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Greetings denizens of the Grimdark Galaxy of the 41st Mil


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I am DarkSeren1ty

I'm currently a medical doctor serving my internship (formerly a neuro-ecologist) in South Africa.

I started playing 40k while living in Canada back in 2000 AD.

My first army were vanilla space marines in 3rd edition, which I subsequently repainted into Dark Angels. I then briefly dabbled with the Xenos known as the 'nids but only played a handful of games with them and did not expand my collection much.

Just prior to my departure of Canada, I started collecting Chaos (Daemons and Chaos Marines) due to my (and I'm sure every other Chaos players) deep infatuation with the 3.5 Chaos Codex, especially the sheer amount of customization possible.

After a decade long hiatus from wargaming, I have returned and have rapidly expanded my forces of Chaos despite their archaic and underpowered codex. While I would like an updated codex for my favorite faction, every victory I make against an Eldar Wraithhost formation or a Necron decurion or a Skyhammer attack force with my current army, gives me that much more satisfaction. I enjoy a challenge, win or lose.

I look forward to participating in the B & C community going forward. happy.png

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