an alien with twin power claws.


This has made the decision on where to go with the models a bit easier. The chunky twin fists are going to be Inquisitors and the other two will be death cult assassins. :)


I think I need to get hold of more of these mk3 backpacks ASAP. ;)


After the next two inquisitors I'll be doing some deathwatch. :D


Edit: I'll get pics sorted later. ;)

I'm off work tomorrow so the plan is get the school run out of the way and then while the wife's at work in the morning crack on with some painting. :D


So I'll need to get the fluff written up for Illa. Got a few ideas knocking around in my head for her. ;)


Then I can crack on with the twins, Alphredo and Omar. Not sure where the names just came from but I blame some XXth legion infiltrators whispering in my ear. I have a feeling the current ideas for them will be scrapped for something less daft but they hold valid =][= credentials. It's just every time someone goes off to double check where they came from an accident happens. :lol:


The more daft an idea the more I want to write about it. ;)

Hmmm ... Someone had a nap while the baby had a nap. So no painting got done on Tuesday. :(


Been a bit pressed for time to do much this week. So I have been jotting down ideas as they come to me. I expect when I finally get some time there will be lots of random hobbying done. ;)

For some reason the box of empire flagellents that has been sat in the pile of possible conversion bits has surfaced. Think it's thanks to seeing a converted priest with that kit on one of the blogs on here recently. Just trying to locate enough chainswords to get them converted. It's a pretty easy conversion. Just snip of the flail's chain and bashy bits. Then replace with a marine's chainsword. The flail has a long enough handle combined with a space marine chainsword to be a nice sized Evisorator.


A unit of 10 would look very cool but would never really be playable. Grrr ... Rule of cool or tone it down?


Lol ... Think rule of cool may hold sway on this one.

Sorted out all the bodies heads and arms. Just need to get the chainswords affixed in the correct orientation depending on the direction of the model.


A pic of the 10 reverends can be found here:



They have mugged some marines and are now all proud owners of an Evisorator. Was a pain to drill the handles and chainswords to pin them but in the long run not really worth risking them breaking. ;)


Pics will be uploaded in the next few mins and available on the same album as the pic in the above post. Will post the pics on this thread once I get access to a laptop.


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