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Best BA shooting unit


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It's really hard to answer since we do not have a clear winner in the shooting department. Meta right now is str6 dakka spam either from Eldar bikes or Flyrants + the random DE lists. Against the new DA all shooting without ignore cover only serve one purpose, to force jinks. Assault themed armies can usually go lighter on the dakka since assault somewhat fills this role. In terms of raw damage per point it's very close devs have the slight edge her, but they have the worst surviabilty (and they get slaughered by dakka) and no mobility.


I made a spreadsheet awhile back rating our shooting units vs armor, didt get around to the infantry one.



So if we look vs AV13-11 it's somewhat close, close enough to look at other factors, like durability and mobility. The stormraven does quite well, but will be off the board a turn or two and is reliant on one shot ML's, it does give anti air which is nice. Overall i'd say the AC/LC Pred looks like an ok choice for long range support since they are immune to str 6 in the front arc. They are the most mobile as well. 


Since the spreadsheet is somewhat outdated now, it's safe to say that grav bikes are the clear winners vs anti infantry/ground-MC and the MM attack bike is still top tier in our book. Meltacide assault squads have proven to be less efficient then predictions, simply because many plan against drop pod lists (they are so popular now). They are still not bad, just less effective then anticipated. Assault squads in Rhinos are quite good, but it's more of a hybrid then shooting unit for lists that lack scoring or mobility. The las/plas razorback is quite nice, but the tactical troop tax is brutal, still possible to take them empty. The Rifleman dread is always undervalued due to ap4, but considering how often units are in cover the ap4 is often irelevant.  Twin-Linked, ability to tapit ground units is a big plus. The main downside is not forcing jink saves. 


For codex space marines it's easy; thunderfire cannons and grav cents and perhaps some troop bikers. The grav-amp really seperates them from bikers vs armor and they are actually quite good at taking out knights. It's the only really solid shooting unit vs wraithknights except for perhaps TH/SS terminators if they can get into combat. 


This is of course just my opinion, but for BA we really have to look at mobility and syngergi before deciding what shooting units to take. 

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For killing a wraithknight I've used a full squad of bikes with two meltas and a combi melta/ melta pistol on vet serg with thunder hammer and add a MM attack bike.

Good work, but I wouldn't bank on that working too often. Melta vs Wraithknights only wound on a 4+ and they have an invul, grav wound on a 3+ and has greater rate of fire and knocks it down to I1 in assault. I don't know how many wounds a WK has off the top of my head but I suspect melta bike squad would need multiple attempts to kill a WK.



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For killing a wraithknight I've used a full squad of bikes with two meltas and a combi melta/ melta pistol on vet serg with thunder hammer and add a MM attack bike.

Good work, but I wouldn't bank on that working too often. Melta vs Wraithknights only wound on a 4+ and they have an invul, grav wound on a 3+ and has greater rate of fire and knocks it down to I1 in assault. I don't know how many wounds a WK has off the top of my head but I suspect melta bike squad would need multiple attempts to kill a WK.




I don't quite remember either, but I believe it is somewhere around 6. That being said, I would much rather have grav on my bikes, grav-guns+relentless makes for a potent combination. And if you roll well enough, you could take that wraithknight out in one turn of shooting


An honorable mention would be sternguard with poison rounds. The wraithknight only has a +3 save. Make it take enough armor saves and you'll make it fall :D

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Wraithknight does not have invul, 3+ armor and 5+ fnp. Often has a cover save from having a small part of the base in a terrain piece. Poison does not wound on 2+ or 4+ vs gargantuan creatues, both wound on 6+. Fleshbane still wounds on a 2+ and force hits do d3 wounds. Basically BA do not really have a great way of killing them, except assault units.

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