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A Completed Minotaurs First Company - 40 pictures.


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Hi all. I posted a thread over in the general Space Marine section about my thoughts and experiences of competing a full Space Marine Company. Those thoughts can be found here. Rather than clog that thread with these pictures I thought I'd put them here. If it's in the wrong section Mods please feel free to move it but otherwise take a look and I hope you enjoy. I've included a little note with each of the pictures with just some thoughts on each squad.



Proof of the madness. Don’t worry there are close ups to come.



This is what 100 veterans look like.



The SG and Command Squad



The VV and Head Hunters



The big man himself and the last mini I painted. Strangely upon finishing him there wasn’t much excitement. I probably should have painted him sooner. Sadly taking photo’s of his head is a bit tricky. Painting him was a lot of fun. Love his shield. Hate his cape!



The big mans posse, the plan was to cut their arms up and resculpt them. Yeah that didn’t happen, still I’m fairly happy with how they turned out.



The Terminator Officers together. My favourite of the three of them is the Libby, one of the best minis I think I’ve ever done both converting and painting. The Chaplin is something I’m proud of as well.



PA Officers. Head Libby of the Chapter, Captain of the 1st Company (counts as Pedro Cantor), Invanus Enkomi himself (note the conversion) and Techmarine.



The Headhunters: Enkomi’s bodyguard and killsquad. Very happy with how these turned out, the large amounts of black really set them out from the other VV units.



The Command Squad. One of the last squads to be completed I was so glad I managed to make that Standard Bearer work in the force. I must have painted that Squad Leader’s head about 3 times before I got it right. The Company Champion isn’t in this squad, he’s in the Head Hunters. The one with the massive chain glaive…



VV Squad 1. The first VV squad I did, not how the color is a bit different to others. An example of the method changing.



VV squad 2. This was when I was beginning to doubt the method. They turned out ok. I actually really like the guy on the far right (2nd fav rank and file mini in the force).



VV squad 3. Got my groove back for this squad. I really wanted to have one “assault” squad not running but standing still. Not quite sure how power fists and shields work but it looks interesting.



SG squad 1. The squad that started it all.

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SG squad 2. Another squad that I lost the mojo a bit. I’m glad I managed to make that HB work, you can’t see it but his legs were a nightmare to pose.



SG squad 3. My favourite rank and file mini in the force is in this squad, the one with the Mk4 helmet and the double plasma gun on the right of the Sergeant. I didn’t plan him that way but somehow everything about him just works for me, from his parts to his paint job. They all just really work. I do like the Sarg as well actually. I’m a sucker for Mk 3 helmets.



TDA Squad 1. The first shooting TDA Squad I painted although that’s actually a different HW op, it should be an Assault Cannon.



TDA Squad 2. The Chaplain’s bodyguard. Not the lack of Chapter Symbol on the shoulder pads. This was compromise to reduce the cost of buying more shoulder pads. I think it works fine. This squad was originally supposed to be in DIY Cataphractii armor to match with the Chaplain. I converted it, started painting it and it looked terrible so I had to start again. The body of the Sergeant is all that remains of that misstep.



TDA Squad 3. The Assault Cannon in this squad should be with Squad 1. A lot of this squad is made from DV DW terminators if you didn’t notice. Just goes to show what you can do with them.



TDA Squad 4. The last squad of normal TDA armor I painted, these were 1st company marines #’s 85-90. I was so happy to finish these, it really felt like I was making progress and the standard of them is solid.



Tartaros Squad 1. Both this and the other shooty Tartaros Squad I’m gutted about. I completed them around the halfway mark and the paint job doesn’t have the shine that the others do and I’m not sure where I went wrong. I did try sculpting tabards on these guys and it looked terrible so I ditched the idea. It was only at the very end that I came up with the idea of painting their groin plates so I went back and redid them.



Tartaros Squad 2. There was never any question about whether I was going to include some Tartaros minis in the army. I mean the Chapter Master is in Tartaros armor for goodness sake! The bases on these are supposed to be bare concrete, like the marines are fighting on a highway or something.



Assault Tartaros Squad. Thankfully these guys did turn out shiny. It was on this squad that I came up with idea of painting the groin plates. These were #’s 80-85.



Assault TDA Squad 1. Love the squad leader of this squad, not only has he Marnus Calgars legs but he also has a massive thunder hammer made from a Ork Knob chain axe. Another DV DW mini in there as well.



Assault TDA Squad 2. The 5 man lightening claw squad. I like to think these guys run around with the TDA Libby with his two force swords just slicing and dicing. They were the 2nd Assault TDA Squad I did.



Assault TDA Squad 3. This is the first Assault TDA Squad I did. The first time I had to make Storm Sheilds out of roofing nail caps. Seemed like a good idea at the time….


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Assault TDA Squad 4. I call this squad the “yellow” squad as they have the most yellow out of any unit in the force. I think this was the first squad I used etched brass on the shields. It was here that I realised how horrible it was to use. That stuff can be a real nightmare to use sometimes.



The Dreadnaughts. Again notice the color difference. Not something I am proud off. The one with the plasma gun actually took two attempts to paint. I should probably go back and strip the other one and repaint but that’s not going to happen!




Now we get to the Support Elements. Here is the Captain of the 5th Company




A full tactical squad with Multi-melta and melta gun. These are actually magnatised so that they can changed to bolters and it can form two combat squads if needed.




Combat Squad. A DIY combi melta there on the Squad Leader.




All 5th Company together




Scout Sniper Squad. I’m really happy with the Sergeant here with his teleport homer. The Scout on the left can swap that sniper rifle out for a rocket launcher if need be.




Scout Squad. Again I love the Squad Leader, his teleport homer is on his back. I also really like the sliding scout, legs courtesy of the Land Speeder storm kit.




Scout Bikers. There was originally going to be more. These guys are very dark, which I think works. They are the original metal Scout Bikers as well. I’ve always had a soft spot for them.




All the Scouts together




The single piece of air support. One of the first minis I painted actually. I have no idea how I got that awesome deep bronze. I couldn’t repeat than now. This was my first time using etched brass, because they were so big I thought using it was easy. I was soooo wrong.


So well done if you have stuck with me all the way to the end. Here is a final picture of my favourite mini by himself.




Hope you have enjoyed and be sure to read the post over in the general Astartes section.

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I think it`s overall nicely made though a bit too dark for my taste I guess.


I do like how you made the battered bronze shields, with the "spartan icon". Are they actually dented or does it just looks so, because of the paintjob?


-> They Guy on the first Vanguard Veteran squad, in the middle.

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