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Land Raiders...are they worth it?


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Yea so this is a subjective question.


Long story short I may be able to get a deal one (looks like it could be any of the 3x Codex variants: Classic/Godhammer, Crusader, or Redeemer).


To my mind they seem like something you need to build around. You can't just "add one in" since it is so many pts. Beyond that, they're sort of weird hybrids that are ok at killing things and good at transporting but not really dominant in either. aure they can transport Terminators and lots of them, but if you weren't bringing them to begin with...you've just created a justification rather than filling a true need.


Only way of really using one (for how I play) would be Mephiston, Corbulo (or Sang Priest depending on pts) and 5-7 Assault Termies with a mix of TH/SS and LC. But now we're looking at a massive points cost for a single unit. And a Vindicator or two, Predator, and some Razorbacks to spread out enemy fire.


...and other than starting on the board, what can it do that a Stormraven can't (besides AV14 and holding obj)?

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It can run in a formation with 2 others, and ignore all results (shaken, stunned, weapon destroyed). It just depends on what you build your army around.


I play Black Templars. We created the Crusader patter LR. I own 4 now, and covering 2 god hammer patterns to have 6 LRCs. But... I can fit 10 PA marines, and 6 scouts in one for my crusaders squads. :)

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It can run in a formation with 2 others, and ignore all results (shaken, stunned, weapon destroyed). It just depends on what you build your army around.


I play Black Templars. We created the Crusader patter LR. I own 4 now, and covering 2 god hammer patterns to have 6 LRCs. But... I can fit 10 PA marines, and 6 scouts in one for my crusaders squads. :)

I would be using it strictly in a BA: Codex way, so I wouldn't get that formation.


My concern is that it is pricey (in all ways) even more so when packing a 500pt super unit.

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Land raiders, in terms of thier rules, are severely outdated. Much in the way of the basic space marine statline - too many book depend on the AV14 all around with 3Hp.


They are expensive and while they can bring a lot of dakka (Crusader being somewhat the best with Hurricanes, Melta and assault cannons) and power of the machine spirit AND can transport a hefty 10-16 bodies (or half of that in bulky) , we seldom have use for that beyond an overly equipped Death Company, which would result in a hell of a number of eggs/ points in one basket.


They are overcosted in a game that can see them glanced/ haywired/ meltad to death in a single turn and are a big old fire magnet. Of course, in an armoured list this can be used to your advantage - but like you say a LR is something you build a lost around, not tack on.


They are also comparatively slow, not getting the fast status of our other vehicles (unless you are in a special Apocalypse formation, but that comes as a hit to survivability and is rare) so you sacrifice the guns you are paying the points for to get your dudes in combat.


Personally, of all of the Land Raiders, I like the Proteus. While it is not an assault vehicle, it can transport a less points intensive shooting unit and also provide a meta advantage by disrupting your opponents reserves. Only problem is that it's forge world, so you either convert or pay for resin.

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With enemys like Eldar, Dark Eldar and their ability to spam lance weapons or a 5 man squad Skitarii with 5 shots haywire deepstriking in an allied drop pod at BS 5 to 7, it's really hard for a Land Raider to be useful and even harder the earn its points back. The last time I fielded one (3 weeks ago) it got destroyed turn one. (playing against DE with Eldar allies)


In 5th Edition and even in 6th I allways fielded one Land Raider Crusader to get my 15 DC Marines and attached Reclusiarch to the frontlines. Now in 7th I allways choose to deepstrike my squads. We got much cheaper jump packs, resulting in only paying 45 points for a full DC Squad or 30 points for a full Vanguard Squad supportet by "the Angel's Wing" or "Descent of Angels" we can mitigate the chance to mishap or negating it at all with an Locatar Beacon equiepped Drop Pod.

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I've had my LRC kicking around for a while. It's been awhile since it's seen a game but I always really like it. I may be wrong on this but passengers that disembark from an assault vehicle can shoot and also then assault, right? I seem to remember not being able to shoot in past editions but the rule doesn't say you are unable to as far as I can see. If that's true how about a less expensive and hopefully less threatening unit like a template heavy tactical squad? Meph and a priest/Corbs could really make that a scary unit with plenty of room (hopefully) to put other high threat targets your opponent's face.

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I've had my LRC kicking around for a while. It's been awhile since it's seen a game but I always really like it. I may be wrong on this but passengers that disembark from an assault vehicle can shoot and also then assault, right? I seem to remember not being able to shoot in past editions but the rule doesn't say you are unable to as far as I can see. If that's true how about a less expensive and hopefully less threatening unit like a template heavy tactical squad? Meph and a priest/Corbs could really make that a scary unit with plenty of room (hopefully) to put other high threat targets your opponent's face.


Yep, can shoot just fine - but count at moving! So no rapid fire bolters :) I'm a big fan of a hitty character in a tactical squad. Sergeant to eat nasty challenges etc - works out!

