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++Daemon Forge VIII: Tzeentch theme++

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Welcome to - Daemon Forge -

- Daemon Forge - is aimed as a hobby challenge. Each month will see a set theme for Chaos. This will range from a set unit type, single models, object marker & set themes. The aim is pretty simple. It's all about seeing cool models for Chaos.
For the fourth - Daemon Forge - hobby challenge topic, this month challenge will be - Tzeentch -, with it being the 9th month in the year.

For this, all you need to do is enter a model theme on Tzeentch. From single model, unit, tanks.

To take part it's simple.
- For people who've been meaning to add models like that unit of Chaos Possessed or maybe just a one off model/unit that you want to try converting or painting skills on. Now a great time to build those Chaos Space Marine models & have the model all finish with in the month.

Or already got a model built & painted in your collection
- If you already have a model who follow the Chaos God of change (Tzeentch) in your warband or collection. Feel free to post photos of the model.
But most of all make sure the models are painted by the deadline biggrin.png

The one main thing is - Make sure the models are fully painted by the end of the month.

Start date: 1st Septemeber
Finish date: 31th September

For members who take part. We have these honour banners that you can add to your signature within the forum guidelines or on your "about me" page.

Banner for your "about me" part for your profile. Please do not use this on your signature unless it will be the only image (including one row of numbered squares).

Sig banner

- Daemon Forge - theme. Tzeentch

++Image coming soon++

Should look like this

A marker memeber can use for - Daemon Forge - that they may have miss out on



Also if you have any idea or theme you'd like to see in future Daemon Forge topic, please feel free to let me know.

Insane Psychopath

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Oooh, Tzeentch! I don't have any Tzeentchians to paint currently, but I'd still like to put forward my Sorcerer of Tzeentch, Iszhkar the Iron Grimace, Chief Diviner of the Stonebreakers warband. Still my favourite Chaos Sorcerer model and a lot better designed than the one GW started selling with the current codex. I hope you guys like him :)


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All looking really cool.  I'm hoping to get my T-Son Sorcerer built soon, just need to try get disk part from the Daemon flamer of tzeentch model & a Grey Knight Ward Stave.  But if I can't get the disk, still go forward & get a cool base made for him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yay, finally got my Horrors and Herald painted!

37 Horrors and 1 Herald. Took quite a few evenings to get them done, but patience makes... perhaps not perfect, but results at least. :)



More pics on post #666 of my log. :D

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I love the old horrors... It's a shame I only have the new monkey-parrot-blob hybrids.


When I heard of the plastic Horrors being on their way I was like "Cool!"


And then when I saw them as was like "I don't even..." going from what we had to what we have, I can't understand what the designers at GW were thinking.


I was close to buying a box of the current plastic Horrors, but I had a long stare at them in the store, and after a while figured I would rather spend the extra cash on ebay for the metal ones. The difference in coolness factor was just too much for me.

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I should hopeful have the Sorcerer converted up later today, thanks to parts arrive just a few moment ago.  Thanks to Kol Saresk for info on Ahriman novels.  He will be part of the Order of Ruin to help tie in the theme/background why he join my IW's Grand Company/warband.

Also mean he will be ready to go for Call of Chaos :D

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Ah if only they made a chosen box set, even if they charged a silly amount for them (who am I kidding, of course they will) I would never by another kit for my CSM armys. I love looking at converted chosen, thats how all chaos marines should look. 

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I finally get to enter a model!


Behold, one of the accursed Wolf Brothers, now enthralled to Ahr-abeth, gate walker, Sorcerer Lord of Tzeentch





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What do you do when you have a bunch of items laying around from a Burning Chariot and Dark Vengeance? Make a custom Tzeentch biker lord, that's what. This guy has been my project piece for a while now, so I'm glad to see him done.






And, while I'm at it, here's some Horrors and  Herald I also finished up for my Call.


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Here my Thousand Son Sorcerer.  I might go back in the future add some stuff to the robes, unsure right now.  But he complete for Call of Chaos & Daemon Forge.




Also the next Daemon Forge theme will be chaos renegades - Pretty much Cultist, Codex Guard (Count as), the Tyrant list from Badab Wars (?) & units from Armour 13 Lost & the Damned for October.  This might be posted later on in the day (1st October) due to been very busy right now up until end of next week.

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It's been a few years since I've painted or played 40k. Upon starting again, I decided it was time for change - new models and a new army. After giving it a lot of thought, I realized that deep down I've always been fascinated with the Thousand Sons ever since my first exposure to them in 3rd edition. I've always loved the models and their fluff. So when I was browsing bolter and chainsword again looking for some inspiration for starting a new army and saw this Tzeentch painting challenge, I saw it as a sign from the dark gods to take the plunge and start a Thousand Sons army.


So here is my first squad. Unfortunately I literally paint like a snail so it took me all month just to finish these 9 marines. Part of the problem is that I've been having to reinvent the wheel as I had forgotten a lot of the steps, paints, and materials that I used to use for modeling miniatures. I had been hoping to finish the squad's Rhino too in time for the end of the 9th month of the year, but it's not gonna happen now that the workweek is back in swing, but at least I finished the 9 marines.


I apologize for the bad lighting and focus on the pictures - I will maybe take some better ones once I have more time to set up something decent for lighting.





I'm very glad that I've started this army, and hopefully I can make them work somewhat decently on the tabletop once I'm done. I actually have 3 Forge World TS dreadnoughts which I am looking forward to modeling and painting as well.

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