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Assault Squad SGT loadout


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So to finish my BA 2nd company im about to build my 2 x 10 man assault squads. Both will have a flamer as the special weapon but i cant decide what the best load out for the SGT's will be. They will have magnetised back packs so i can use them in a drop pod / landraider or with JP from a stormraven.

Ideally i want them to be CC troops rather than shooty AS, as i have sternguard for that.


What have people found to be the best way of using them?



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Probably has been said before but my assault squad underperform a lot and rarely actually makes it into combat. Usually they are gunned down but for the thread i usually run mine with a flamer and melta. Sgt is upgraded to a vet with a power sword and melta bomb. Usually run a squad of about 8
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Im mainly going to use them to harrass and maybe tie something up for a turn or 2 while i get my good stuff into position to either cause damage or steal objectives

Spend proportionately for what you want them to do. If they are the linchpin of your forces pad up on everything (and then re-evaluate your plan). But if they are skirmishers or harassers don't go crazy.

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Another option is power weapon melta bomb and nothing else melta bomb is poor mans power fist and power sword lets him kill MEQ easily while still keeping points down I tend to keep my assault units cheap if I'm using them as tarpits or harassment units... I'll invest points for melta pods or drop plasma but those are specific tactics where I'm planning to get my payoff in the first turn on table.
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Grav pistol I like, giving that chance concussions on MC or other Killy things that would normal wreck the sgt, than PW to taste. Power fist are best hidden there to many things that will own the sgt in CC. Mauls are great against xeno. Swords are fine against the rest, axes are nice but striking last hurts.
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Another option is power weapon melta bomb and nothing else melta bomb is poor mans power fist and power sword lets him kill MEQ easily while still keeping points down I tend to keep my assault units cheap if I'm using them as tarpits or harassment units... I'll invest points for melta pods or drop plasma but those are specific tactics where I'm planning to get my payoff in the first turn on table.


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I typically play against a guy who wrote a homebrew Chaos Space Marines codex and another player who frequents Necrons. In this kind of environment, I put a lot of value on being able to bring weapons that will cause Instant Death to toughness 4 models so I typically go whole hog and equip my jump pack assault marine sergeants with a power fist. In addition, a combat squad with a power fist makes for a really good distraction unit because of how many types of units it can effectively threaten, so it might give your more valuable units a break for a turn.


edit: equip my sergeants with a power fist and the Veteran Sergeant upgrade.

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