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All Hail the Omnissiah!

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All Hail! Mechlord who is known as Tanis is here, hispanicus sub-sector, land of hot, pict-capt hardware fail, images of loyal forces will follow.... All Hail!

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I'm going to assume you know how to get to your signature page so I'll skip the steps that get you there. What you need to do is:

  • Go to your signature page.
  • Copy and paste this: img=http://image.
  • And this together: bolterandchainsword.com/uploads/gallery/album_10980/gallery_48988_10980_12646.png
  • Then add an open square bracket [
  • and a closed square bracket ]
  • to the beginning and end of what you've pasted.

Hopefully that should help. smile.png

Also - we'd be happy to see you over at the Club. biggrin.png

Edit - There, hopefully that's now correct. smile.png

Edit 2 - Good to see that you've got the image in your sig, but maybe those brackets aren't needed after all. :lol:

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