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I've had my LRC kicking around for a while. It's been awhile since it's seen a game but I always really like it. I may be wrong on this but passengers that disembark from an assault vehicle can shoot and also then assault, right? I seem to remember not being able to shoot in past editions but the rule doesn't say you are unable to as far as I can see. If that's true how about a less expensive and hopefully less threatening unit like a template heavy tactical squad? Meph and a priest/Corbs could really make that a scary unit with plenty of room (hopefully) to put other high threat targets your opponent's face.

I started with 5th Edition and even than you could disembark from an assault vehicle, shoot and assault. The problem in the combination you suggest is that you can't shoot rapid fire weapons and then assault. If you want to get Meph a Priest/Corb and a Tac Squad to the enemy, a Drop Pod is a much less expensive and much faster option. You only lose one Flamer, because you're not able to get a Tac Squad of 10 plus Meph and Corb on top of them in a Drop Pod.

Yep, can shoot just fine - but count at moving! So no rapid fire bolters smile.png I'm a big fan of a hitty character in a tactical squad. Sergeant to eat nasty challenges etc - works out!

You can move an shoot rapid fire.

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Ah, I see. Thanks for clearing that up for me! You could shoot bolt pistols instead of boltguns and then charge though. Maybe take a meltagun for the special weapon. You wouldn't want to just throw it at anything, but the idea was more to find a way to lower the cost and still keep it effective, but then that kind of falls into the whole "justification vs need" thing.

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I'm running a standard land raider with a whole heap of other threats, sternguard, vindie and JP death company, mine has a squad of plain CC death company inside so I just try to present so many threats that my opponent can't direct everything against a single target.


Does anyone have experience of running bolter death company in a land raider? Would be something I would like to try out being relentless

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IA 2 updated has access to better types of LR, and let said above any Type needs to be well thought out. Sadly because the such a ionic unit and stuffers from being outdated and forgotten by GW. Back when you could DS them and get 35pt discount they were in there prime, now they sit and collect dust or end up eBay.


1 is none and 2 is 1 when it comes to them. There still fun to take, competition wise not so much. Pair them up and take some thing else as threat and go full mech and screen them. Rhinos and attack bikes to speed out knock threat out. Can be helpful.


If you looking at field big tanks and something that still threat in 40k look to spartan it's everything 40k land raider should be.


Bolter DC in transportation isn't bad, toss in hidden PW/PF, relentless plus all there CC Benfits makes for nasty surprise. Also drop podding them in with other DP threats is usefull while not the CC monster they can be no ones wants deal with firepower and charging afterwards. The humble bolter is still threat to xeno and weight of fire and can force saves on smaller elite units.

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Try to put CC scouts with sanguinary priest inside LR. Bet your opponent will not be impressed until scouts charge :-) There is possibility he will ignore scouts altoghether with LR. And probably that is chippest thing you can put inside.


Then there will be 4A I6 S5 AP3 (or even AP2) from priest followed by 24A I5 S5 WS4 from scouts and 4A I5 S5 WS5 AP3 from sarge. And then scouts even with 4+ save and 5+FNP are as durable as 3+save (init assumed you use Baal Strike Force).

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I really want to use a Land Raider. They are so danged cool. If I had my way, I'd have an army full of heavy bolters and Land Raiders and Assault Squads with chainswords and Terminators and Baal Predators and it would be amazing. Sadly, I'm not convinced they'd hugely make for the most competitive of games.


Which said, actually, they'd maybe be not all that bad. I'll have to go have a think about this.



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Lots of heavy bolters = lots of dice and ultimate rule of cool.

Could work...

Rule of cool is the major thing for me here. Heavy bolters are - in my opinion - the coolest weapon in the game.


It's a belt fed, multiple micro-warhead launcher where the warheads are the size of a gallon jug of milk. What's not to love!

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Although they're arguable in terms of use, a Land Raider Prometheus can spit out some horrendous close firepower - a pair of quad-linked heavy bolters is nothing to take lightly if you happen to be on the recieving end....


 And it can still transport a modest squad for cleaning up afterwards. I've put either DC or non-pack Vanguard in one and it's worked well.

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Although they're arguable in terms of use, a Land Raider Prometheus can spit out some horrendous close firepower - a pair of quad-linked heavy bolters is nothing to take lightly if you happen to be on the recieving end....


 And it can still transport a modest squad for cleaning up afterwards. I've put either DC or non-pack Vanguard in one and it's worked well.

I agree. Also Prometheus gives you +1 to reserve roll which can be very useful for BA, it still has an ok transport capacity and is an assault vehicle unlike some other FW land raiders. And heavy bolters with auspex - versatile enough. Could damage many things and force enough armor saves.

You can use Prometheus in reserves-heavy list. Put a squad of CCW scouts inside and call it a day.

I think it could work well with Sanguine wing formation that relies heavily on a single reserve roll and you get 2+ re-rollable this way. Sadly it's too expensive to use with Angel's fury spearhead. Also using Dante as your warlord and deep striking lots of JP units doesn't seem a bad idea.

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